Algebraic Reasoning

Coach Driver


CM 175

Fall 2017

1.)Description of the Course:

In Algebraic Reasoning, students will build on the knowledge and skills for mathematics in Kindergarten-Grade 8 and Algebra I, continue with the development of mathematical reasoning related to algebraic understandings and processes, and deepen a foundation for studies in subsequent mathematics courses. Students will broaden their knowledge of functions and relationships, including linear, quadratic, square root, rational, cubic, cube root, exponential, absolute value, and logarithmic functions. Students will study these functions through analysis and application that includes explorations of patterns and structure, number and algebraic methods, and modeling from data using tools that build to workforce and college readiness such as probes, measurement tools, and software tools, including spreadsheets.

2.)Instructional Materials:

TEXT: Algebraic Reasoning by, Gray, Weilmuenster, and Hylemon

3.)Method of Evaluation:

50% - Daily Work and Quizzes 50% - Tests and Major Projects

4.)Grading Criteria:

A 90 – 100

B 80 – 89

C 70 – 79

D 60 – 69

F 0 – 59

5.)Contact with Parents:

If a student’s average drops below a 71%, a parent or guardian will be contacted.


Classwork will be given each class period and due that class.

Homework will be assigned as needed.

7.)Tutoring Times:


8.)Make up Work:

Missed Classwork and Notes: You will be allowed one day to make up classwork / notes for each day missed. It is your responsibility to get your missed assignment and make-up the work.

Missed Tests / Quizzes: Please schedule a time to test / quiz your first day back. (If a test / quiz, or project due date has been previously announced and scheduled, you will be responsible for it the day you return.)

Missed Project Work: All project work is due your first day back. If your team is dependent on your contribution, please try to coordinate with them to submit your part with theirs on the due date, in order for the project to be totally complete.

SCHOOL RELATED ABSENCES: Request all work before leaving on school trips. Work is due the day you return.

Late Work:One day late= 15 points off, Two days late=30 points off, and Three+ days late= no credit

9.) Retakes:

Allowed for a test with a score below 70%.

The highest a student may make on a retest is 70%.

It is up to the student to schedule a tutorial with the teacher before retaking the test.

The tutorial and retest must be completed within 1 week of the test being handed back.

10.)Classroom Procedures:

Be on Time. This means in your seat when the bell rings and ready to go.

Be Prepared.

Be Ready to Learn.

Be Respectful.

Do noteat candy, food, or drink in class unless you have been given permission.Bottles with tops are acceptable and nothing else.

Cell phones, ear buds, and other electronic devices are toremain stored off of your desk during any classroom instruction, quizzes, and Test.

  • Failure to follow will result in the students phone being taken up (if this happens 3 times the phone will be taken to the office.
  • ($15 cell phone fee paid at the front office.)

After 10 minutes, a tardy is an absence.

  • New this year if you are tardy more than 10 minutes you will be written an office referral.

12.)School Policies:

Students are responsible to know and follow all rules and procedures in the student handbook.

13.) Behavior Consequences:

1st Offense – Free Warning (verbal, eye contact or written).

2ndOffense –Possible talk in hallway, and possible isolation.

3rd Offense - Parent contact, 30 minute detention, and a possible referral.

4thOffense – Parent contact, a referral.

Immediate Referral: severedisruption