Duke EnergyProgress Requirements forNAESBwebRegistryPseudo Tie Registrations

This document is provided as a guideline to customers who are trying to register a pseudo tie with Duke Energy Progress. Each pseudo tie can be different so registration may not be exactly as reflected below. Thefollowing criteriamustbemetinorderfora NAESBwebRegistryPseudo Tieregistration tobeapprovedby Duke Energy Progress (Referred to as DEP or CPLE or CPLW). Allnewregistrationswillbevalidated .

DEP willacceptregistrations for newPseudoTiesno earlierthan120daysfrom thescheduled startofthePseudoTie providing all required communicating links are previously installed, otherwise 12 months.RegistrationsfornewPseudo Tiesmustbefinalized 30dayspriorto thescheduledstartofthePseudo Tie. Approval of a pseudo tie registration in webRegistry is not a blanket approval or commitment to implement a pseudo tie by Duke Energy Progress. A separate approval must be received by Duke Energy Progress prior to submitting for registration and approval in webRegistry.

☐For an importto DEP,CPLE or CPLWmustbelisted asthelast(sink)BAand thelastTP as CPLin thepath

☐For an exportfrom DEP,CPLE or CPLWmustbelistedasboth thefirst(source)BAand thefirstTP as CPLin thepath

☐For awheelacrossDEP,CPLE or CPLWmustnotbelisted as a BAand CPL mustbelisted asa TPin the middleof two neighboring TPs

☐CPLE or CPLW maynotbelisted as aBAmorethan once

☐CPL maynotbelisted as aTP morethan once

☐Thelisted BAsandTPsmusthaveproperadjacency with respectto DEP.(entitiesadjacenttoDEPmustbedirectlyconnected to theDEPBA)

☐ThePORandPOD valueson theDEPTPlineshould match thePORandPODontherelated DEPTransmission ServiceReservation(s)

☐TheScheduling Entity ontheDEPTPlineshould listCPLE or CPLW

☐TheReliabilityCoordinatoron theDEPBAandTP linesshould belisted asVACS

☐TheDEPTransmission ServiceRegistrationsthatsupportthePseudoTieshould belistedin theTransmission ContractNumberfield ontheDEP TPline.IfmultipleTSRsarebeing used theyshould beseparated bycommas

☐IfCPLE or CPLW islisted asthefirst(source)BAintheregistration,thesourcevalueshould reflectthe CPLE or CPLW internalgeneratorthatisexportingto an externalBA.(if a descriptivesourcedoesnotalready exist,itwillneed to be added separately towebRegistry)

☐IfCPLE or CPLW islisted asthelast(sink)BAin theregistration,thesinkvalueshould reflecttheCPLE or CPLW-externalload being servedbyDEP(if adescriptive sinkdoesnotalready exist,itwillneed to be added separately towebRegistry).In theeventaspecificload isnotbeing served,thesinkpointshould beused.

☐Thecommentfieldshouldcontain abriefdescriptionof thePseudo Tie,including themaxMWvalue.

☐TheExisting Pseudo Tieflag should notbechecked.

☐TheEffectiveStartDateshould reflecttheactualstartdate of the Pseudo Tie.

☐TheEffectiveStopDateshould reflecttheendofthePseudoTieagreementbetweenDEP andtheCustomer.In theeventnoformalstop datehasbeen identified,theEffectiveStopDatemustbeno laterthan thestop dateof therelatedDEP Transmission ServiceReservation(s).If

multipleTSRsarebeing used,DEP willvalidateallTSRsagainstthestop datetoensuretherearenogapsin service.

Registration Guidelines


BA / TP / POR / POD / SchedulingEntity / ReliabilityCoordinator / TransmissionContractNumber
NeighborBA / Source:NeighborSourcePoint / NeighborRC / N/A
NeighborTP / NeighborPOR / NeighborPOD / NeighborTP / NeighborRC / NeighborTSR#s
CPL / oasisPOR / CPLE or CPLW / CPLE or CPLW / VACS / oasisTSR#s
CPLE or CPLW / Sink:oasisSinkPoint / VACS / N/A



BA / TP / POR / POD / SchedulingEntity / ReliabilityCoordinator / TransmissionContractNumber
CPLE or CPLW / Source:Name / VACS / N/A
CPL / CPLE or CPLW / oasisPOD / CPLE or CPLW / VACS / oasisTSR#s
NeighborTP / NeighborPOR / NeighborPOD / NeighborTP / NeighborRC / NeighborTSR#s
NeighborBA / Sink:NeighborSinkPoint / NeighborRC / N/A
