Lawrence Tierney (Co-Chair)
Dee Davison (Co-Chair)
Morag Readman (Treasurer) / Lorraine McLuckie (Parent Member)
Wendy Smith (Parent Member)
Alistair Fell (Head Boy)
Donald Davidson (Parent Member)
Julia Dorin (Parent Member)
Angela McLeman (Parent Member) / Anique Burke (Depute Head Girl)
Norman Hampshire (Councillor)
Mr P Raffaelli (Head Teacher), Mrs J Miller (Clerk).

1.  Welcome and Apologies

Dee Davison welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies had been received from Nigel Bird, Joanne Bloomfield, Anne-Marie Gibson, Kay Henderson, Jane McIntyre, Helen Pickles, Verity Sinclair, Claire Slowther and Donna Tsang.

Dee Davison asked Councillor Hampshire to pass on best wishes to Councillor Innes.

2.  Additional Agenda Items

Scottish Government consultation on the new Education Bill (Letter from John Swinney MSP).

3.  Minutes of 23rd October 2017

There were two minor changes to Item 14 AOCB: -


·  Stenton DGS Parents will be holding a ‘Stars in their Eyes’ event on 25th November with all profits raised going to DGSA.

The minutes of the October meeting were agreed. They were proposed by Lorraine McLuckie and seconded by Donald Davidson.

4.  Student Council Report

Events – Alistair Fell confirmed that the organisation of the prom and rehearsals for the Christmas show were going well.

Mental Health Campaign – Anique Burke reported that anti-bullying assemblies had recently been held for all year groups. It had also been agreed to hold another mental health week early in 2018.

Social Space – Anique Burke noted that some students were unhappy with the use of the social space for studying because of the current building works. A meeting would be held with Mr Scott to resolve this issue.

Mock Trial Project – Anique Burke thanked the Group for funding the transport costs of the Mock Trial Project. Zosia Kuczok had provided a written report to the Group, which can be found in Appendix 1 of these minutes.

Dee Davison congratulated the Mock Trial Team for its success in the competition and wished it good luck in New York in June and hopefully in The Hague in February.

5.  ELC Education Department Budget

Councillor Hampshire outlined the timetable for approving the ELC Budget: -

·  Local Government settlement announcement – 14/12/17

·  Draft Budget in place – 21/12/17

·  Draft Budget to ELC Cabinet meeting – Early January 2018

·  ELC legally obliged to have agreed balanced budget – February 2018

It was noted that predictions of between £12 million and £40 million in cuts had been published in the media. Any reduction of the budget would affect services and the higher figure could lead to the closure of some council facilities and have a major impact on frontline services. Councillor Hampshire confirmed that, in this case, one of the options for savings could be to merge the two smaller primary schools in the Dunbar cluster, however Councillors had given assurances that they would try to protect the Education budget.

Councillor Hampshire also informed the Group that there would be a public consultation on-line and in ELC’s Focus newspaper requesting opinions on where savings should be made.

6.  Consultation on the new Education Bill (Letter from John Swinney MSP)

Dee Davison expressed concerns about the key aims of the new Bill. Mr Raffaelli reported that there was little information available about the details of the new Bill and could therefore not be able to comment unless there was a clear, considerable benefit to students. There were also concerns about centralising education to the Scottish Government, the extra responsibilities for Headteachers and the possibility of reallocating staff from East Lothian to struggling areas.

Dee Davison sought guidance about how Parent Councils should respond and was directed to the Association of Parent Council’s website. It was agreed to discuss this item further at the January meeting.

Action: JM

7.  Headteacher’s Report

Mr Raffaelli had sent out his Headteacher’s Report prior to the meeting, this can be found in Appendix 2 of these minutes.

- Staffing

An English Teacher had been appointed and would begin on 18th December. Mr Brandt (Computing) would be leaving, his post would be advertised soon. In the meantime, certificate classes would be covered internally, Advance Highers may be jointly taught with Knox Academy.

- SRA Letter

Mr Raffaelli outlined the SRA Programme for S1 and S2 students with lower literacy levels. Following discussion, it was suggested that the level of support required from parents and carers should be clarified.

8.  Senior Students Prelims

Mr Raffaelli apologised that this item had not been put to the Group for discussion previously. He outlined the reasons for no longer continuing with the two-week prelim diet, which included: -

·  The increased use of continuous assessment in the new national qualifications.

·  The removal of the SQA appeal process which used to require prelim evidence.

·  The opportunity for an additional two weeks of teaching and learning at a critical time for students.

Mr Raffaelli also presented a timetable of all subject assessments taking place throughout the year and explained that these assessments were carried out under exam conditions and the results used for monitoring, tracking and interventions if required.

A wide-ranging discussion followed, and the Group strongly recommended that the valuable experience of sitting a full-length exam under formal SQA conditions in the main hall should not be lost. It was therefore agreed that: -

·  there would be a consultation between staff and student representatives to agree the details of a formal exam experience for S4 classes.

·  Staff would ensure that students were aware of the assessment structure and importance of all assessments.

·  All parents and carers would receive a letter explaining the assessment structure, with a key and the timetable of assessments

·  Appropriate senior school parent/carer presentations would include information about exam practice, assessments and prelims.

·  Students would be directed to the past papers website and encouraged to do timed practices at home.

The Group thanked Alistair Fell and Anique Burke for their valuable input to this discussion.

9.  Treasurer’s Report

The Texas Scramble raised £474 after prize monies were deducted. Monthly income from the 200 Club is £343; funds available are £2968.43.

The winners of recent 200 Club draws were:

August 2017 - Number 101

September 2017 - Number 142

October 2017 - Number 30

November 2017 - Number 92

Morag Readman requested that the Group approve Morag Readman, Dee Davison and Lawrence Tierney as signatories for the DGSC bank account, this was agreed unanimously.

10. Requests for Funding

No requests for funding had been received this month.

11. Discussion Topic – S1 Curriculum

This item would be carried over to the January meeting.

12. Teacher’s Report

This item would be carried over to the next meeting.

13. DGSA Report

·  DGSA had cancelled the Christmas Bazaar due to the proximity of the date of the DPS Christmas Fair.

·  Reminder about the ‘Stars in their Eyes’ event at Stenton on 25th November, funds going to DGSA.

14. Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership Report

Due to time constraints, it was agreed that Angela McLeman would send out an e-mail report covering the DELAP Summer School funding.

15. AOCB


·  Dunbar and District Twinning Association Prosecco and Afternoon Tea on Saturday 18th November, 3-5pm Belhaven Church Hall. Tickets available from Dunbar Library or Alice Tierney.

·  DGS Christmas Concert, Wednesday 20th December, 7pm. Would any Group member requiring tickets/seat reservations please e-mail Judy Miller by Thursday 14th December.

16. Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday 20th December, 6.30-7pm in the Staffroom, to be followed by the School Concert.

Please note that the dates for next term’s meetings will be arranged at this meeting, please bring diaries.

The meeting closed at 9.10pm. JAM 20/11/17




16th November 2017


•  We have recruited a Lab Technician, due to start on Monday 13th November.

•  We have successfully recruited a replacement full-time English Teacher who will start on Monday 18th December. In the meantime, classes will be covered.

•  Congratulations to Mr Brandt, Computing Teacher, who has been appointed Principle Teacher of Computing at Lochgelly High School. A recruitment campaign to find his replacement will start as soon as possible.

Pupil Equity Funding

Mr King and Ms Illingworth will be presenting their findings at the next Senior Leadership Team meeting on Monday 20th November.


Discussions continue at East Lothian Council as to next year’s budget. This will be communicated early next February.

Building Expansion Works to date:

•  The Library has been converted into 2 classrooms for Ms Aitken and Ms Reid and 1 IT area.

•  Group Workroom has been converted into a classroom occupied by Mrs Kyle.

•  The Maths Base has been converted into a seminar room to replace room M24.

•  The Advanced Higher Lab is currently being completed, ready for occupation on Friday 17th November.

•  Work has started creating a link between the Music & Drama department and the front entrance.

•  Work has begun on the extension to the staffroom.

•  The foundations are being laid to the rear of the school in preparation for the construction of the new extension.

•  The compound in the car park has been created. Parking is extremely restricted until the project is complete. We would ask parents/carers/visitors to try and avoid using the school car park during this period. Unfortunately, students will not be able to park in the car park during the period of this project, as they have the option of using school transport. The lane onto Belhaven Road will be closed until further notice, as will the entrance from Lammermuir Crescent.

•  Please note that as a result of the compound being set up, all students and staff will be required to access and exit the school grounds from the Summerfield Road entrance.

•  Students from the Higher Photography class will be documenting the works as part of their project. We also have 2 students who have expressed an interest in becoming involved in work experience with the construction team.

There will be an unannounced fire evaluation drill within the coming few weeks to fully test out the adapted fire evacuation strategy for the school population and the FES FM workforce. We will continue to prioritise health and safety and teaching and learning and update you on works being carried out.


•  S4 Work Experience Week Mon 13th – Fri 17th Nov

•  AH Biology Trip to Edinburgh Zoo Thursday 16th Nov

•  Maths Challenge Trip Thursday 16th Nov

•  Children in Need Friday 17th Nov

•  Tarmac Trip – Higher Engineering Science Friday 17th Nov

•  Greenock Prison Trip Tuesday 21st Nov

•  Girls into Physics Trip Wednesday 29th Nov

•  RMPS Conference Monday 11th Dec

•  S1/2 Christmas Dance Tuesday 12th December

•  S6 Prefect meal Wednesday 13th Dec

•  S5/6 Christmas Dance Thursday 14th Dec

•  S3/4 Christmas Dance Monday 18th Dec

•  History Trip Monday 18th Dec

•  Christmas Concert Wednesday 20th Dec