Dear Families, November 30th, 2016

Book Fair

Mrs. Brincks is still looking for a person to help organize and run the Book Fair during Catholic Schools Week. This is an important position because we earn many books for our library through the Book Fair. Please contact the office or Mrs. Brincks if you can help or for more information.

Dress Code Reminders

At St. Edward we hold our students to a high standard and want others to see us as respectful in the way we dress. We do not have a strict dress code, but recently we have noticed that some have become laxed on the dress code. So here are a few reminders to help us get back on track. All students must wear gym shoes at school. They can wear dress shoes to church, but must change once back at school into gym shoes. We do not allow pants that have rips or tears in them. If girls wear leggings their shirts must cover their entire bottoms and be long enough to stay covered when they move around. Fleece pajama bottoms are not appropriate for every day dress and should only be worn if we have a pajama day. Jeans and sweats are not allowed to be worn at church. Thank you for helping our students dress appropriately!

Cold Weather

We have officially started the cold weather season. Please send hats and mittens with all students. Once it snows we expect all of our students to wear snowpants and boots outside.

Attention 4thGrade Parents

Did you know that if you have a 4thgrader this year that you can register to enter National Parks for free? You just need to go toeverykidinapark.govand register your 4thgrader. You have until the end of summer to visit the parks.


This year we decided to do a Reverse Advent Calendar. Each day there is something for us to do instead of receiving a gift. Some of the days are a personal reflection and some of the days are asking to bring in items to donate to different people in need. Please participate as much as you are able. The calendar is attached to this newsletter. Tomorrow we are collecting toiletries to bring to the homeless.


Christmas shopping season is here!! Remember to purchase your SCRIP and encourage family and friends to buy! If you need more information on how to use SCRIP, stop in the office. We would be happy to explain it to you!!

Santa in the Sleigh

Coming home in your folders today is a flyer from the McClintock’s. Every year they invite the school families to their home to visit Santa in the Sleigh. This year the event is this Friday, December 2ndfrom5pmto approximately7:30pm-8pm. Thank you to the McClintock’s for offering this exciting event!

Christmas Concert

The Christmas concert is scheduled for Thursday, December 22nd. Just a reminder that children in kindergarten and 1stgrade are asked to wear Western wear for the concert. They can wear plaid shirts, flannel shirts, jeans, jean skirt, bandanas, etc. The only thing we ask that they not wear are cowboy hats because being on risers the hats will block the children behind them. Thank you!

Christmas Cards

Christmas cards will be sold at weekend Mass until Christmas. The DiPietro family will sell at many of those Masses. Let Duane know if you are able to help.

Early Release

There is an early release day on Wednesday, December 7th. Students are dismissed at12:25pm. After care will be offered. Please let the office know if there is a change in how your child normally goes home. Thanks!

Lunch room help

We are looking for help on Tuesdays in the lunchroom. This would be from11:25-12pm. You would be helping the children with their lunch and dismissing them for recess. Let me know if you are available or know someone who could help. We truly appreciate it!!!

Thank you Home and School!!

Thank you to the Home and School Committee for purchasing a white board for the 4th grade classroom. It looks great on the wall and the fourth graders were so excited to have a board large enough to work on!

Home and School Spot

Fall apple sales $250. 100% of proceeds go to Home and School fund. Thank you!

Christmas cards will be sold at weekend Mass until Christmas. The DiPietro family will sell at many of those Masses. Let Duane know if you are able to help.

To date, mass Christmas card sales now at $250

Greenville/October card sales $823

MEETING - Join us onMonday December 5, 7:00 pm. School lunchroom

All are welcome

H&S budget

Review possible projects and merits, updates

H&S events update

Upcoming important dates:


2nd– Mass8:15am

5th– Home and School Meeting at7pm

6th– Feast of St. Nicholas

7th– Early Release at12:25pm

8th– Mass8:15amfor Feast of the Immaculate Conception

9th– Mass8:15am

Blessings for a wonderful week!!