Welcome to Dual Credit
2013 - 2014
Dual Credit allows high school students to earn both high school and college credit by completing college-level courses while in class (or on a computer if you are a virtual dual credit student) at KHS. As a college student, you automatically have access to theLone Star College-Kingwood resources, such as tutoring, computer lab and library services, and various seminars.
The responsibility for applying online, arranging and taking required testing, meeting deadlines, and paying the appropriate fees is yours, as any college student taking a college course. It is important to remember that these courses are COLLEGE COURSES offered at the high school. The expectation of work load and academic challenge are college level. Remember that a student ispermanentlyremoved from the dual credit program if a final grade in any course is a D or lower. See the chart on page 5 for courses offered, credits, and tuition costs.
The Dual Credit Coordinator for KHS is Ms. Jeri Fasoldat 281-641-6976inRoom 4405. You can find dual credit info on the KHS website, Our School tab, Counselors link, Dual Credit link.
The Dual Credit Coordinatorat Lone Star College-Kingwood is Ms. Linda Dealat 281-312-1509 n the StudentConferenceCenter.
Access theLSC-K website at for a detailed explanation of the Dual Credit Program.
Return to this site and follow the directionson page 2 regarding dual credit registration procedures for KHS.
Refer to the Online Admissions Application Instructionson page 3. This step does not enroll a student in any College classbut creates amyLoneStar account necessary for allLone Star College-Kingwood students. From this site students accessplacement test scores and schedules, make payments, and eventually see grades and send transcripts.
The Online Admissions Application must be completed before any placement testing!
Lone Star College-Kingwood offers the COMPASS or ACCUPLACER exams (both on computer) for free. A fee of $10.00 is charged for re-testing any section. Go to the Admissions Office in the StudentConferenceCenterany day Monday – Thursday immediately after school to obtain a test referral form.Proceed to the TestingCenter upstairs to test. You will leave with the scores in hand. Call 281-312-1476 for more information regarding testing times. Refer to the Placement/TSI Scores List on page 4 to review required minimum scores and acceptable testing formats.
***Always take the following items when you test: photo ID, SS#, #2 pencils and TI83/84 calculator.
**Testing on Saturday is an option but necessitates a trip sometime Monday-Friday to pick up the form that allows you upstairs to test. The office that gives that form is not open on Saturday.
LSC has finals May 6-10. Avoid these dates. Also, LSC is closed March 11-16 and March 29-30.
Bring test scoresto Ms. Fasold in Room 4405. Student and parent will then sign an Exceptional Admission Formthat Ms. Fasold will submit to Lone Star. Scores of tests completed at the College can always be found on your myLoneStaraccount.
The deadline for this step is May 31, 2013 – before finals!
In July, check your myLoneStaraccount to confirm that your schedule is enteredand make payment. Payment can be madeeither online at your myLoneStaraccount or at the LSC-K Business Office in the StudentConferenceCenter. A payment reminder is only sent to your myLoneStar e-mailaccount.
Payment is due July 31, 2013.
No student is officially enrolled in the Dual Credit Program until payment is made.
Lone Star College-Kingwood Online Admissions Application Instructions for Dual Credit
Student MUST have an email address to complete application - Pay close attention to Password Requirements - It stops many people
Take photo ID and Social Security card to an Admissions Advisor in the StudentConferenceCenter at LSC if you have any problems with this step.
Setting up your Username and Password
Step 1 Go to
Step 2 Click on Admissions - left side of screen
Step 3 Click on STEP 1, Apply for Admissionsunder ‘Getting Started’
Step 4 Click on Admissions Applicationunder ‘New Students’
Step 5 Click in the blue box on the link Click here to create an Account - right side of screen
Step 6 Fill out the information - Choose a username and password - Click APPLY NOW - If the username you selected is already taken, generate another username - Sometimes the computer won’t tell you the name is taken
Step 7 Screen should say Apply Now - Submit was successful - Click OK to continue
To Login and Complete Application
WARNING - Screen will time out and log out of the application after about 3 minutes of inactivity
Step 1 Log in using the User ID and password you created in the previous steps
Step 2 Verify that your name and information are correct - Click NEXT
Step 3 Select Citizenship Status
- Enter your Social Security Number if you are a U.S. Citizen.
- Enter Visa Information if you are an international on Student Visa
- If you are international, without a social or visa number, leave the Social and Visa space blank
- Answer the question on military status – Click NEXT
Step 4 Enter your Home Address, Phone Number, and Emergency Contact Information - Click NEXT
Step 5 Select if you consider yourself Hispanic/Latino or not, select a Race, check box indicating that the information is correct - Click NEXT
If you check Latino for the first box and do not see your race in question 2, skip question two.
Step 6 Institutional Research - Answer theseoptional questions to the best of your ability - If you choose not to, click NEXT
Step 7 Select Campus and Term - Choosing an academic program is required for the application but is not permanent
- SelectFall2013
- Select Lone Star College-Kingwood
- Select a Long Term Goal
- Selectan Area of Interest – Click NEXT
You have now reached the first opportunity to click SAVE before continuing - Saving is recommended - Click NEXT
Step 8 Applicant Profile - Choose “I am currently enrolled in and attending high school” – Click NEXT
Step 9 Educational Background - Click on High School Inside U.S.
- SelectHigh School Search – Select Texas
- Schools will be listed in alphabetical order
- Select your school from drop down list
Enter your graduation month and year - Ex 06/2015 - Select NEXT - Skip the question regarding Previous College Information
Step 10Residency Information - Click on the underlined linked to answer the residency questionnaire
- Answer Noyou have never attended college
- Yes if you lived in Texas
- Yes you will graduate from an accredited high school in Texas
- Answer Yes or No if you have or have not lived in Texas for at least 36 months/3years
- Answer Yes or No if you have or have not lived in Texas for at least 12 months
- Are you a US Resident? Select Yes or No - If NO, select what country you were born in - Select the link for Affidavit Message and print this form - Follow the instructions on the form after completing the application - You do not have to enter address of residency from home country
- Type in HUMBE ISDfor school district
Step 11In order to proceed, select the last answer you choseAGAIN - Click on the blackened circle again - Type in your school district and select the RESIDENCY OATH check box to confirm that everything you have stated is true - Click SUBMITand NEXT
Step 12Confirm that you were or were not enrolled in the previous Fall/Spring term – Click NEXT
Step 13 Check the box after reading the Bacterial Meningitis Public Service Announcement - Click NEXT
Step 14 Check the box to confirm that all information is true - Click Submit to submit your application - Confirmation Message - Check box to state that everything you have entered is correct
CONGRATULATIONS! You have arrived atSubmit Confirmation. The Submit was successful.
Write down your Student ID Number and Username for future reference.
ACCUPLACER / EA 87for College Alg
CLM 85 for PreCal / 80 and 6 essay or
7 essay only / 78
COMPASS / A 67 for College Alg
CA 51 for PreCal / 85 and 6 essay or
7 essay only / 81
PSAT 10th only / 50 / composite 107 / 50 / composite 107
ACT / 21 / composite 23
23 for PreCal / 19 / composite 23 / 19 / composite 23
SAT / 520 / composite 1070
550 for PreCal / 500 / composite 1070
THEA / 275 / 220 / 230
Additional TSI Scores for Foreign Language Placement
FRENCH 3, GERMAN 3, SPAN 3 / 330
FRENCH 4, GERMAN 4, SPAN 4 / 390
A - Algebra
CA - College Algebra
CAPE - Computer Adaptive Placement Exam
CLM – College Level Math
EA – Elementary Algebra
IA - Intermediate Algebra
TAKS -Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills
THEA -Texas Higher Education Assessment
TSI – TexasState Initiative
Dual Credit Courses, Credits, and Costs
Year-long courses that carry only 1 college course number arebilled one time onlyin July before the fall session.
College Transition H13003
German 3 Pre AP23113
German 4 AP23123
French 3 Pre AP23113
French 4 AP23123
Spanish 3 Pre AP23113
Spanish 4 AP23123
Spanish 5 AP23123
CollegeAlgebra H 13143
Calculus AP AB24134
Biology AP14064 $18.00 LAB FEE
Anat/Phys H24014 $24.00 LAB FEE
Economics H Virtual23013
US Government H Virtual23013
Psychology H Virtual23013
Year-long courses that carry 2 college course numbers are billed twice, once in July and again in December.
English 4 H1301/13023 + 3 = 6
PreCalculus PreAP AB or BC1316/24123 + 4 = 7
Calculus AP BC2413/24144 + 4 = 8
US Hist H1301/13023 + 3 = 6
Payment can be made at theBusiness Office in the StudentConferenceCenter (281-312-1581) or online at via the student myLoneStar account.
Bills/reminders will onlybe sent to the myLoneStaremail account.
Credit Hours / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15District Resident / $60 / $76 / $108 / $124 / $140 / $156 / $172 / $188 / $204 / $220 / $236 / $252
* Tuition Subject To Change