List of included websites and accessible links
Social Security AdministrationResources
Social Security Online
Area Work Incentives Coordinator (AWIC):
The AWIC coordinates work incentive initiatives and SSA's employment support programs in a specific geographic area. The AWIC works with the SSA Regional Office Coordinator and the local Work Incentive Liaison (WIL).
Definitions of Work Incentive Liaison and Work Incentive Specialists
- Work Incentive Liaison:
- Work Incentive Specialists:
SSI and SSDI Programs
General information on the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs, including eligibility criteria and application procedures:
The Disability Planner
General information on how the Social Security Administration defines disability:
2003 Red Book
A Summary Guide to Employment Support for People with Disabilities under the Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Programs—a general reference source about the employment-related provisions of the SSDI and SSI programs:
Social Security Handbook
The basic guide to the social security programs
- Answers to questions:
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) homepage:
- How does income affect SSI benefits?:
- How income is counted:
- Chapter 21: Supplemental Security Income:
Medicare and Medicaid as Related to Work Issues
Each of these sites has links to publications dealing with the effect of work on coverage.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) website
- CMS Medicaid information:
- CMS Overview of Medicaid:
- CMS Medicaid Buy-in Program information:
- Medicaid Buy-in Eligibility Groups:
- 209(b) States:
- CMS Medicare Coverage Information:
- CMS Overview of Medicare:
- CMS Information on Medicare:
- History of CMS & the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA):
- Medicare website:
The Work Site
Comprehensive SSA information on work issues
This site includes information tailored for youth with disabilities, employers, beneficiaries and advocates and includes links to information on the Ticket to Work program and other SSA employment support initiatives and issues (Plan to Achieve Self Support, trial work period, extended period of eligibility).
- Ticket to Work:
- Employment Support for People with Disabilities:
- Resources Toolkit:
- Glossary:
- Work Incentives:
- Information on all work incentive activities in each state:
The Ticket to Work Website
This site is maintained by Maximus and includes links to all of the employment networks (ENs).
Work World
Benefits Planning, Assistance and Outreach (BPAO) functions:
This site includes a link to lists of BPAOs by state.
Protection and Advocacy (P&A) functions:
This site includes a link to lists of P&As by state.
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