Drumahoe Primary School – Parent Memo: December 2014
Closing / Opening: School will close for the Christmas holidays at 12 noon on Friday 19th December 2014 (no dinners).School re-opens for the Spring Term at 8.55 a.m. on Monday 5th January 2015. The “Breakfast Club” will be in operation on that day and any money should be brought to Mrs Doherty in the appropriate money pouch. The Kadet Klub will also operate from this day.
Carol Service –Wednesday 10th December 2014:
Thank-you to everyone who supported the school at our Annual Carol Service last night. The children were a credit to the school, their parents and to themselves. The retiring collection raised £574.70 which will be donated to Save the Children.
Foundation Stage (P1-P2) Parental Interviews:
These interviews will take place week commencing Monday 19th Jan 2015. Further details re. times etc. will be issued in early January 2014.
Festive Evening:
A very big thank-you to everyone who supported the school at the recent “Festive Evening.” I think everyone who was in attendance would agree that it is a lovely way to spend an evening in the lead up to Christmas. Many thanks to Elizabeth Marshall (Chair – P.T.A.) and her “team” for all the hard graft and for the record, we raised approx. £2144.10 which will go towards buying additional resources for the school.
Christmas Cards:
Many thanks to everyone who ordered Christmas cards from the school that were designed by their own children. The cards turned out exceptionally well and a special word of thanks to “DW Print House Limited” and Mrs J McKeegan for their efficiency and expertise with the venture.
Ancillary / Auxiliary Staff Gifts - Reminder:
As you know each year we like to show our appreciation to our office staff, classroom assistants, ancillary, school meals and caretaking staff by presenting them with small gifts. If you have not already done so, we would like you to contribute towards these gifts and would ask for your donation to be sent to school by Friday 19th December 2014 at the latest. Your generosity is as always much appreciated.
Pantomime: Almost the entire school departed on Tuesday 16thDecember 2014 at 9.30 a.m. on the trip to the Millennium Forum to see the pantomime, “Jack and the Beanstalk.” Any monies owed in respect of the Pantomime must be paid a.s.a.p.
“Their Name is Today”:We have received complimentary copies of the book “Their Name is Today” from a company called Community Playthings ( In recognition of the child-centred vision that this book promotes, Community Playthings has chosen to sponsor free copies for anyone who cares about children. We are therefore distributing a copy of the book free to every family in school as a gift and we trust that its contents will allow all of us to reflect on the many issues that we as parents face with our children in today’s society.
Kadet Klub:
The Kadet Klub Christmas party will take place on the last day of term ie. Friday 19th December from 12 noon -6.00 p.m. They are expecting a visitor around 4.30/5.00 p.m. so it is advisable to book for the full session – places limited!. N.B.Kadet Klub will be closed from Monday 22nd December 2014 until the school opens again for the first day of the Spring Term ie. Monday 5th January 2015.
Community Carol Service & Santa Visit:
This year the Drumahoe Community Association is having a Christmas Carol Service and visit by Santa at 6.30 p.m. on Thursday 18th December 2014 in the car park of the school. Please support our local community and the Association by attending. Santa arriving at 7.00 p.m. Tea and coffee will be served. Everyone invited no matter what the age!!!!!!
The Principal and Staff would like to thank everyone connected with the school for their unstinting support. Without such support our job would be so much more difficult - it is most appreciated. We would also like to wish all of you a most relaxing Christmas and a Peaceful and Prosperous New Year.
T R McMaster - Principal.