DTP Strategic Planning Meeting

‘Working together to advance human right’

The 2018Strategic Planning Day brought thestaff and board together to reaffirmDiplomacy Training Program’s (DTP) commitments in developing the capacity and skills of community advocates in Indigenous Australia and the Asia-Pacific region.

In preparation for the planning day, a survey was sent out to DTP staff and board, current and former trainers, alumni and partner organisations. A vast majority of survey participants have been connected to DTP for 10 or more years, with 73% from overseas countries.

Survey results showed thatparticipants believe DTP training to be instrumental in their advocacy work however, they also saw that DTP’s lack of funding and resources are a challenge when coordinating training programs, alumni engagement and communication. Participants were also concerned with the lack of focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and Australian Migrants, as well as Australian support for human right on a regional scale.

Participants expressed that knowledge and capacity building around UN/ILO Standards, human rights, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 20-30 Agenda and campaign and lobbying skills have been the most effective. Their biggest human rights concerns are the rights of migrant works, women’s rights and violence against women and business/trade and human rights.

Response from these surveys proved instrumental in directing DTP’s future. One main concern shared by DTP staff and board members was being able to convey DTP story, staff capacity, the need for DTP to fill a bigger space in the region, program and regional focus, communication, engaging with alumni and funding. Based on survey outcomes, several changes have been madeagreed on by the DTP staff and board.

New Tagline / Working together to advance human rights
New Vision / A world in which all people have the freedom to advocate for the promotion and protection of human rights and are able to realise their human rights and achieve dignity.
New Mission / To build the knowledge, skills, networks and capacities of those working to advance human rights.
DTP Pillars / To achieve our mission, DTP will
  • Develop and delivery training to fill needs in the region
  • Build DTP profile and communicate our identity
  • Grow and service the alumni, trainer and partnership networks
  • Sustain, build and diversify funding sources
  • Enhance operational and governance effectiveness

Overall the Strategic Planning day was a success in providing a vision for the organisation so that we are able to better deliver quality capacity building programs to human rights defenders in Asia-Pacific region.