Due to 9.2 performance issues that OMES is working to resolve, Accounts Payable transactions are posting to the general ledger after midnight. Accounts Payable reports dependent on journal date will not report the prior day’s warrants or vouchers using the date or date range routinely used to run the daily reports. They will report the following day. The most frequently run reports dependent on the journal dates are the Six Digit reports and the Misc Inter/Intra Agency report.

Vouchers in recycle status must be saved in balance first before additional voucher lines can be added or deleted. If the voucher is not saved in a postable status first, the Invalid value in VOUCHER_LINE.BUSINESS_UNIT_RECV message displays and the voucher cannot be saved. OMES is working to apply the Oracle fix so that it will not be necessary to save the voucher in a postable status first.

Using the PO Business Unit and PO Number on the Voucher Add or the Invoice Information page to copy the PO copies the default location and address from the supplier file rather than the PO location and address. If the supplier default location and address differ from the PO location and address, an H200 matching error results. We recommend using the Worksheet Copy option to copy POs to the voucher. It allows the selection of PO lines, quantities and dollar amounts to be populated, the amount only and receiving required statuses to be viewed, and the PO location and address to populate the Invoice Information page.

When adding a comment to a voucher, the invoice date must be populated first. OMES is working to apply the Oracle fix so that comments can be added to the voucher at any time.

The Oracle delivered BI Publisher Matching report does not create a PDF output if the selection criteria returns no results. To confirm there are no matching exceptions, view the message in the Process Detail Message Log for Parent query %1 returned no rows. It is Oracle’s intention to not produce BI Publisher reports when there is no data to report.

OMES is aware that the certain Accounts Payable BI Publisher reports are not reporting correctly and is working to correct them. The Accounts Payable queries supporting the reports do report correctly and can be run in lieu of the reports until the BI Publisher reports are corrected.

  • The Travel Expenditure Report, OCPAP0070, was reporting with incorrect data in the YTD column. This report has been corrected and is now in production.
  • The Six Digit by Expenditure Fund, OCGL0062, is not reporting payroll and other expenditures. The corrected report should be migrated to production within the week.
  • The Voucher Batch Slip, OCP0245AP, is reporting all vouchers but the vouchers are not always in numerical sequence within the same column when thirty vouchers are exceeded. The signature line is also misplaced. Until the batch slip is corrected, continue to use the batch slip that is currently printing.
  • The Six Digit Expenditure by Jrnl Date, OCP312AP, includes just one expenditure from a voucher when there are multiple expenditures with the same expenditure chartfields. Until the report is corrected, run the OCP_AP0312_VCHR_REGXUNIT_LINES query.
  • The Warrant Cancellation Register, OCPAP0136, is not reporting the 7XX warrants cancelled by statute; however, the OCP_AP0136 query is reporting correctly. Until the BI Publisher report is corrected, run the report from the menu first with the appropriate date range (Accounts Payable > Reports > Payments > Warrant Cancellation Register). Using your User ID and Run Control ID used to run the report, run the OCP_AP0136 query to Excel (Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer).
  • The Misc Inter/Intra Agency report, OCP072AP, cannot be run to Excel from the menu, but it can be run to Excel using the OCP_AP0072_AGENCY_TRANSFERS query. Run the report from the menu first with the appropriate date range (Accounts Payable > Reports > Payments > Misc Inter/Intra Agency). Using your User ID and Run Control ID used to run the report, run the query to Excel. Filter the Excel spreadsheet on column Y for cells containing the plus sign to identify the payments from agencies that submit more than one invoice on a voucher (usually Higher Ed institutions and DHS) and remove the duplicate amounts in column P. Compare the totals on the Excel to the PDF report.
  • The 36 Month Statutory Cancellation Report, OCAP0071, is listing the voucher number for each transaction correctly, but is also listing the voucher number for each transaction on the following transaction under the vendor name.
  • The OCP (Oklahoma Core Project) Accounts Payable reports converted to BI Publisher during the upgrade do not create a PDF output if the selection criteria return no results. Run the query supporting a report to verify the output. To find a query, search using the % wildcard and the report number in the Query Viewer page. For example, to run the Match Exception query to Excel, search using %1090. If the prompts for any query include User ID and Run Control ID, the report must be run in the menu first. The Run Control ID cannot be used to run any other report or process before the query is run.