The President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform
1440 New York Avenue NW, Suite 2100
Washington, DC20220
Senator Mack and Panel Members,
Thank you for covering tax reform. This effort will possibly make a historical and liberating change to the way we finance government. Your work here is very important to me and my family.
1. Headaches, unnecessary complexity, and burdens that taxpayers - both individuals and businesses - face because of the existing system.
- The complexity and burden of our tax system is unnecessary in today’s world. We could use the states sales tax infrastructure to simplify collection and reducing cost and burden to all.
- I am forced to seek professional help every year so I can sleep at night. Even then I fear what I have done wrong or have over paid because I can’t understand all of it.
2. Aspects of the tax system that are unfair.
- I challenge ANYONE to identify anything fair about our current tax system.
- Fairness is when everyone’sresponsibility is to contribute according to their means for benefits and security of living in or visiting the USA. (For Example: Florida Sales Tax; Citizens, Foreign tourist, Foreign Students, US Visitors, Criminals with illicit gains, and the rich or poor each contribute through the sales tax).
- Persons with means are able to avoid their fair share of taxes because of access to knowledge most do not have.
3. Specific examples of how the tax code distorts important business or personal decisions.
- Fear of audit, penalties or jail forces me to pay a professional to help me. I feel like a hostage.
- Current taxes and tariffs reduce US Business ability to compete internationally. A Sale Tax would help level the field without International Tariff battles.
4. Goals that the Panel should try to achieve as it evaluates the existing tax system and recommends options for reform.
- Completely start over with fresh laws. Do not even attempt to reuse the old corrupt system.
- Build a fair system where everyone who shares the great benefits of this country also have a responsibility to share the tax cost.
- Build a system that takes into consideration the changes of our economy and taxes services.
- Build a simple system that is pay as you go so we avoid the annual national anxiety of April 15th.
I am a life long Floridian and have personally seen the simplicity and benefit of using sales tax. This taxing system equally and fairly taxes the spending means of all tourist, criminals, and citizens.
I support the Fair Tax Bill (HR-25). For more information go to
Jesse Webb
1585 Drury Court, St Augustine, Florida32092 904.631.7721