dsUnzh; v/;;u e.My }kjk vuqlaf’kr LukrdksRrj ikB~;Øe lS)kfUrd fo"k; dh ijh{kk ;kstuk
d{kk % M.Sc. (Home Sc.)fo"k; % Extension & Communication
S.No. / Semester / Paper / Title of the Paper / Max. Marks / Total1. / III
Semester / Theory / First – Indian Socio-Economic Environment
Second – Program Design & Evaluation
Third –Social Advertising & Marketing
Fourth- Entrepreneurship Management / 50
50 / 200
Practical / First - Program Design & Evaluation
Second - Social Advertising & Marketing / 50
50 / 100
Project / Job Oriented Internship (2 Month) / 100 / 100
2. / IV
Semester / Theory / First – Women and gender Development
Second – Training Management
Third – Media Planning & Production
Fourth – Optional (A) – Project Planning
Optional (B) – Mass Communication
Optional (C) - Dissertation / 50
50 / 200
Practical / First – Training Management
Second - Media Planning & Production / 50
50 / 100
Project / Job Oriented Project Work / 50 / 50
Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P.
Post Graduate Semester wise Syllabus
as recommended by Central Board of Studies and approved by the Governor of M.P.
mPp f'k{kk foHkkx] e-iz- 'kklu
LukrdksRrj d{kkvksa ds fy;s lsesLVj vuqlkj ikB~;dze
dsanzh; v/;;u e.My }kjk vuq'kaflr rFkk e- iz- ds jkT;iky }kjk vuqeksfnr
Session 2010-2011
Class / d{kk% M.Sc. (H.Sc.)
Semester / lsesLVj%III
Subject / fo"k; %Extension and Communication
Title of Subject Group %Indian Socio-Economic Environment
fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd%
Paper No. / iz'ui= dzekad%I
Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z%Compulsory
Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % 50
Particulars / fooj.k
Unit-1 / Indian Economy-Structure And Organization Rural, Urban and Tribal area.Unit-2 / Industrialization – problem of urbanization and its impact on urban & rural life.
Economic planning and achievement.
Economic growth and development.
Unit-3 / Cottage and small-scale industry.
Co-operatives-philosophy, objective and types.
Unit-4 / Indian agriculture – characteristics, problem of agriculture and their eradication, credit policy.
Unit-5 / Industrial development- importance and policies.
Suggested Readings :
- Black M (1933): Girls and women, A UNICEF Development Priority,
- UNICEF New York.
- Country Repor I (1986): Department of woman and child development.
- Government of India; New Delhi.
- Desai N (1986). Indian Women-Charge and ChaHenge to International.
- Women's Decade.
- Laxmi Devi (1998), Women and Development. Institute for
- Sustainable and~mol Poolications Pvt Ltd.; New Delhi.
- National Perspective Plan for women (1983); Department of Women
- and Child Development, NeN Delhi.
- Sahay S (1998): women and Empowerment : Approaches and Strategies. Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi
- Sharnim (ed) Women's Development Problems and Prospects.
- APH Publishing Corpora ion, New Deli.
- Sharma OC (1994). Crime against Women. Sterling Publihers Pvt. Let. New Delhi.
- Sibama M (1995) women, Tradition, Culture. Shish Publishing
- House, New Delhi.
- Yadav CP (2000). Empowerment of Women. Vol I & II Laxmi Shikhan.
- Sansthan and Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P.
Post Graduate Semester wise Syllabus
as recommended by Central Board of Studies and approved by the Governor of M.P.
mPp f'k{kk foHkkx] e-iz- 'kklu
LukrdksRrj d{kkvksa ds fy;s lsesLVj vuqlkj ikB~;dze
dsanzh; v/;;u e.My }kjk vuq'kaflr rFkk e- iz- ds jkT;iky }kjk vuqeksfnr
Session 2010-2011
Class / d{kk% M.Sc. (H.Sc.)
Semester / lsesLVj%III
Subject / fo"k; %Extension and Communication
Title of Subject Group %Programme Design & Evaluation
fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd%
Paper No. / iz'ui= dzekad%II
Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z%Compulsory
Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % 50
Particulars / fooj.k
Unit-1 / Concept of programme planning.- Meaning & importance of programme plan in extension
- Purpose of Programme Planing.
- Principle of Programme Planing.
Unit-2 / Programme development cycle.
- Component of programme planning.
- Programme development cycle.
- Programme projection and difference between programme projection and Pr. Planing.
Unit-3 / Plan of work.
- Elements of plan of work.
- Pre-requisites for plan of work.
- Guidelines for develping plan of work.
- Criteria for judging plan of work.
- Format of plan of work.
Unit-4 / Programme implementation & evaluation
- Execute programme.
- Factors responsible for the successful conduct of a programme.
- Evaluation of programme – Meaning. Purpose, Types a phases, programme evaluation.
- Methods of evaluation – spot visit, meeting, observation, check list, measuring impact.
- Obstacles in programme evaluation
Unit-5 / Agencies responsible for programme planning.
- Qualities needed by planner.
Practical – I
1.Assessing needs & problems of a target group.
2.Develop a plan of action for the problem identified.
Suggested Readings :
- Alberecsht, H. etc. At Rural Develpment Series Agricultural Extension of I & II. Basic concepts and methods. Wiley Eastern Limited New Delhi.
- Chubey, B.K. (1979) : A Handbook of Extension and Communication Jyoti Prakashan; Allahabad.
- Dahama, O.P. and Bhatnagar, O.P. (1987); Education and Communication for Development Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd; New Dehi.
- Extension Deucation in Community Development. (1961) : Ministry of Food and Agriculture. Government of India. New Delhi.
- Pankajam, G (2000) : Extension – Third Dimension of Education, Gyan Publishing House; New Delhi.
- Ray, G.L. (1999) : Extension communication and Management. Naya Prokash; Calcutta.
- Reddy, A. (1999). Extension and Communication. Sree Lakshmi Press, Bapatla.
- Berger, M.L. and Berger, P.J. (1973) : Group Training Technologies. Lowe and Bryalone Pvt. Ltd. Haver Hill. Britain.
- Bhatnagar, O.P. (1989). Evlauation Methodology for Trainign theory and Practical. Oxford and IBH Publishing company, New Delhi.
- Easterby Smith, Mark. (1986). Evaluation Management, Training and Development, Growers Publishing Co., England.
- Flippo Edwin, B. (1972). Principles of Personnel Management. McGraw Hill Co., New York.
- Hackett, P. (1997). Introduction to Trainign Universities Press; Hyoerabad.
- Kolb, D. (1984). Experiential Learning – Experience as the Source of Leaning and Development Prentice Hall inc., New Jersey.
- Sandhu A.S. – Programme planning.
Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P.
Post Graduate Semester wise Syllabus
as recommended by Central Board of Studies and approved by the Governor of M.P.
mPp f'k{kk foHkkx] e-iz- 'kklu
LukrdksRrj d{kkvksa ds fy;s lsesLVj vuqlkj ikB~;dze
dsanzh; v/;;u e.My }kjk vuq'kaflr rFkk e- iz- ds jkT;iky }kjk vuqeksfnr
Session 2010-2011
Class / d{kk% M.Sc. (H.Sc.)
Semester / lsesLVj%III
Subject / fo"k; %Extension and Communication
Title of Subject Group %Social Advertising and Marketing
fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd%
Paper No. / iz'ui= dzekad%III
Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z%Compulsory
Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % 50
Particulars / fooj.k
Objectives :-
- To make the student aware of different market organizations in our country.
- To understand market functioning and distribution system in our country.
- To understand the process of social marketing and social advertising.
- To cable the students to COM save with commercial and marketing produces.
- To understand the theory of marketing and approaches of social marketing.
- To understand the role of advertising in sale promotion.
Unit-1 / Advertising:-
- Definition and Nature of Advertising
- Role of advertising.
- Social advertising
b. Scope and approaches.
Unit-2 / Classification of Advertising.
c)Primary demand
g)Direct mail
Unit-3 / Significance of advertising
a)Benefits to manufacturer.
b)Benefits to wholesellers and retailers.
c)Benefits to salesmen.
d)Benefits to consumer
e)Benefits to community (Society)
Limitation of advertising
Unit-4 / Marketing
a)Meaning and definition of marketing
b)Nature of marketing.
c)Importance of marketing
d)Scope of marketing
Unit-5 / Classification of marketing-
I-Modern Marketing:-
a)Concept of modern marketing
b)Approaches of modern marketing
II-Social Marketing:- Meaning and importance of social marketing
III- Commercial marketing.
Practical-M.M. - 50
- Collect samples of social and commercial advertisement across different media and study the difference and similarities in terms of strategy appeal, content, presentation treatment and media.
- Study the trends in social advertising on different mass media-Print, T.V., Radio, Video in terms of issues covered repeat value, content presentation target group adversity etc.
- Prepartion of visual/ Non projected materials.
f)Cover pages for text and other books.
- Design and advertising material by using computer
- Visit to premier Institution.
Suggested Readings :
- Neural emu (1994) Development communciation Harvarl publications.
- Neelameghar, S(1988) marketing in India. Cases and readings, Vikas publishing house Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
- Barger A..A (1991) script writing for Radio and Television, Sage publication.
- Mehta Subhash e(1980) Marketing environment concepts and cases, Tata Megraw hill publishing co.ltd. New Delhi.
- Lapinsking Mania Kunjhat willie kim (1998) Health and comunication campaigns, Greenwood press, Green wood publication group.
Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P.
Post Graduate Semester wise Syllabus
as recommended by Central Board of Studies and approved by the Governor of M.P.
mPp f'k{kk foHkkx] e-iz- 'kklu
LukrdksRrj d{kkvksa ds fy;s lsesLVj vuqlkj ikB~;dze
dsanzh; v/;;u e.My }kjk vuq'kaflr rFkk e- iz- ds jkT;iky }kjk vuqeksfnr
Class / d{kk% M.Sc. (H.Sc.)
Semester / lsesLVj%III
Subject / fo"k; %Extension and Communication
Title of Subject Group %Entrepreneurship Management
fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd%
Paper No. / iz'ui= dzekad%IV
Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z%Compulsary
Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % 50
Particulars / fooj.k
Objective :-
- To provide conceptual inputs regarding Entrepreneurship Management.
- To sensitize and motivate the students towards Entrepreneurship Management.
- To orient and impart knowledge towards identifying and implementing Entrepreneurship opportunities.
Unit-1 / Conceplual framework.
- Concept, meaning and nature of enterpreneurship.
Unit-2 / Principles and functions.
- Principles of enterpreneurship.
- Functions of enterpreneurship.
Unit-3 / The Enterpreneur
- Qualities and prerequisites of enterprenur.
- Types of enterpreneur
Unit-4 / Enterpreneurship
- Types of enterpreneurship.
- Factors affecting enterpreneurship.
- Enterpreneurship mobility
Unit-5 / Enterpreneurial motivation
- Motivation – Concept.
- Factors of enterpreneurship motivation.
- Self motivation.
Suggested Readings :
- Shukla T.N. – Enterpreneuship Development
- Agrawal P.K. & Mishra A.K. Principles of Business magnagement and enterpreneurship
- Gupta B.L. and Anil Kumar – Enterpreneurship development quality publishing Co.
- Varshney G.K. and Agrawal P.K. – Principles of Business Management and enterprenurship.
- Hisrich, R.D. and Peters, M.P. (1995) : entrepreneurs-starting developing and managing a new enterprise, Richard d., Irwin, Inc. USA.
Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P.
Post Graduate Semester wise Syllabus
as recommended by Central Board of Studies and approved by the Governor of M.P.
mPp f'k{kk foHkkx] e-iz- 'kklu
LukrdksRrj d{kkvksa ds fy;s lsesLVj vuqlkj ikB~;dze
dsanzh; v/;;u e.My }kjk vuq'kaflr rFkk e- iz- ds jkT;iky }kjk vuqeksfnr
Sesion 2010-2011
Class / d{kk% M.Sc. (H.Sc.)
Semester / lsesLVj%IV
Subject / fo"k; %Extension and Communication
Title of Subject Group %Women Empowerment and Gender Development
fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd%
Paper No. / iz'ui= dzekad%I
Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z%Compulsory
Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % 50
Particulars / fooj.k
Unit-1 / Gender Development – gender concept, role and structure, gender development index, changing trends.Unit-2 / Status of women – situation analysis.
Potrayal of women in mass media.
Unit-3 / Violence against women – dowry, divorce female focticide, infanticide, domestic violence, sexual harassment and explotation – causes and eradication.
Unit-4 / Women Empowerment – Economic, micro-credit, self help group, women, in agriculture and industry. Social empowerment – education, nutrition, sanitation.
Legal empowerment
Unit-5 / Policies And Programs For Women And Gender Development –
- National policies.
- Support system.
- Child and women welfare department.
- Central and State welfare scheme.
Suggested Readings :
- Black M (1933): Girls and women, A UNICEF Development Priority,
- UNICEF New York.
- Country Repor I (1986): Department of woman and child development.
- Government of India; New Delhi.
- Desai N (1986). Indian Women-Charge and ChaHenge to International.
- Women's Decade.
- Laxmi Devi (1998), Women and Development. Institute for
- Sustainable and~mol Poolications Pvt Ltd.; New Delhi.
- National Perspective Plan for women (1983); Department of Women
- and Child Development, NeN Delhi.
- Sahay S (1998): women and Empowerment : Approaches and Strategies. Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi
- Sharnim (ed) Women's Development Problems and Prospects.
- APH Publishing Corpora ion, New Deli.
- Sharma OC (1994). Crime against Women. Sterling Publihers Pvt. Let. New Delhi.
- Sibama M (1995) women, Tradition, Culture. Shish Publishing
- House, New Delhi.
- Yadav CP (2000). Empowerment of Women. Vol I & II Laxmi Shikhan.
- Sansthan and Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P.
Post Graduate Semester wise Syllabus
as recommended by Central Board of Studies and approved by the Governor of M.P.
mPp f'k{kk foHkkx] e-iz- 'kklu
LukrdksRrj d{kkvksa ds fy;s lsesLVj vuqlkj ikB~;dze
dsanzh; v/;;u e.My }kjk vuq'kaflr rFkk e- iz- ds jkT;iky }kjk vuqeksfnr
Sesion 2010-2011
Class / d{kk% M.Sc. (H.Sc.)
Semester / lsesLVj%IV
Subject / fo"k; %Extension and Communication
Title of Subject Group %Training Management
fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd%
Paper No. / iz'ui= dzekad%II
Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z%Compulsory
Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % 50
Particulars / fooj.k
Objectives :-
- To develop skills in designing training programmes.
- To understand the different methodologies and evaluate their suitability for training goals.
- To conceptualize the training process.
- To evaluate sustainability of programme.
Unit-1 / Concept of training –
-Meaning of training, learning and develpment.
-Methods and principles of adult learning.
-Types of learning.
-Factors influencing bearing process.
-Qualities need by trainer.
Unit-2 / Role, need & importance of training.
-Role of Training.
-Need ofTraining.
-Goals and importance of Training.
-Process of learning in training. process.
-Types of training.
Unit-3 / Training Need assessment and desinging tr. programme
-Meaning of TNA
-Determination of TNA
-Designing training programme – Pre-course planning.
Unit-4 / Organisation & evaluation of traing programme.
-Delivering the training programme.
-Arrival of the participants.
-Beginning an active programme.
-Conducting the programme.
-Training evaluation – Training risk, purpose
-Type of Evlauation – Pre-course, midcourse, post training.
-ARea of training evaluation.
-Process of training evlauation.
-Pleasuring impact of training.
Unit-5 / Methods and training aids.
-Importance and function of training method.
-Facotrs influencing the selection of training methods.
-Types of training methods.
-Advantages and disadvantages of audio-visual, materials.
-Principles of using audio visual materials.
-Common forms of visual aids and their use – OHP, 35mm slides, flip charts, handouts, videotaps, powerpoint, graphics, picture, animation, charts, printed material.
-Developing training support material.
Particals –
-Visit to training and development organizations. and study their training and development programme.
-Designing a traing programme.
-Use of different training methods – Demonstration, Group discussion, Role-play case study, workshop.
Suggested Readings :
- Lyton, R. and Pareek, U. (1990). Training for Develpoment. Vistar Publications, New Delhi.
- Lyton, r. and Pareek, U. (1992). Facilitating Develpoment. Sage Publication; New Delhi.
- Moss Geoffrey (1988). The Trainer’s Handbook for Managers and Trainers. Institute of Management; Singapore.
- Myshra, D.C. (1990). New Directions in Extension Training. Directorate of Extension, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India; New Delhi.
- Palmer, A.B. (1981). Learning Cycle: Models of Behavioural Change A Handbook of Group FAcilitator. University Associates, California.
- Pareek, U. (1989). Behavioural Process in Organisation. Oxford and IBH; New Delhi.
- Prior, J. (1994). Hand Book of Training and Develpoment. Jaico Publishing House, Bombay.
- Singh, P.N. (1989). Training for Management Development. Fourm of Asian Managerm, Bombay.
- Sparhawk, A. (1998). Identifying Targetted Training Needs. Wheeier Publishing; New Delhi.
- Stephen, P.R. (1989). Organizational Behaviour: Concept, controversies and Application. Prentice Hall of India; New Delhi.
- Truelve, S. (1997). Handbook of Training and Development. Beacon Books, A Blackwell Asia Imprint; New Delhi.
- Vanments Mon (1983). The Effectives sdRole Play – A Handbook for Teachers and Trainers, Kogan Page Ltd.
- Virmani and Seth, P. (1989). Evlauation Management in Training and Development Vision; New Delhi.
- York, A (1989). The System Approach to Training. Royal Institute of Public Administration Studies; London.
- Nayak A.K., Singh om Kumar – Extension and Communication, Common Wealth Public, New Delhi.
- Choudhary Paul – Training Methodology & Management – Sterling Publishers Private Limited, New Delhi.
- Sahu R.K. – Training for development – Excel Book.
Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P.
Post Graduate Semester wise Syllabus
as recommended by Central Board of Studies and approved by the Governor of M.P.
mPp f'k{kk foHkkx] e-iz- 'kklu
LukrdksRrj d{kkvksa ds fy;s lsesLVj vuqlkj ikB~;dze
dsanzh; v/;;u e.My }kjk vuq'kaflr rFkk e- iz- ds jkT;iky }kjk vuqeksfnr
Class / d{kk% M.Sc. (H.Sc.)
Semester / lsesLVj%IV
Subject / fo"k; %Extension and Communication
Title of Subject Group %Media Planning and Production
fo"k; lewg dk 'kh"kZd%
Paper No. / iz'ui= dzekad%III
Compulsory / vfuok;Z ;k Optional / oSdfYid vfuok;Z%Compulsory
Max. Marks vf/kdre vad % 50
Particulars / fooj.k
Objectives :-
- To enable the student to understand the role of media in communication process.
- Understand the process of make audio visual material.
- Development ability in producing various media material.
- To study the needs problems and trends in respect to advertising on different types of media.
Unit-1 / Communication and Media :-
I- Communication process.
II- Communication and media.
III- Various types of media for communicaton
Unit-2 / Media System :-
I- Limitations and control of media system
II- Communication tomorrow for media planning :-
a)Communication goals of the human societies.
b)Preservation of cultural identity.
Unit-3 / I- Reducing the commercialization of communication.
II- National information policies related to international agencies.
Unit-4 / Message and Media:-
I- Developing messages
II- Methods of data collection:-
a)Graphic Design.
b)Graphic Products.
III- Converting message in to media
IV- New media technologies for research
Unit-5 / Audio Visual Aids :-
a)Types of aids and their uses.
b)Structure and functioning of various audio visual aids :-
a)LCD Projector.
b)Tape recorders.
d)Film strips and slide projector
e)Overhead projector.
Practical-M.M. - 50
- Study the media use pattern of some of the ongoing social and campaigns for different target groups, choice of campaign can be economic, social, culture ecological etc.
- Operation of various Audio- Visual Aids (any two)
b)Slide projector
c)Tape recorder
d)Video recorder
e)LCD projector
- Video films
a)Essential preliminaries preplanning.
b)Script Writing for radio and television.
- Use of Computer for the above given; Audio Visual aids.
- Visit to premier Institutions.
Suggested Readings :
- Neural emu (1994) Development communication Harvarl publications.
- Barger A.A. (1991) script writing for Radio and Television, Sage publication.
- Lapinsking Mania Kunjhat willie kim (1998) Health and comunication campaigns, Greenwood press, Green wood publication group.
- Kotlar philip and Roberto eEduando (1989) social marketing Strategy for changing public behaviour the free press Macmillan Inc. New yourk.
- Bhasin K. and Aggrwal B. (1984) women Development and Media New Delhi.
- Sharma R.K. & Gupta K. Shashi (2000) Business organization, Kalyani Publishers B-1/1292, Rajinder Nagar Ludhiana.
Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P.