Dry January 2015

What is Dry January?

Dry January is a campaign run by the charity Alcohol Concern in order to raise awareness of the problems of alcohol misuse. It challenges participants to remain alcohol free for the entire month of January and can be signed up to online

Would you like your new year’s resolution to be to feel healthier and look better after the splurge of Christmas? There are many benefits of giving your body a break from alcohol, including weight loss, renewed energy, better complexion and financial gain. An expert panel will be available for question and answer sessions throughout the month of January and can be followed on Twitter or Facebook.

The Lancet Commission on Liver Disease was recently published. Deaths in working age people from liver disease alone have increased by a massive 500% since the 1970s. Liver disease is the 3rd biggest killer of the working age population and is a silent killer – 75% of people with cirrhosis of the liver only receive a diagnosis on being hospitalised.

Liver disease is a preventable disease. The 3 biggest risk factors are alcohol, obesity and viral hepatitis. Did you know that a large glass of wine is equivalent to 3 shots of vodka? Or that it equates to around 180 calories and 3 units of alcohol? (the recommended daily allowance for women is 2-3 units and men 3-4 units). Two large glassesnot only puts someone over the recommended daily limit for regular alcohol consumption, but also provides them with nearly 20% of their recommended daily calorie intake. (NHS Choices)

There are many reasons why we drink alcohol – social situations, boredom, habit – but is it having an impact on both your physical and mental health, as alcohol is a known depressant?

Why not take up the challenge of Dry January and give your health a kick start in the new year?

Further help and advice:

If you are concerned about how much you drink or you know others are concerned for you, please consider answering the 4 questions in this link

The Occupational Health Service is offering mini health MOT appointments throughout January which cover all areas of health and lifestyle,including alcohol consumption and provide support, advice and signposting as necessary. Please contact Ext 3187 to book an appointment slot with an Occupational Health Nurse.

In addition, the NHS Choices website has alcohol unit calculator and drinking self assessment tools if you would like to know more about what you are consuming: