DRESSCODE(front page) & LOCKER INFORMATION (back side)


The Wordisclearthatourdress shouldbemodest (1Timothy 2:9)andnot tooelaborate(1Peter 3:3-4) andthat we shoulddoallthings forthe gloryof God(1 Cor.10:31).Thismeaning,our clothingandthe way wewear it shouldshowour desireto pleaseGod.Studentsareexpectedtodressappropriatelyforschooleveryday. CurrentlyGraceAcademydoes not requireuniformsbut has put inplacethefollowingguidelines. If the following guidelines are not honored, a uniform code will be considered.

GIRLSBOYS:Studentsaretowearnothingthatadvertisesillegalsubstances,alcoholicbeverages,antisocial activities,violence,gangrelatedorvulgarmessages.Under-garmentsshouldbewornatalltimesandshouldbe wornwith modesty.

BOYSPANTS:No“baggystyle”pantsofanykindwillbeallowed.No pantswithholesorslogans ofhateor violence.Nocut offshorts.Nounderwearistobeshowingabovepantsor belowshorts.If pants are loose at waste a belt must be worn.

BOYSSHIRTS:G.A.allowscasualdressforstudents.Studentsmaywearpolostyleshirts,buttonupshirts,pull- overor tee-shirts.T-shirts,Poloshirts orSweatshirtswith hate, offensiveorcrudepictures,writingorslogansarenotallowed.Alsoarticlesof clothingwith Simpsons, Beavis…,Bobby Hill, skulls,or items of this type are not accepted school wear.

BOYSANDGIRLS FOOTWEAR: Shoesandsocksmustbe worntoschool.Gymortennis shoesalongwith any close toed shoesarerecommended.Rubberbottomsare best.Gym/tennisshoes are requiredfor P.E.Flip-flops or slides are not acceptable footwear forschool.Sandals witha straparoundthe heel areacceptablefootwearduringwarmermonthsonnon-P.E. days. Shoesmust not falloffofstudent’s feetwhenrunningor walking. Students maynot wear shoeswithelectronic devices, athletic cleats, beach shoes,orretractable roller blades.

JEWELRY:Boysare not allowedtowearanyearrings orbodypiercing atany time. Girl’s jewelryandhair accessoriesshouldbe kepttoaminimumandnot causedistractions.Notattoosof anykindfor boysor girls.

GIRLSPANTS:Noverylow-riderpantswillbeaccepted.Nopantswithholes.NocutoffshortsorSoffestyle cheerleadingshorts.Noshortshortsorskirts.Must be at least finger tip.Noskinistoshowbetween theshirt andpants(backsorbellies).Leggingsandtightsmaybe wornunder askirt orshirt-dress ofappropriate length to cover the bottom. Itis not acceptabletowearleggings or tightsas pants with short shirts not covering bottom.NOtight fitting clothes.

GIRLSSHIRTS:Same asboys, withtheexceptionofnospaghettistrap ortightfitting,lowcut or middrift shirtsare allowed. Modesttanktopswith atleast“three” finger widthinstraps (notshowingunder-garments at any time and no low cut tank tops will be accepted). No lace or see-through tops.

HEADHAIR/MAKE-UP:(BoysGirls)Hairshouldbekeptcleanandwellgroomed.Beautyproductsshouldnot bebroughttoschool.Studentsmaynotwearcoloredhairextensionsorcoloredhairsprayintheirhair.No excessivehairstylessuchasMohawksorpunkrockstyles.Nohairdyesofunnaturalcolors.Headcoverings,hats,hoodsandsunglassesarenotallowedduringschool. Rolled bandanas for headbands are accepted for girls.Girlsin elementary shouldnotwear anytype of make-up.

Allclothingmust becleanandingoodrepair.Clothes withholesare not acceptable.
  • Students & parents may purchase School Spirit Wear(sweatshirts,t-shirtsand jackets)from theFinance Office.
  • GraceAcademyreservestherighttosendachildhomeorprovideadditionalclothingwhenhe/sheisnot abiding bythedresscode.Parentswill benotifiedbyphoneand/or inwritingif thisshould occur.


Hall Lockers

This year, ElementarySchoolstudents in 2nd-5th willbe assigned alockerforthe year.Lockers will be given to store items such as jackets, PE shoes, etc.Nothing valuable is to be stored.Students will keep their books in their classroom.

In assigning lockers, this will free up space in the classroom and not have to house jackets and such in the room.

(School locks are not required but are available at the Finance Office. Lock Rental Fee of $5.00 for the year. A fee of $5.00 will be charged to your account in the case of a lost or broken lock.)

Valuables shouldbeleftat home. G.A.is notresponsible for lost orstolenitems.Misuse or tamperingwitha lockermayresultin loss oflocker privileges.If a student causesbreakagetothe lockerstheywill beheldresponsible forrepair.The lockers are the propertyoftheschoolandaresubject for randomsearches byadministration.

Rulesfor Lockers:

Exterior:Students MAY NOT decorateoutsideoflockers. PermanentmarkersMAY NOTbeused insideorout.

Interior: StudentsMAY NOTplace stickers or tapeinside lockers. Picturesof friendsorfamily may be placed inside with magnets only. Lockermirrorsmay be used.Anyinappropriate items foundwillresult inlossof privileges.

Students MAY NOT switch lockers or locks without getting approval from the Director of Admissions- Sandy Phillips. If a student does not follow these set rules they may lose their rights to a locker for the school year.

Lockers are assigned for jacket storage, PE shoes and items of this kind.

If a student has any problems with their lock or locker please see Mrs. Sandy Phillips, Director of Admissions. You may also email me at .

Thank you and enjoy your year!