Drum Major / Section Leader
Audition Information
Drum major/Section Leader auditions will be held Thursday, May 10, 2012 from 2:30-5:30 PM. Please be on time. This year, Mr. Finch will be offering practice/help time on conducting and or vocal commands. These sessions will be held on April 26 and May 3 right after school. The audition will consist of marching, conducting, scales, and giving vocal commands.
Before you are allowed to audition, each student must have turned in his or her contract. Thisis dueMay 3, 2012.
Be enrolled in high school band for both semesters of the 2011-2012 school year
Be in 10th-12th grade in the 2011-2012 school year
Have at least one year experience in high school marching band
Be academically eligible in the 2011-2012 school year (No failing grades)
Provide signed drum major/section leader contract
Requirements to be demonstrated:
- All facets of marching, including but not limited to marking time, roll step, excellent body carriage, and pivot turns
- Conducting (A recording has been made availableat the applicant to practice with and conduct to for tryouts.) Applicants must demonstrate the ability to keep accurate time, and use a beat pattern that can be seen and understood.
- Vocal commands, including but not limited to: attention, parade rest, mark time, halt, and turns. Voice projection and clarity are important factors.
The Role of the Drum Major: the most visible position in the marching band is that of drum major. This person is the front-person of the band. The drum major exemplifies the spirit, dignity, and bearing of the entire band, and therefore should possess these qualities to the highest degree.
Duties of the Drum Major include but are not limited to:
- Rehearsals
- Consults with the Director prior to each rehearsal for instructions concerning the rehearsal plan.
- Leads the band through the warm up routine.
- Assists the Director in the teaching of marching.
- Helps individual band members when problems arise.
- Acts as proper example for difficult maneuvers and properposture.
- Seeks to maintainhigh group morale of the band at all times.
- Performances
- Upon arrival, reports immediately to the band director and receives instructions.
- Takes responsibility for making sure the band is assembled in the proper formation at the pre-designated time and place.
- Assists with general inspection of uniforms.
- Is responsible for moving the band from one area to another in an orderly fashion.
- Knows when to bring the band to attention.
- Gives all commands during performances.
- Sets the example at all times in dress, leadership, punctuality, alertness, musicianship, precise marching, attitude, and morale.
Desirable Qualities of a Drum Major
- The individual should be intelligent, and should have the capability to think quickly under pressure.
- A strong dedication to the band program by the individual is vital.
- The individual’s musical ability should be of the highest level.
- The position is leadership-oriented; outstanding leadership qualities should be evident long before becoming drum major.
- The candidate should be personable and get along well with others.
- The candidate should be very dependable.
- The Drum Major is placed in a conspicuous (visible) position and is subject to spectator criticism and therefore should “look” the part at all times.
- Exhibiting a good attitude and encouraging good morale within the band is a major responsibility of the Drum Major.
- The Drum Major must be enthusiastic in his/her dealings with the band.
By returning this application you are showing that you understand what is being expected of you should you qualify for the position. A Drum Major is not expected to be at all rehearsals, he/she is REQUIRED to be at them all. There are no “free days” for the Drum Major, he or she is working all the time. You will be held to a much higher standard than you have ever been held before, and you will be asked to make numerous sacrifices for the good of the band program and your peers. Do not return this application unless you have absolutely no hesitations about what this position entails.
Duties of Section Leaders include but are not limited to:
- Rehearsals
- Leads the sectionals.
- Helps individual band members when problems arise.
- Acts as proper example for difficult maneuvers and proper posture.
- Seeks to maintain high group morale of the section at all times.
- Performances
- Upon arrival, reports in immediately to the Drum Major and receives instructions.
- Takes responsibility for making sure the section is assembled in the proper formation at the pre-designated time and place.
- Sets the example at all times in dress, leadership, punctuality, alertness, musicianship, precise marching, attitude, and morale.
Desirable Qualities of a Section Leader
- See “Desirable Qualities of a Drum Major”
SullivanEastHigh School
Patriot Regiment
Student Leader Contract
Name ______Instrument ______
Grade level ______Approx. GPA ______
It is understood that if I am selected to be Drum Major or Section Leader, I will be expected to:
Support the Band Director and other Staff with the utmost dedication, devotion, and loyalty.
Maintain a strong dedication to the entire band program.
Not miss any rehearsal, performance, or function of the band except for severe illness or death in the family.
Uphold the highest possible standards as set for all band members.
Participate in all special band events (pep band, special performances, etc.)
Demonstrate the highest level of musicianship throughout the entire year.
If not chosen, I will assume my regular role in the band and give full cooperation to the other members selected and Director/Staff.
I will purchase the required equipment/uniform and accessories.
I agree to follow the above policies and the policies of the marching band. I understand that failure to do so may result in my being remove from the leadership position bestowed upon me.
Student Signature______Date_____
I agree to help my student follow the above policies and the policies of the marching band.
Parent Signature______Date_____
Drum Major/Section Leader AUDITION SCORE SHEET
Standing Verbal Commands: Each auditioning candidate will give these verbal commands, from a distance away, while other candidates execute the maneuvers. The voice should be clear, projected with a good cadence (vocal inflection) and confidence. Participating candidates should do fundamentals without instruments.
The following is a logical sequence of commands you may be asked to give.
Marching Fundamentals: Each candidate will be evaluated on their how well they execute the marching fundamentals while they perform the above maneuvers as a group. Posture, style, carriage, precision, rhythm, coordination, and confidence will be taken into consideration.
Music Fundamentals: Each candidate will demonstrate their musical capabilities by playing two major scales,at least one octave each, and the chromatic scale to the full range of the instrument. No prepared piece or sight reading will be necessary.
Conducting (all): Candidates will be evaluated a basic 3 pattern. Emphasis will be placed on precision and clarity.
All candidates will conduct the Star Spangled Banner in a group. A recording will be made available on our website:
Conducting (drum major candidates only): Candidates will be evaluated on style, precision, clarity, preparation beats, cut-off’s, releases, and musicality. The following will be done as individuals:
Conduct 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 beat patterns in a neutral style.
Conduct 4 beat pattern staccato, marcato, and legato styles.
Conduct the prepared piece: a selection from Rock It a recording of which will be available at
Interview: Each candidate will be interviewed. Responses to questions will reveal attitude, enthusiasm, communication skills, emotional maturity, and knowledge of related matter. Possible questions may include:
Why do you want to be drum major/SL?
What suggestions can you offer to improve our band program?
What do you feel the role of a drum major should include?
As a leader, what do you feel are your strengths and weaknesses?
What can you do to help your director achieve his or her goals?
How can you make this organization better?