DUE 10/2/15 to Teaching and Learning Department

Midway ES 1

2015-18 Executive Summary
Continuous Improvement Goal
(Schools determine the number of goals) / AdvancED Standards
(Check all that apply) / Support from FCS Depts.*
(List all that apply)
Midway will integrate ELA/SS/Scienceand Math when appropriate in grades K-5 to increase content knowledge and vocabulary acquisition in all subject areas to help raise our overall score.
80% of 3rd-5th grade students at Midway will perform at the developing, proficient, or distinguished learner levels on the state assessment in SS and Science. / Purpose and Direction
Teaching and Assessing for
Using Results for Continuous
Improvement / When appropriate, provide the means to help students at Midway with devices like Kajeets, Tablets etc… so ongoing learning can take place after school
Continued support when purchasing resources to include leveled-content, such as Lexile leveled-readers, online subscriptions, etc.
80% of 2nd-5th grade students will be close to, meeting, or exceeding expectations on the math post interim assessment for 2015-2016. / Teaching and Assessing for
Resources and Support
Using Results for Continuous
Improvement / Continued support for number talks and math interventions
Continued support for the APTT process
100% of certified teachers at Midway will utilize the itslearning planner to communicate classroom information and bridge learning between school and home in 2015-2016 as assessed through TKES platform walkthroughs. / Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Resources and Support
Systems / Training provided by ITS and itslearning specialist
Video trainings and itslearning exemplars accessible for teachers to develop their own skill sets
When appropriate, provide the means to help students at Midway with devices like Kajeets, Tablets etc… so ongoing learning can take place after school
The percentage of K-3 students making expected to high growth in reading as assessed on the F & P SLO Assessment will increase from 93% in 2015 to 95% in 2016.
3-90% / Teaching and Assessing for
Resources and Support
Using Results for Continuous
Improvement / Continued support for data team process and APTT
* FCSDepts:
Educational Leadership Human Resources Student Support Services
Facilities Public Inf. & Communications Superintendent
Finance & Operations School Safety & Discipline Teaching & Learning
Food & Nutrition Services Special Education Technology & Inf. Services

2015-16 School Improvement Plan
Continuous Improvement Goal:
See Title 1 School Plan for details on how the goals will be accomplished.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
2015-16 Professional Learning Plan
Professional Learning Goal(s):
Through a comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school it was determined by the Midway Professional Learning Team and Title I Action Team the weaknesses on previous state standardized assessments, Midway will integrate all subjects where appropriate to facilitate growth in vocabulary and content mastery. In addition, Academic Parent Teacher Teams were developed to specifically target grade level needs.
Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):
  • Data Team meetings will be conducted bi-weekly (Wednesdays) by the Team IST Chair to assess progress in Reading and Math.
  • Job embedded “Power Learning” occurs Monday-Thursday from 2:30pm to 3:30pm with small group collaborative teams on a 2-week cycle.

Date / # Hours / Description of Learning Activities
July 30-August 5
Pre-Planning / 11 / Preplanning Session: Beginning
(Code of Ethics, School Improvement, Mandated Reporter)
TKES Overview, TKES Orientation & self-assessment, TKES pre-conference
July 31
Pre-Planning (District) / 3.5 / itslearningDCD
August 11
Common Planning / .75 / SLO F & P Training
August 18
Common Planning / .75 / Interim Training
August 19
Faculty Meeting / 1
September 2
Early Release/Prof. Dev. (District) / 3
September 14-25
Professional Learning Rotation / 1 / Grade level collaborative planning time & itslearning
September 9-10
½ day planning / 3 / Planning for #1 APTT night
September 15-17
APTT Meeting #1 / 2 / APTT Meeting #1 night with parents
September 23
Faculty Meeting / 1 / Instructional coaching and overview of FCSS inclement weather plans
September 24
Common Planning / .75 / itslearning training with J. Aurisch
October 5-16
Professional Learning Rotation / 1 / Prepare for Conferences - Review APTT individual meeting; Beginadding/extending skills for January; APTT #1 debrief sheet
October 6
Common Planning / .75 / F & P Data Entry
October 9
Common Planning / .75 / itslearning training with J. Aurisch
October 23
Prof. Dev. Day (District AM/School PM) / 3
October 26-November 6
Professional Learning Rotation / 1 / Mini GAPSS Reflections
November 3
Common Planning / .75 / itslearning training with J. Aurisch
November 9-20
Professional Learning Rotation / 1 / TKES Conferences
November 18
Faculty Meeting / 1
December 16
Faculty Meeting / 1
January 4
Prof. Dev. Day (School) / 8
January 5, 6, 7
½ day planning / 3 / Planning for #2 APTT night
January 12, 13, 14
APTT Meeting #2 / 2 / APTT Meeting #2 night with parents
January 20
Faculty Meeting / 1
January 25-February 5
Professional Learning Rotation / 1 / itslearning TBD
February 8-26
Professional Learning Rotation / 1 / T & L strategies (Number Talks, Concepts through Reading groups, TBD
February 16
Prof. Dev. Day (District AM/School PM) / 3
February 17
Faculty Meeting / 1
March 8, 9, 10
½ day planning / 3 / Planning for #3 APTT night
March 15, 16, 17
APTT Meeting #3 / 2 / APTT Meeting #3 night with parents
March 21-April 1
Professional Learning Rotation / 1 / GA Milestone-TBD
March 23
Faculty Meeting / 1
April 13
Faculty Meeting / 1 / GA Milestone Training
May 2-14
Professional Learning Rotation / 1 / Title I Planning
May 16-27
Professional Learning Rotation / 1 / 2016-17 Class construction
May 18
Faculty Meeting / 1
May 31
June 1
*Data Team Meetings / 15 / Aug. 26, Sept 9, Oct. 14, Oct. 28, Nov. 11, Dec. 2, Jan. 27, Feb. 10, Feb. 24, Mar. 9, Mar 30, Apr. 27, May 11 & May 25