English 1010 S2005


Due dates: Peer group (= bring a typed draft to class) M 2/21; Final draft F 2/22

Purpose: Explore a hidden or unique relationship you (or others—see below) have with a specific object or place. Offer insight on how the relationship came to be and what it means to you.

While you were the sole source of information for essay 1, our second assignment requires that you gather data from other sources through observation and interview(s), and pamphlets if applicable. You will integrate the information thus gathered to your writing. Failure to meet research requirements will result in a failing grade.

Topic: You have two options:

Option A—Write about a relationship that involves a specific object or place and yourself (see “Friend or Foe?” in CEL 76-77).

e.g., You decide to write about the relationship you have with your cell phone.

You should: -describe and reflect on the way you relate to your cell phone

- gather data from other people on the same relationship. Ask your friends/peers/roommates how and what they use their cell phone for, etc.

Option B—Write about a relationship that involves a specific object or place and someone other than you (see “A Building of Mailboxes” in CEL 130-32). The requirement in this case is that you should have personally observed the interaction between the person(s) and the place or object. You will also have to gather some information from this/these person(s) through interview.

e.g., You decide to write about the relationship between MTSU students and the knoll.

You should : -observe the place carefully, noting atmosphere, peak hours, etc.

-gather some data from students. Ask your friends/peers/roommates if they enjoy being on the knoll or not and why, how much time they spend there, etc.

Tips: - Any relationship can yield an interesting analysis. As was the case for essay 1, you will have to reflect on the nature of the relationship in order to unveil its significance.

- Consider whether you have ready access to it. For instance, if you want to write about a place, avoid picking one that is remote. This would make it difficult for you to adequately observe it.

Do not forget to make time for observation and interview(s). For more on conducting observations and interviews, see CEL 580-85.

Format & Length Requirements (failure to meet these requirement will incur a penalty on your essay grade): You must:

·  use a 12-point Times New Roman font

·  type, double-space, and paginate your paper throughout

·  include on the first page of your paper the assignment block as shown on page 635 of your Harbrace Handbook

Your final paper must be between 550-750 words—not more, not less.

Submission below the minimum or above the maximum length will be returned ungraded. No exceptions.