Extended Reserve Compliance Report
Company Name
Test date
Report Date
This Compliance Report template is intended to demonstrate the depth of information expected to allow review of whether the installation meets the Technical Requirement Schedule (TRS).
Whilst a specific type of relay is used in this template the system operator does not endorse any particular relay or circuit design, it is expected that the Extended Reserves Provider will customise the report and the headings to meet the specific requirements of their installation and the extended reserves blocks being offered.
Contact Details
Participant / Testing company*If different from participant / Transpower
*optional / Extended Reserves Manager
1.Summary information
Description / DetailParticipant ID:
Demand Unit ID:
AUFLS Block Reference:
Operating Time (ms):
Test date:
Report Purpose: / Routine Test / Grid Event / (please circle one)
Armed Status (as-left):
Start (Armed) Date:
Scheme Type: / Self-monitoring digitalyes / no / (please circle one)
Schematic Design: / Included inAppendix 1yes / no
______/ (please circle one)
(if no, please enter Demand Unit ID of the Report that contains the Schematic Design)
Test Status: / Pass / Fail / (please circle one)
Test Equipment:
Test Equipment Calibration Date:
Legacy Unit ID: / Optional - / (please reference any legacy AUFLS scheme to tested as a Demand Unit for Extended Reserves)
2.Table of Contents
1.Summary information
2.Table of Contents
3.List of Abbreviations
4.Test Summary
5.Test Details
5.1.Bench test
5.2.Commissioning/maintenance test
5.3.End to end test
6.Work still to be completed
Appendix 1:Scheme design and Technical Specs
1.1Scheme Design and technical specifications
1.2Relay and Instrument Diagram
1.3DC Control and Relay Logic Diagram
1.4Settings and Trip Equations
Appendix 2:Control Diagram
2.1SEL-351S *COMPANY’s* Manufacture and Custom Logic [1]
Appendix 3:Background Reference Communications
Appendix 4:Works Cited
3.List of Abbreviations
Abbreviation / DescriptionER / Extended reserve
AUFLS / Automatic under-frequency load shedding
TRS / Technical Requirements Schedule
T&Cs / Terms and Conditions
ERM / Extended Reserve Manager
SO / System Operator
CTs / Current transformers
VTs / Voltage transformers
SEL / Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
R&I / Relay and instrument
RoCoF / Rate of change of frequency
DU / Demand unit
SCADA / Supervisory control and data acquisition
4.Test Summary
The following summary lists typical tests that can be undertaken to demonstrate compliance. Further information on testing is available in the Companion Guide for Testing Assetswhich can found on the System Operator Website in the Resources for Asset Owner, Asset Testing section.
Table 1: Summary of Evidence of Compliance.
TRS clause / Proof of compliance / Details10-15 / Testing end to end operation / 10. Frequency set point(s)
11. Voltage Guard
12. Total Operating Time
13. Block settings
14. Time delays
15. Logic functionality
17-18 / New and existing systems / To be tested as above with appropriate frequency
19 / After maintenance or upgrading / System to be tested
5.Test Details
***In this section all tests performed should have a procedural brief explained with results displayed and concise details around displayed status of compliance.
***Examples of tests and graphical results to prove compliance are detailed in the companion guide for asset testing document.
***The test plan and switching procedure if applicableshould be summarized here.
*** Appendix 2 allows detailed description of logic blocks used
*** Appendix 3 allows relevant emails to be incorporated into this report
5.1.Bench test
***Details of any acceptance or conformity tests conducted prior to wiring the device at site should be explained detailing results in terms of compliance with TRS.
5.2.Commissioning/maintenance test
***Details of tests conducted on site with kit (wiring, devices or settings) of the scheme partially installed should be explained detailing results in terms of compliance with TRS.
5.3.End to end test
***Details of final tests with all scheme equipment and settings in a as left state should be explained detailing results in terms of end to end compliance with TRS.
6.Work still to be completed
***In this section a brief conclusive summary of compliance should be discussed and any future work explained.
***If there is any relevant communication with ERM or system operator (SO) it should be referenced here and cited via appendix to aid in transparency and efficiency.
Appendix 1:Scheme design and Technical Specs
1.1Scheme Design and technical specifications
This section should be replaced with details of the AUFLS scheme being tested unless this is the second or later report detailing a common design utilised by an individual participant, in which case the first such report should be referenced in Section 1 and this Section left blank.
1.2Relay and Instrument Diagram
The AUFLS scheme is made up of one Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.(SEL) 351S feeder sensing/control relay with a locked down firmware version of *#.##* and installed as shown in the high level relay and instrument (R&I) diagram below.
Figure 1: High level R&I diagram for a SEL-351S protection system.[1]
The relay has many protection duties other than AUFLS and primarily used for feeder protection.
***Should there be any other elements that will impact AUFLS operation such as auto transfer schemes or complex bus operations it should be included in the R&I diagram and appropriately explained.
1.3DC Control and Relay Logic Diagram
***The R&I diagram is only a small part of aiding in the understanding of how the protection is designed to operate. It is recommended that a standard AUFLS protection control diagram is constructed that allows for flexibility in application, refer to Appendix A for an example. The parts of logic and control elements used for AUFLS in the diagram should be explained concisely, similar to that shown in this subsection.
The SEL-351S is a standard feeder protection system for our [example] company and there is a standard control and logic diagram our [example] company uses to reduce design difficulty, technician time and human error in application of the most common feeder protection jobs. In Appendix A the entire standard control and logic diagram shows flexibility with many possible features and designs by maximizing the number of available blocks to be armed for an AUFLS system. This demand unit was selected only for block 1, but the company has decided to test the rate of change of frequency (RoCoF) element for all selected AUFLS systems, regardless of block selection. In testing the compliance of block 4 there is an increase in the flexibility to enable the unit for use as a RoCoF block with minimal to no testing required. With this known the standard control and logic diagram is reduced down to represent only the active protection elements and those tested for future use, as shown in the following control and logic diagram.
Figure 2: AUFLS feeder logic diagram of a SEL-351S protection system. [1]
DC control logic
As shown in the DC Control Logic block of the feeder logic diagram above, this scheme is designed to trip with OUT101 contact and there is no other supervisory contact in series with this contact to disrupt the trip signal. This feeder protection can be enabled by a push button on the front face of the relay box (ie No manual panel mounted protection disconnect switch is in this design). The trip coil circuit is monitored by the IN106 input of the SEL-351S unit in order to capture breaker opening times for end to end TRS testing compliance. The trip coil status logically “AND”s with the protection enable push button and will be visible for operational situational awareness via SCADA. (eg this is not shown in the logic diagram just informational)
AUFLS block 1 under frequency logic (81D1 & 27B81)
The block 1 setting logic is programmed to the 81D1 protection element as show in the AUFLS frequency pickup logic in Figure 2 above. The under voltage requirement for block 1 is programmed as per the logic diagram to the 27B81 under voltage element of the SEL device as per clause 15 Figure 1 of the TRS.This logic is all standard manufacturelogic and easily accessible in the appropriate SEL manual.
RoCoF logic
The RoCoFlogic was not left active in the trip equation for the ABC0001 DU, as this demand unit is selected for block 1 at this time. A RoCoF element (81R1), under voltage element (81RT), and a secondary pickuplogic (81DX) were tested to confirm compliance with clause 15, Figure 4of the TRS so it can easily be enabled in the future. To avoid confusion, the primary and secondary pickup logic settings have not been included in the reduced feeder logic diagram above for this report. In the future if block 4 in selected for this DU an updated report will be completed. This logic is standard manufacture logic and detailed information is readily available in the appropriate SEL manual.
1.4Settings and Trip Equations
***In this section only setting that are required to prove compliance with the TRS should be listed. If there are any calculations, custom latching (such as front panel buttons here) or tuning of protection settings to meet TRS they should be explained in detail to prove compliance.See companion guide for asset testing of AUFLS for more details such as RoCoF calculation details that may need to be provided such as in SEL-351S.
AUFLS Settings
All the as left AUFLS protection settings are “like for like” to the TRS block 1 requirements. They relevant AUFLS setting left in the ABC0001 demand units SEL 351s device are displayed below.
***The RoCoF relay settingis not included in this report to avoid compliance confusion, if DU was selected for block four the report would be updated.
Trip and drive to lock out equation
The trip settings left in the relay includes 50, 51 and 51N overcurrent feeder protection elements of which are detailed in ReportXXXX.XX. The block 1 trip settings are set to 81D1T with a time delay 81D1D and a supervisory IN105 input element. The IN105 input is latched (internally programed) to the disable AUFLS push button (PB10) on the front face of the SEL 351S device. This push button was left in the enable protection position and is confirmed with the SCADA status. The supervisory push button (PB10) is company standard to aid field personal in easily disabling protection elements. The trip equation left in the relay is shown below.
The drive to lock out function in the SEL 351S is to bypass (disable) reclosing protection on the feeder in the event of a block 1 (81D1T) AUFLS trip. The block 1 drive to lock out signal is programed with a supervisory element as explained in the trip equation section of this report as per company standard, though it is a redundancy of no impact. The scheme has ability for SCADA control to disable feeder reclosing and this is done using IN104, this input into the drive to lock out equation has no impact on AUFLS operation. The protection scheme’s as left drive to lock out equation is shown below for clarity.
Appendix 2:Control Diagram
2.1SEL-351S *COMPANY’s* Manufacture and Custom Logic[1]
Appendix 3:Background Reference Communications
***Detail any emails relevant to the compliance status of this demand unit:
to/from ER Provider; System Operator; and/or ER Manager
Appendix 4:Works Cited
***some diagrams form the SEL manual are reproduced and/or edited to fit this example.
[1] / SCWEITZER ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, INC., “SEL-351S Instruction Manual,” Date Code 20100315.Page 1 of 13