Driver’s Education 2017


  1. Student must be 15 years old by June 2, 2017. No exceptions. Class begins on June 2nd and ends on July 14th . Classes meet 90 minutes per day.
  2. The Behind-the-Wheel training may extend past the last day of class for some drivers. Behind-the-Wheel times will be determined later.
  3. Students must be passing a total of 8 classes in the previous two semesters.
  4. Fees are $100 (payable to Seneca High School) for 6 weeks in the classroom, plus a $20 cash permit fee.
  6. Permit applications will be filled out during SST on April 6thand 7thin the commons.
  7. The State of Illinois Rules of the Road test will be given April 12th, in the Seneca High Schoolauditorium during SST. The make-up tests will be given on April 13th, in the SHS guidance office at 8:00 a.m.
  8. The eye test for all summer Driver’s Education students will be at SHS on April 11thand 13thduring all lunches. Students who miss the scheduled eye test may stop by the Ottawa Motor Driving Testing Facility after April 13th to take the eye test. The eye test must be taken to receive a permit. The eye test must be taken before the first Behind-the-Wheel class.
  9. Any student enrolled in the summer Driver’s Education course will have their 2017/2018 schedule adjusted during summer school.

Summer School 2017


1.Absence policy is to excuse 1½ days per semester or 3 days of school for the entire summer session.

2.Allowances are NOT made for camps or vacations.

3.Students are responsible for their own transportation.

4.Students are allowed in class or commons only; stay out of areas where custodians are working.

5.All school rules and regulations pertain to student behavior during summer school; and no bare midriffs or half shirts are to be worn.

6. If the registration numbers exceed maximum class size, all student registration will be prioritized by date of receipt in the guidance office. If numbers exceed, students will be put on a waiting list and issued a refund.

What Else Should I Know?

Registration Deadline is March 24th, 2017. There will be no exceptions. Registration form with payment should be turned in or received in the SHS Guidance Office at 307 E. Scott Street, Seneca, Illinois 61360 on or before March24th.


Seneca High School
Guidance Office

307 E. Scott Street

Seneca, IL 61360

Karen Ruder, Guidance Secretary

Phone 815-357-5040

Fax 815-357-5050

SUmmer school 2017

Seneca Township High School

World Studies

American Government


Driver’s Education

Algebra I

Public Speaking

Register by submitting application and check payable to Seneca High School and return payment form by March 24th, 2017.

Check the appropriate class and fill out student information below. Return this form with payment.

World Studies

Only offeredFirst Semester

June 2 – June 22

American Government

Only offeredFirst Semester

June 2 – June22


Only Offered Second Semester

June 23 – July14

Driver’s Education

Both Semesters June 2 – July14

Algebra I

Both Semesters June 2 – July14

Public Speaking

Only Offered First Semester

June 2 – June22

Date:______ Cash  Check

Student Name:______




Classification for 2017-18 (Circle one)

Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior

Summer School Classes

World Studies

Offered first semester only

First Session: June 2 – June22

7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Daily

World Studies meets a graduation requirement

Prerequisite: Grades 9-12

Fee is $50.00 per semester


American Government

Offered firstsemesteronly

First Session: June 2 - June22

7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Daily

American Government meets a graduation requirement

Prerequisite: Grades 11-12

Fee is $50.00



Offered secondsemesteronly

Second Session: June 23–July 14

7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Daily

Economics meets a graduation requirement

Prerequisite: Grades 11-12

Fee is $50.00

Summer School Classes

Driver’s Education

Must take both semesters

June 2 – July 14

7:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m. or

9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Classes

Prerequisite: Grades 10-12

Fees are $100.00 for Classroom and B.T.W.

Permit fee $20.00 cash due when filling out permit application on April 6th.


Algebra I

Must take both semesters

June 2 – July 14

7:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Daily

Prerequisite: Consent of Math Department and Grades 9 or 10

Fee is $50per semester


Public Speaking

Offered first semester only

First Semester: June2 – June22

7:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Daily

Prerequisite: Grades 11 and 12

Fee is $50.00