Drugs/Alcohol Misuse Policy
Stonham Aspal Pre-School reserve the right to ensure that the environment for the children in their care is both safe and secure by refusing entry to a staff member, parent helper, volunteer or any other person from coming into the setting for work on the grounds of being unfit for work, due to alcohol or drugs. Anyone working at Stonham Aspal Pre-School must be capable of taking responsibility for the children, or in the case of persons undertaking maintenance etc, capability of handling themselves and tools safely.
No parent/carer, member of staff or volunteer are permitted to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs whilst on the premises of Stonham Aspal Pre-School. This includes all drugs/substances, whether obtained legally or illegally which could be misused (also including office or household substances, glues and solvents.) This policy covers all intoxicating substances, not just those that are known to be illegal.
- Prescribed medication including inhalers, required by the children should be clearly labelled and only administered by named practitioners with written instructions and permission from the parents/carers. In some circumstances, a parent/carer (for example to administer antibiotics at a certain time) may come to preschool at lunch to give the child medicines and then leave again. These medicines will be stored appropriately and out of reach of the children at all times. (See Health and Safety Policy).
- Prescribed medication for staff is stored appropriately and out of reach of the children at all times. (See Health and Safety Policy).
Staff members under the influence of alcohol/drugs
- If a staff member arrives at pre-school under the influence of alcohol, or non-prescribed drugs and is seen to be unfit for work in the opinion of the Pre-School Leader they will be asked to leave the pre-school immediately and escorted off the premises.
- The member of staff will need to have a return to work meeting with the Pre-School Leader and Chair of committee before returning to work to discuss the incident and follow any disciplinary actions needed.
Parents/carers under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- If a parent/carer arrives at Pre-School and a member of staff suspects they are under the influence of alcohol/drugs, the Pre-School leader will be notified straight away. Stonham Aspal Pre-School are able to refuse to let a child leave the setting with an unfit parent/carer who is seen to be under the influence of alcohol/drugs.
- The Pre-School Leader will speak to the parent/carer where possible with either another member of staff or committee member present. If this is not possible due to staff ratios the Pre-School Leader will stay in full view of a staff member.
- If it is felt the parent/carer is under the influence of alcohol/drugs, we will not allow the child to leave the setting with them.
- The Pre-School Leader will contact the next person on the child's registration form and continue down the list until someone is able to collect the child. If no alternative contact can be reached to collect the child the Pre-School Leader will contact Customer First in line with our Non- Collection of Children Policy.
- The Pre-School Leader will record a full report of the incident asap.
This Drugs/Alcohol Misuse Policy links to the following Policies in the setting.
Employment Policy
Health and Safety
Safeguarding Children
Through this policy we promote the five Every Child Matters Priority Outcomes:
- Stay Safe
- Being Healthy
- Enjoy and Achieve
- Make a Positive Contribution
- Achieve Economic Well-being
- Stonham Aspal Pre-School will ensure that all staff, parents, volunteers and others involved in its work will follow and implement this policy.
- The managerial responsibility for this policy will lie with the Stonham Aspal Pre-School management committee and staff team.
- This Drugs/Alcohol Misuse Policy will be evaluated and reviewed by the management committee. Staff contribute on an annual basis and parents will also be invited to contribute.
- We will listen to children’s point of view and consider this when making and reviewing policies.
This Drug and Alcohol Policy was adopted at a meeting of the Stonham Aspal Pre-School Committee:
Date / October 2017To be reviewed again by: / October 2018
Chairperson signature
Pre-School Leader’s signature