DCI: Typography Exercise 2Name:

Problem 1—Drop Cap: Using the B in the paragraph below, create a drop cap that drops 2 lines into the text. (Hint: Insert Ribbon) Change the font for the drop cap to a Blackletter or Decorative font and change the color.

Body language is the use of expressions and movements rather then words to communicate feelings. People are rarely aware of how much they reveal about themselves through their posture, gestures, and facial expressions.

Problem 2—Pull quote and justification: justify the columns below; create a pull-quote using a text box and place it in the center of the article. Use the first phrase of the last paragraph “Some people call them good Samaritans . . .” as the quote. Center and italicize the text inside the text box. (Hint: Insert Ribbon)

Larry Beal, co-chair of the Community Pantry, was presented with the 2007 Guardian Award at a special awards dinner in Chicago last week. Nominated by his peers in the community, Beal was up against highly qualified candidates from the city and suburbs. News anchor Ted Montgomery awarded Larry a check for $1,000 as well as a check for the Pantry for $1,000. Larry received an engraved plaque that read, 2001 Guardian Award Presented to Larry Beal “For his dedication and faithful service to the Community Pantry and the people it serves.”

Larry has worked at the Pantry for more than 10 years—first as a Saturday volunteer and driver to the Chicago Food Depository. After he retired from a distinguished career in accounting, Larry worked three days a week at the Pantry, doing everything from keeping the books to counseling the patrons.

TV Channel 5 and the Humanitarian Council sponsor this annual award. The award honors the highest ideals and achievements in public service—the unsung heroes of the community. The Guardian Award was founded in 1972 by the City Council.

Some people call them good Samaritans; others call them volunteers. Their titles really do not matter. It is their unselfish commitment to service that positively influences the lives of others. People such as Larry Beal make a difference here at the Community Pantry.

Problem 3—Display two examples of each of the following typefaces. You may not use Times New Roman, Arial or Chiller as examples. Use an 18 point font (approximately).

Sans Serif

Problem 4—Small cap: Using the title below, change it to 18 point Cooper Black Small Cap. (Hint: Ctrl + D or Font Dialogue Box)

An attentive person smiles, maintains eye contact and shows interest in the person speaking.

Problem 5—Small cap: Some fonts are small cap by design. Find one of those fonts and display the following sentence in that font. (Hint: Ctrl + D or Font Dialogue Box)

A person who is feeling defensive crosses his arms and has a sideways glance.

Problem 6—Uppercase: Some fonts are uppercase by design. Find one of those fonts and display the following sentence in that font. (Hint: Ctrl + D or Font Dialogue Box)

A person who is feeling defensive crosses his arms and has a sideways glance.

Problem 7—creating mood: For the items listed below, select a font that will create the appropriate mood or fit the topic. Display the font in 24 point (approximately).

  1. Fear

  1. Silly, giggly girls

  1. Title: Mystery novel

  1. Title: Western novel

  1. Wedding invitation

  1. Research paper

  1. Birthday card—child

  1. Birthday card—adult

  1. Sympathy card

Problem 7—Tracking:

Tracking: Adjust the spacing between these words so that it will all fit on four lines. Do not change the point size or the table width. (Hint: Ctrl + D or Font Dialogue Box)
. / The issue of free speech on computer networks is a big concern for the online services available to computer users. Online services have become a popular way for subscribers to shop and to communicate with one another. However, the providers of online services don’t control the contents of the newsletters and other communications available through their services. Some services screen messages for obscene language.

Be sure your name is at the top of the first page. Print to the color printer.

Staple to Typography Exercises 1 and 3 and turn in. Upload this assignment to Schoology.