Elgin Board of Education Regular

April 22, 2014

The April 22, 2014 Regular Board Meeting of the Elgin Board of Education was called to order at 5:00 pm by Board President John Metcalf at the Elgin Community Room.

Pledge of Allegiance

Invocation – Mr. Wasserbeck

Roll Call:

Mr. Metcalf Present

Mrs. Buchanan Present

Ms. Conroy Present

Mrs. Everett Hafer Present

Mr. Wasserbeck Present

Also present were Superintendent Bruce Gast and Treasurer/CFO Kim Reynolds


Cynthia Gilbert Mickey Malcom Dan Gilliam

Kirsten Dyer Bob Imbody Tom Schifer

Chad Cunningham

Resolution No. 47-14 Board Agenda

Mrs. Everett Hafer moved and Ms. Conroy seconded the motion to approve the agenda with changes to numbers 21 (additional Substitute), 24 (additional discussion items), 25 (additional motion), and 26 (additional motion). The board also requests to table the employment of Bill McElroy and Cynthia Gilbert until further discussion.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Everett Hafer, Conroy, Wasserbeck Motion Carried

Noes: Metcalf, Buchanan

Public Input

·  None

Tom Schifer, Architect with GPD Group, spoke about the bids that were received for the HVAC and Re-Fueling station at the “old high school”. There were 2 bidders: Baldauf Construction and Stevens Construction. Baldauf Construction was 3% below the original estimate and Stevens Construction was awarded the bid at 9% below the estimate. Stevens previously did the block work at the school during the demolition of the educational wing. Both bidders added a different ceiling tile in the bid. The difference between the 2 tiles is $1,701.00. Also, new shut off switches will be used instead of using the current valves. Stevens is ready to start and expects the project to be complete before the beginning of the next school year. The state has given full approval of the plan.

Resolution No. 48-14 HVAC/Re-Fueling Station

Mr. Wasserbeck moved and Mrs. Everett Hafer seconded the motion to approve the bid from Stevens Construction Co Inc. to complete the work for the board office HVAC system and the bus refueling station with one modification to the contract; using new shut off switches. This would increase the cost a total of $583.00. The total cost of the project would be $91,066.00.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Wasserbeck, Everett Hafer, Metcalf, Buchanan, Conroy Motion Carried

Noes: None

Mr. Metcalf spoke with Dan Gilliam about the damaged floor tile at the K-12 building. Mr. Gilliam has spoken with the manufacturer and the floors were re-finished over Christmas break. Velcro has been placed on the chairs and is working fine. The desks need to look at now due to moving them across the floor. The hallway tile is fine. There is a final walk through of the building in June before the manufacturer’s warranties expire. The furniture and tile were per the OSFC manual and the fix needs to be co-funded. The district will write a letter explaining the problem.

There are still bricks left from the old buildings. After discussion, it was recommended to use the bricks in landscaping somewhere at the new building. Additional ideas will be discussed at the next meeting.

Resolution No. 49-14 Regular Board Minutes

Mrs. Buchanan moved and Ms. Conroy seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the March 25, 2014 Board of Education meeting.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Buchanan, Conroy, Metcalf, Wasserbeck Motion Carried

Abstain: Everett Hafer

Noes: None

March Bill List - Discussion

March Financial - Discussion

Resolution No. 50-14 Appropriation Modifications

Mrs. Buchanan moved and Mr. Wasserbeck seconded the motion to approve the following appropriation modification:

·  Fund 451 – Connectivity from $2,700.00 to $5,400.00

Roll Call:

Ayes: Buchanan, Wasserbeck, Conroy, Everett Hafer, Metcalf Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No. 51-14 Policies

Mr. Wasserbeck moved and Ms. Conroy seconded the motion to approve the following NEOLA policies:

·  Bylaw 0166-Executive Session

·  Policy 1422/3122/4122- Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity

·  Policy 1619.01/3419.01/4419.0- Privacy Protection of Self-Funded Group Health Plans

·  Policy 1623/3123/4123- Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Disability Discrimination in Employment

·  Policy 2260- Nondiscrimination and Access to Equal Educational Opportunity

·  Policy 6800- System of Accounting

Roll Call:

Ayes: Wasserbeck, Conroy, Everett Hafer, Metcalf, Buchanan Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No. 52-14 Policies

Ms. Conroy moved and Mrs. Everett Hafer seconded the motion to delete the following NEOLA polices:

·  Policy 1619.02/3419.02/4419.02 Privacy Protections of Fully Insured Group Health Plan

·  Policy 2423 School-To-Work Program

Roll Call:

Ayes: Conroy, Everett Hafer, Metcalf, Wasserbeck, Buchanan Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No. 53-14 Student Insurance

Mrs. Everett Hafer moved and Mrs. Buchanan seconded the motion to approve the Griffin Insurance Company as the agency to handle the voluntary Student Accident Program for the 2014-2015 School Year.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Everett Hafer, Buchanan, Conroy, Metcalf, Wasserbeck Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No. 54-14 2014 Graduation List

Mrs. Everett Hafer moved and Mr. Wasserbeck seconded the motion to approve the following list of graduating Senior’s for 2014; pending final satisfactory completion of all requirements:

·  Kain Michael Anderson

·  Haydyn Parker Behrens

·  Brooke Nicole Beltz

·  Cierra Cheyenne Bennett

·  Kendra Lene` Benson

·  Austin Matthew Black

·  Nathan Allen Blevins

·  Haydn Quinn Boles

·  Christopher Trent Brown

·  Emmaleigh Suzanne Brown

·  Cortney Renee Bruns

·  Hannah Rae Burbaugh

·  Skylar Gregory Buyer

·  Joclyn Nicole Cabanas

·  Brianna Marie Caldwell

·  Mason Brian Clark

·  Taylor Dawn Close

·  Cole Lee Cocherl

·  Austin Cain Coleman

·  Kaleb Scott Demmitt

·  Brian Keith DeWitt

·  Emily Hope Dutton

·  Kyle Brandon Elswick

·  Alexandra Christine Fair

·  Cheyenne Marie Farmer

·  Logan Alexander Ferrell

·  Christopher Jay Flach

·  Courtney Kaye Flach

·  Steven R Fowler

·  Hannah Marie Fuller

·  David Zander Gaertner

·  Clay Mitchell Hall

·  Kyle Ray Hall-Blashinsky

·  Samuel Danner Hardin

·  Cody Scott Hawkins

·  Asti-Marie Dezaray Hay

·  Wesley Brian Higgins

·  Rachel Lynn Himler

·  Alexander Matthew Holsinger

·  Amanda Michelle Hopkins

·  Colton Walker Hughes

·  Lacey Ann-Marie Johnson

·  Shane Michael Jones

·  Emily Marie Kauble

·  Tasha Kay Kempton

·  Garrett Bandon Lee King

·  Christian Thomas Kokas

·  Sarah Jailene Large

·  Andrew Michael Medley

·  Mason Edward Metcalf

·  Kyle Jacob Moore

·  Kelsey Renee Mories

·  David Joshua Moser

·  Casey Brandon Ogan

·  Ashley Nicole Oney

·  Brooke Lynn Pancake

·  Megan Elizabeth Park

·  Michael Angelo Partipilo

·  Dana Marie Patrick

·  William Cory Pierce

·  Matthew Aaron Reebel

·  Travis Lee Roush

·  Kaylee Sue Russell

·  Tiffani Nicole Sessler

·  Alison Rashelle Shawver

·  Kiersten Nichole Shoemaker

·  Cassie Lynn Shrader

·  Devon Alan Steiner

·  Mikaela Renee Strayer

·  Dakota Ray Thompson

·  Morgan Marie Triplett

·  Allison Sue Tumey

·  Jeritt Thames Umphrey

·  Allison Nichole Walker

·  Jace Riley Wolf

·  Emily Renee Yager

Roll Call:

Ayes: Everett Hafer, Wasserbeck, Buchanan, Conroy, Metcalf Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No. 55-14 Resignation /Retirement

Mr. Wasserbeck moved and Mrs. Buchanan seconded the motion to approve the retirement of Gayle Dunham effective August 1, 2014.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Wasserbeck, Buchanan, Conroy, Everett Hafer, Metcalf Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No. 56-14 Employment

Mrs. Everett Hafer moved and Mr. Wasserbeck seconded the motion to approve the following supplemental contracts for the 2014-2015 school year:

·  Bill Clem Varsity Boy Basketball Coach $5,151.47

·  Sherril Appelfeller Head HS Volleyball Coach $3,434.31

Roll Call:

Ayes: Everett Hafer, Wasserbeck, Buchanan, Conroy, Metcalf Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No. 57-14 Employment

Mr. Wasserbeck moved and Ms. Conroy seconded the motion to approve the following certified contacts:

Bill Clem Algebra Continuing MA-6

Bill Runda Intervention Spec. 5 Year MA+18-24

Ashley Auld Agricultural Ed. 5 Year MA-7

Mark Ballinger Science 5 Year BA+18-34

Barney Cornell PE/ Health 5 Year BA-10

Levi Pasma Biology 5 Year BA+18-7

Chris Kimball Science 5 Year BA+18-17

Lance Schwartz Band 5 Year MA-12

Stacy Shrider Intervention Spec. 3 Year BA-3

Patrick Cotter Intervention Spec. 3 Year BA+18-7

Mike Kenney Language Arts 3 Year BA-4

Natalie Bowsher Vocal Music 1 Year MA-1

Amber Moore Spanish 1 Year BA+18-4

Misty Swonger Chem/Physics 1 Year BA-7

David White Language Arts 1 Year MA-2

John Kuzio Industrial Tech 1 Year MA+30-9

Sarah Mowery Media Center 1 Year MA-5

Elizabeth Markham Third Grade 1 Year BA-1

Susan Harris Gifted 1 Year BA+18-7

Ike Greenwood Elem. Art 1 Year BA-1

Melissa Ervin Fourth Grade 1 Year BA+18-7

Marilyn McCabe Intervention Spec. 1 Year MA-12

Lauren Phelps Language Arts 1 Year BA+18-2

Kerri Ohler Intervention Spec. 1 Year MA+18-3

Travis Stout Social Studies 1 Year MA-1

Devon Walker Kindergarten 1 Year BA-3

Suzanne Smith Speech/Lang./Path 1 year MA-2

Rachel Myers First Grade 1 Year BA+18-7

Roll Call:

Ayes: Wasserbeck, Conroy, Everett Hafer, Metcalf, Buchanan Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No. 58-14 Employment

Mrs. Everett Hafer moved and Ms. Conroy seconded the motion to approve the following classified contracts:

·  Ryan Mulholland Aide 2 Year

·  Melinda Rammelsburg Aide 2 Year

·  Shannon Stoner Bus Driver 2 Year

·  Diana Johnson Custodian 2 Year

·  Glenn Smith Bus Driver 2 Year

Roll Call:

Ayes: Everett Hafer, Conroy, Metcalf, Wasserbeck, Buchanan Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No. 59-14 Substitutes

Mrs. Buchanan moved and Mr. Wasserbeck seconded the motion to approve the following substitutes.

·  Jerry Higgins Bus Driver $14.37 Per Hour

·  Marty Voll Health Consultant $15.00 Per Hour

Roll Call:

Ayes: Buchanan, Wasserbeck, Conroy, Everett Hafer, Metcalf Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No. 60-14 Non-Renewal

Mr. Wasserbeck moved and Mrs. Everett Hafer seconded to approve the non- renewal of the following employees based on the uncertainty of the Title I funding for FY15 .

·  Mark Ahmay

·  Cathy Copeland

Roll Call:

Ayes: Wasserbeck, Everett Hafer, Metcalf, Buchanan, Conroy Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No. 61-14 State of Ohio Cooperative Purchasing Program

Ms. Conroy moved and seconded by Mr. Wasserbeck to approve the following State of Ohio Purchasing Program;



WHEREAS, Ohio’s Cooperative Purchasing Act. (AM. Sub. H.B. No. 100), as signed into law

on December 4, 1985; and

WHEREAS, effective March 6, 1986, Ohio’s Cooperative Purchasing Act provides the

opportunity for counties, townships, municipal corporations, regional transit authorities, regional

airport authorities or port authorities and school districts, conservancy districts, township park

districts and park districts and other authorities, to participate in contracts distributed by the state

of Ohio, Department of Administrative Services, Office of Cooperative Purchasing for the

purchase of supplies, services, equipment and certain materials; now therefore,


Section 1. That the Elgin Local Board of Education hereby

requests authority in the name of the Elgin Local Schools to participate in state contracts which the Department of Administrative Services, Office of State Purchasing has entered into and the Office of Cooperative Purchasing has distributed for the purchase of supplies, services, equipment and certain other materials pursuant to Revised Code Section 125.04.

Section 2. That the Agent, Kim Reynolds is hereby authorized to agree in the name of the Elgin Local Schools to be bound by all contract terms and conditions as the Department of Administrative Services, Office of Cooperative Purchasing prescribes. Such terms and conditions may include a reasonable annual membership fee to cover the administrative costs which the Department of Administrative Services incurs as a result of the Elgin Local Schools participation in the contract. Further, that the Agent, Kim Reynolds does hereby agree to be bound by all such terms and conditions and to not cause or assist in any way the misuse of such contracts or make contract disclosures to non-members of the Coop for the purpose of avoiding the requirements established by ORC 125.04.

Section 3. That the Agent, Kim Reynolds is hereby authorized to agree in the name of the Elgin Local Board of Education to directly pay the vendor, under each such state contract in which it participates for items it receives pursuant to the contract, and the Agent, Kim Reynolds does hereby agree to directly pay the vendor.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Conroy, Wasserbeck, Buchanan, Everett Hafer, Metcalf Motion Carried

Noes: None

Discussion Items

·  The Treca Innovative Leadership Training is offered to all Superintendents that are contracted with Treca. This is a yearlong training and is taking place of the Apple trip each year. The cost for the year is $10,000.00. The principals will also be involved and present to the teachers. This is still work in progress.

·  Kim Reynolds spoke about the scholarships that are available for students this year. Discussion was held on the Velda Sloat scholarship. It was determined by the Board of Education in 1998 that the interest would be spent every year for 2 scholarships. Due to the large decrease in interest, this scholarship has not been able to be awarded. Mrs. Reynolds would like the Board of Education to approve a new motion for this scholarship.

·  Kim Reynolds also spoke about the scanning of permanent payroll files. The Board of Education would like to see these files stored on an external hard drive. After the files are scanned, the paper copies will be shredded. Mrs. Reynolds is working with the Ohio Historic Society and the Auditor of State. She presented information from VB Confidential; a company that does this for school districts.

Resolution No. 62-14 Treca Leadership Team Cohort

Mr. Wasserbeck moved and Ms. Conroy seconded the motion to approve Mr. Gast, Superintendent, to join the Treca Leadership Team Cohort beginning July 2014.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Wasserbeck, Conroy, Everett Hafer, Metcalf, Buchanan Motion Carried

Noes: None

Resolution No. 63-14 Board Motion Override

Mr. Wasserbeck moved and Mrs. Buchanan seconded the motion to override the original board motion of 6-5-98 to allow the Velda Sloat Scholarship to be distributed in yearly increments of $1,000.00 to a chosen student.

Roll Call:

Ayes: Wasserbeck, Buchanan, Conroy, Metcalf Motion Carried

Abstain: Everett Hafer

Noes: None

Resolution No. 64-14 Executive Session

Mrs. Everett Hafer moved and Ms. Conroy seconded the motion to enter into executive session at 6:21 pm to consider the employment of a public employee or official.