THIS WEEK: July 12-18, 2015

Today: / 9:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
5:50 p.m.
6:00 p.m. / Morning Worship Service
Coffee Fellowship, Library is Open
Song Service
Evening Service
Tuesday: / 6:30 p.m. / Ladies Night Out
Wednesday: / 7:00 p.m. / Elders’ Meeting


Due to the RYS convention, the Bible study on the Seven Churches of Revelation will NOT be meeting this Tuesday, July 14. We will resume meeting next week Tuesday, July 21 at 7:30 PM at the Fellowship Hall. Please read the Address to the Church at Pergamum in Revelation 2:12-17. All are welcome to attend!

Summer just wouldn't be summer without the CHURCH PICNIC, and it is less than a month away! Plans are in the making and now all we need is for you to do your part. Indicate if you and your family members will be in attendance or not that day by filling out the sign-up sheet located in your church mailbox. PLEASE turn in a sign-up sheet even if you are NOT planning to come!!! It saves the committee a phone call and time. We appreciate your consideration and helpfulness in this way! Please turn those forms in to Paul and Penny Smit's mailbox up until Sunday, July 26. As a reminder, the picnic is being held at Erfert Park in Lansing on Saturday, August 1. It begins at 3:00pm with games and the bean bag tournament. Dinner is at 5:00pm. In addition, the picnic committee is looking for a few volunteers the day of the picnic to assist with set up, serving watermelon, packing up leftovers and bringing supplies back to church. If you think you are able to give us a hand with something, please indicate that on your sign-up sheet as well. We sincerely appreciate the extra assistance! Looking forward to spending some time and Christian fellowship with you all that day!! Let's hope and pray for a dry, sunny afternoon and evening! See you August 1!

This next Fusion meeting is this Sunday, July 12 at 7:45 (after the evening service) and will be located at Amanda Wieringa's house (8123 Howard Ave, Munster, IN). The meeting will be led by Justin Ooms as we cover the topic of homosexuality. Dinner is provided.

All Young People that will be attending convention this week, please meet in front of church after the morning worship service.

RYS Convention will take place this week at Asbury University, in Wilmore, Kentucky, Lord willing. Eleven of our Young People, along with Pete Smith and Joy Krygsheld will be attending. Please pray for safe travel and a week of spiritual blessings as the theme for the week will be focusing on Romans 8:37-39 and "The Amazing Love of God!”

The Oak Leaves, our monthly newsletter, is being distributed today. The congregation receives the Oak Leaves in their mailboxes. Visitors are invited to pick up a copy from the literature racks on the mailboxes in the annex.

Sharon Derks' temporary address is Sharon Derks, c/o Bryan Derks, 13768 W. 117th Avenue, Cedar Lake, IN 46303.

LADIES' NIGHT OUT-----Tues. July 14 @ 6:30p.m. at Light House (Cedar Lake, IN) Please contact Mary Bush to reserve your seat by Monday, July 13th. Love to have YOU join us especially for the summer months!


Communion Dates: August 9, November 8 and December 31 (New Year’s Eve)

Ladies’ Night Out:

Tuesday, July 14, 6:30 p.m. at Light House (Cedar Lake, IN)

Tuesday, August 11, 6:30 p.m. at Granite City (Orland Park, IL)

Burger Bash-Friday, July 24

Church Picnic-August 1


Those with last names Kenner-Lange are asked to write our missionaries during the month of July.

Mission News (continued)

Have you sent in your reservation for the retreat at the Cedar Lake Conference Grounds in Cedar Lake, Indiana, on September 24? The deadline is approaching! Invite a friend! Get a group together! You don’t want to miss this time of warm Christian fellowship and spiritual renewal. Gracia Burnham, featured speaker at this retreat hosted by Bible League International Volunteers, is coming to share her 376 days of captivity by a militant Muslim group in the Philippines. Husbands and friends are encouraged to come alone and spend the day in worship and encouragement. We are excited Katie Kapteyn De Graff will be joining us in worship and then in a special concert close to the retreat. See a brouchure/poster for costs and more details or talk to your Key Contact person, Jan Brink at 708-474-2170.

Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary invites you to attend the Sunday worship service at the Indiana State Prison in Michigan City, IN on Sunday August 2. The service runs from 7:00-9:00 AM. If you would like to worship with the men in Michigan City, send your information to Ron Ellens at or 815-514-3083 no later than July 19.


Elim Team Tri-Chicago Triathlon: You can compete with Elim Team TRI at the Chicago Triathlon on August 29 or 30, 2015 and raise valuable funds for Elim HOPE Packs! Register as an individual or recruit your own relay team! You or your relay team can choose to participate in the international, sprint, or the super-sprint race distance. Sign up today to be a part of this impactful event or sponsor another participant! Elim’s HOPE Packs program equips adults with developmental disabilities with the opportunity to assemble school kits for disadvantaged children in Chicago. Learn more and view our promo video at or contact Laura Schnyders at 708-293-6509 or for more information.

The LOGOS 2015 Young Adults Conference will be held August 5-8 at Potter’s Ranch in Union, Kentucky, D.V. Rip Pratt of New Life PCA will be our keynote speaker with workshops led by Rev. Brian Najapfour, Rev. Aaron Verhoef and Rev. Jeremy Veldman. Cost is $275.00 (including Creation Museum) or $250.00 for the program only. Register online by July 15 at

Lord willing, the 15th annual RYS National Youth Convention will be held July 13-17 at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. Please pray for the students and adults representing almost 60 churches as they travel to and from convention, and for safety during the week's activities. Pray for our main speakers, Rev. Mike Schout and Rev. Bob Van Manen and our 12 workshop

speakers as they share God's Word, especially with our precious covenant youth. Pictures and updates will be available on a daily basis by accessing the Reformed Youth Services Facebook page.


USHERS Today: Tim Boer, Bill Regnerus, Pete Hoogstra, *Dan Bruinsma

Next Sunday: Brian Voss, Mike De Vries, Jim Frump Jr., *Paul Smit

LIFT ATTENDANT Today: Noah Venhuizen

Next Sunday: Payton Smit

NURSERY Today: AM – INF: Clara Krygsheld & Jennifer Krygsheld

TDL: Joy Krygsheld, Janita Talmadge & Deb Verburg

PM – INF: Penny & Hunter Smit

TDL: Paul, Payton, Hayley & Jaxson Smit

Next Sunday: AM – INF: Gert Holleman & Audra Warner

TDL: Rachel & Sydney De Vries, Taylor Huizenga

PM – INF: Richelle & Kayla Vander Zee

TDL: Bob, Ryan & Jake Vander Zee

GREETERS Today: Kathy, Katie & Kristy Sinwelski

Next Sunday: Paul & Penny Smit Family

PARKING LOT PATROL Tonight: Jack Wieringa

Next Sunday: Ken Wieringa

SONG SERVICE Tonight: Steve Van Kuiken

Next Sunday: Tom Zandstra

OFFERINGS Next Sunday AM: MARS General Fund

PM: Luke Society

Sunday, July 12, 2015 9:30 AM

“What’s in a Name?”

2 Corinthians 10:1-18 Lord’s Day 36

1. Significance of Names

2. The Abuse of Power

3. The Power of the Name of the Lord

Sunday, July 12, 2015 6:00 PM “Boasting Together in the Just God Who Justifies”

Romans 3:21-31

1. Boasting in His Righteousness

2. Boasting in His Graciousness