Great Lakes Park Training Institue

attendance evaluation reports


Table of Contents

session attendance………………………………3

overall ratings of sessions…………………4

individual session evaluation……………...5

Flaherty awards……………………………………………...6

healthy parks, health people……………………………7

indiana trail master plan…………………………………8

wildlife & diseases……………………………………………9

Global Warming……………………………………………...10



Alternative fuels & technologies……………………13



diversity & cultural groups……………………………16

K-9 law enforcement……………………………………….17

interpretive signage……………………………………….18

the environmental impacts of Materials…………19

Finacial Planning……………………………………………20

Cultural resoruce management……………………...21

State parks……………………………………………………..22

municipal parks………………………………………………23

regional & county parks…………………………………24

Personal accountability & ethics……………………25

managing energy cost………………………………….....26

it issues…………………………………………………………..27

hazardous tress I & II…………………………………....…28

land trusts………………………………………………….....29

meth labs………………………………………………..………30

life balance……………………………………………………31

session suggestions for next year………..32

overall workshop suggestions…………....34

Session Attendance



Individual Session Evaluations


Flaherty Awards

(8 evaluations)

Quantitative Section

5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.45

Did subject meet your expectations?4.13

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?3.75

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?3.57

How effective was the presenter?

Nate Thorne, Plainfield4.00

Brain Shahinian, Pepper Family 3.71

Randy Mitchell, World Shooting4.00

Healthy Parks, Healthy People(General Session)

(185 attendees: 31 evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.23

Did subject meet your expectations?4.35

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.35

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.27

How effective was the presenter?

Ginger Murphy4.56

Eric Neuburger4.21

Indiana Trail Master Plan

(62 Attendees: 27 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.52

Did subject meet your expectations?4.52

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.59

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.22

How effective was the presenter?

Ray Irvin4.83

Wildlife & Diseases

(139 Attendees: 52 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.50

Did subject meet your expectations?4.22

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.43

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.37

How effective was the presenter?

Jonathan Schechter4.62

Paul Guza4.42

Global Warming

(87attendees:27 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.04

Did subject meet your expectations?4.04

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.04

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.37

How effective was the presenter?

Lisa Tokarz-Gutierrez3.85


(44 attendees:26 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.24

Did subject meet your expectations?4.25

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.25

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.22

How effective was the presenter?

Stephen Wolter4.58

Jeff Nix4.25

Katie Finch4.21


(152 attendees: 40 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.22

Did subject meet your expectations?4.31

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.33

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.43

Alternative Fuels & Technologies

(82 Attendees: 37 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.69

Did subject meet your expectations?4.61

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.63

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.60

How effective was the presenter?

John Walton4.65


(51 attendees: 39 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.82

Did subject meet your expectations?4.58

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.68

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.42

How effective was the presenter?

Norman Lownds4.94



(41 Attendees:19 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?3.79

Did subject meet your expectations?3.68

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.68

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.42

How effective was the presenter?

Rick Patterson4.17

Randy Mitchell4.00

Diversity and Cultural Groups (General Session)

(112 Attendees:29 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.31

Did subject meet your expectations?4.24

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.34

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.17

How effective was the presenter?

Denise Anderson4.59

K-9 Law Enforcement ( General Session)

(142Attendees: 38 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.79

Did subject meet your expectations?4.84

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.62

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.44

How effective was the presenter?

Jerry Hoerdt4.81

Interpretive Signage

(58Attendees: 27 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.58

Did subject meet your expectations?4.54

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.54

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.48

How effective was the presenter?

Lise Schools4.64

Environmental Impact of Materials

(96Attendees: 35 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.63

Did subject meet your expectations?4.69

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.74

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.33

How effective was the presenter?

Tim Madeley4.69

Financial Planning

(36Attendees: 25 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.83

Did subject meet your expectations?4.71

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.88

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.50

How effective was the presenter?

Scott Smith4.85

Cultural Resource Management

(33 Attendees: 18 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.50

Did subject meet your expectations?4.44

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.35

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.17

How effective was the presenter?

Mark Young4.65

State Park

(12Attendees: 5 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.80

Did subject meet your expectations?4.60

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.80

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.50

Municipal Parks

(25Attendees: 1 Evaluation)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.00

Did subject meet your expectations?5.00

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?5.00

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?5.00

How effective was the presenter?

Regional & County Parks

(24Attendees: 6 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.83

Did subject meet your expectations?4.83

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.83

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.83

Personal Accountability & Ethics (General Session)

(145Attendees: 39 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.38

Did subject meet your expectations?4.28

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.26

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.24

How effective was the presenter?

Lynn Jondahl4.60

Managing Energy Costs

(50Attendees: 25 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.52

Did subject meet your expectations?4.60

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.48

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.63

How effective was the presenter?

Mike DeSantiago4.74

Erin Aiello4.55

IT Issues

(52 Attendees: 26 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.24

Did subject meet your expectations?4.12

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.29

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.44

How effective was the presenter?

Jed Gerstein4.45

Hazard Trees Identification & Evaluation

(109 Attendees: 48 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.17

Did subject meet your expectations?4.17

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.23

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.50

How effective was the presenter?

Jim Jenkins3.98

Land Trusts

(90 Attendees: 21 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.57

Did subject meet your expectations?4.48

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.29

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.38

How effective was the presenter?

Peter Ter Louw4.53

Ronda DeCaire4.47

Ted Heemstra4.16

Meth labs

(145 Attendees: 36 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?4.86

Did subject meet your expectations?4.86

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?4.78

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.58

How effective was the presenter?

Rob Smith4.80

Life Balance

(102 Attendees: 12 Evaluations)

Quantitative Section

(5 = Excellent; 1 = Poor)

StatementMean Score

What was your overall rating of this session?3.83

Did subject meet your expectations?3.42

Was the session professionally worthwhile to you?3.83

Would you like to see more topics devoted to this session?4.00

How effective was the presenter?

Pegi Boswell4.25

Daphne Durbyshire4.00

Session Suggestions for Next Year

  • Connecting kids and nature. Possibly drawing from programs other states have.
  • Retain focus on this topic in subsequent years-keep theme-find more case histories for next year. (healthy parks)
  • How cities in our region is using strategies to cut energy $.
  • How can we keep public interest to join and keep involved in friends of park?
  • More on use in parks/breakdown of savings/description of what’s needed to have alternative fuel system.
  • More on cost payback for global warming, alternative sources of power or reducing or reusing.
  • Retirement-what to do with your time, what to expect with relationships (wife, kids, etc).
  • Sessions for park law enforcement officers. How about a gang graffiti class?
  • Keep this but have this as a roundtable session as it would be more personal and interactive. (Government employees).
  • Show more personal electronic gadgets-what's hot, what's new-what's coming.
  • Have a tree service and show how they top out a tree and the safety equipment they use.
  • More communication (reminders) that this was a session that had two parts.(Hazardous trees)
  • Bring more charts on the progress of the birds/chickens that carry this disease. (wildlife and diseases)
  • How to obtain home land security grants, how to stop vandalism in your town.
  • Conflict Management, Stress Management session.
  • More workshops on this topic (Cool Cities). LEED building in a park setting.
  • Gadgets from years past (winners) should be shown-for history and intent.
  • Have different parks genres explain the reservation software.
  • More on interpretations! Maybe go look at some of the new signs outside.

Overall Workshop Suggestions

  • Good start for a morning session- different and entertaining. (K-9)
  • Excellent to have info on current issues we face right in our area. Thank you. Scary, but helpful. (Meth Labs)
  • Great information assessing tree integrity-having some of these tree evaluation forms would be great. (Hazardous Trees)
  • Involved attendees in debate - gave good background on what ethics were actually about. (Government Employees)
  • Good chance to catch up on what other states are doing - Important opportunity.
  • Good information-knowledgeable- "ask 1st" is good advice.
  • Numerous examples given and best producers to purchase for various applications. (Environmental Impacts)
  • A new perspective on how and why to be concerned about what materials you use. (Environmental Impacts)
  • Deliberate, sequenced presentation with specific and very appropriate handouts. (Environmental Impacts)
  • Excellent information, great visuals and she is knowledgeable. (Interpretive signage)
  • The officer’s knowledge, professional manner and sense of humor. Very enjoyable. Did not rush.
  • Technical issues. Shooting ranges area- #1 growing sport = money, growth potential.
  • Session was unexpected. Gave great insight into the very basics of gardens geared to kids. (SpecialtyGardens)
  • The idea of a garden for kids not just for adults to take pictures of. The creativity. (SpecialtyGardens)
  • The facts about new fuels, how much money we waste, very knowledgeable speaker. (Alternative fuels)
  • The gadgets I could use at work, making items out of scrap products(being innovative).
  • Info on wildlife, coyotes & mountain lions. Kept meeting entertaining. Good props/vocal projection.
  • Current info on; bird flu/pandemic, wild animals, and discourage and defense against wild animals.
  • Planning and creating policies in preparedness in the event of a Nat’l pandemic.
  • Creative demonstration of how an individual can alter the limits to project planning statewide.