Driving up Quality Action Plan - Lancashire
Areas for development / Outcome / First step / When? / Progress- Involvement of people we support/families/experts by experience/other providers in quality checking
- People we support and family members will be involved in checking the quality of support provided in two pilot areas across Lancashire
- AFG in Lancashire will build a link with one other provider organisation and cross audit services in a pilot area
- Communicate with people we support and family members to find out how they would like to be involved in quality checking
- Approach other provider organisations to find a partner organisation. Agree a set of criteria for use in auditing
July 2016
Nov 2015 / Discussions held with fellow provider in East Lancashire who is keen to collaborate
- Having the right staff in the right place - skill matching, involving people and families more
- Improved skill matching for people we support and existing staff members
- Increased involvement for people we support and family members in the recruitment of new staff
- Develop and implement online survey of existing staff members’ skills and experience, feed into local database. Ensure that new staff members’ skills and experience are on the local database during the recruitment process
- Canvass people we support and family members to find out how they would like to be involved in recruitment
August 2015
July 2015
- Talking and listening to families
- AFG in Lancashire will know how family members want AFG to inform them and listen to them
- Questionnaire to be circulated in Lancashire to ascertain how family members would like to engage with AFG. The information received will be analysed and a strategy formulated
- We will seek the views of the established AFG East Lancashire Area Carer forum about making this a pan Lancashire group
June 2015
April 2015 / Questionnaire circulated and all responses received in Central Lancashire
- Empowering people we support including involving people in their own homes and their local area
- People we support will have as much autonomy as they are able. They will be supported to take positive risks. People we support will be active in managing their homes. People we support will be involved in the local community and have opportunities to build relationships outside their paid support
- having choices
- being loved
- having friends
- Building on daily living skills
- Increasing community involvement
Each person supported by AFG in Lancashire will have a personalised community map
Increase access to information from Friends and Relationships (FAR Out) group in North Lancashire, Fylde & Wyre. In 2015/16 we will support all the people who are interested to join the FAR Out Facebook page
AFG in East Lancashire supports popular, regular Mates and Dates events to give people supported by AFG and people not supported by AFG opportunities to have fun, meet new friends, catch up with old friends and find romance. The skills and learning from the East Lancashire team and the Mates and Dates group will be used to work with another provider to set up a speed dating event / Dec 2015
March 2016
March 2016
Feb 2016
Jan 2016 / Additional training package has been developed and is in process of testing
AFG assists in the running of the Friends and Relationships (FAR Out) group in North Lancashire, Fylde & Wyreand produces the newsletters on behalf of the group. AFG staff are administering/moderating the Friends and Relationships (FAR Out) groupFacebook page which AFG helped set up
Discussions held with Fylde Community Link and arrangements made for a representative from Fylde Community Link to attend Mates and dates events to share skills and ideas
- Helping staff to do their job well (streamlining paperwork where needed and increasing understanding of goals/outcomes)
- The paperwork in place will be sufficient to keep people safe and to support good care. Paperwork will meet the requirements of regulators and Local Authority. Recording and documentation will take up as little of staff members’ time as possible without compromising quality
- Team leaders will understand how to set SMART goals and how they and their teams can support people to work towards their goals and keep them under review
- Paperwork will be sampled and reviewed across the region
- Goals/outcomes will be sampled in a desk top exercise and issues identified
March 2016
Oct 2015
Jan 2016 / This has been completed in North Lancashire
- Continuing to maximise people’s health
- People we support will continue to have a Health Action Plan and be supported to an annual health check
- The Zest group (East Lancashire AFG) will continue to work with NHS partners to deliver health promotion material to people we support and the community
- These are existing organisational requirements and will be monitored through routine audit activity
- Zest has a calendar of fun health awareness and health promotion events for 2015 and will develop the 2016 calendar
/ Ongoing
Nov 2015
March 2016 / Regular Zest events take place and are open to all of the community. Zest has won a Good Health Award