Wrington Drama Club
Annual General Meeting
Date:Thursday 2 June, 2016
Time: 19:30
Venue:The Reading Room
- Attendance
Jim Swords, Peter Langley, Simon Medd, Martyn Davies, Kate Davies, Tom Henry, Julie Kingcott, Beth Burnett, Amy Thomas, Caroline Rodaway, Steve Osman, Margaret Morris, Liz Stalworthy, Phil Neve, Richard Kingcott, Frances Wilson, David Simpson, Sue Simpson, Pauline Jefferies, Dawn Harvey, Francesca Harvey, Julie Kirby, Heather Swords, Jill Cowgill, Rebecca Townsend, Mark Bullen, Peter Jones, Valerie Langley, Mark Halper.
- Apologies
Echo irving, Rebecca Bryce, David Buckley, Michael Berkley, Adam Hall, Fred Cowgill, Chris Parnham, Sarah Balicki.
- Minutes of previous meeting 14 May 2015 and matters arising
The minutes were accepted as an accurate record of the 2015 AGM and were signed by the Chairman
Matters Arising – Simon Medd clarified that the typographic errors and repetitions in the copy previously circulated had been corrected in the copy signed by the Chairman, although they still omitted to record the presence of Richard Kingcott who had arrived late.
- Chairman’s Report
Jim Swords gave his report as set out below:-
Welcome to our Annual General Meeting. Although we have not been involved in so many activities as last year the Club has had another very successful year.
The year started with Julie offering to direct The Wind in the Willows for our winter 2016 show in January, with auditions being held in September.
Our very popular quiz night was again very successful with a good profit being made to help with Club funds. Our thanks go to our quizmaster, Steve Osman and to Rosemary Osman, who provided another excellent meal, together with extra help from Caroline and the rest of the Osman family.
After considering the two plays that Mark Bullen proposed for our Spring Show 2016, “Play On” by Rick Abbott was chosen and auditions were arranged to cast this. Mark was able to cast this with not too much difficulty and rehearsals commenced early in the new year.
Our thanks to David Simpson for arranging tickets for a visit to the Redgrave theatre to see Alan Bennett’s version of Wind in the Willows.
Although I was away for our Winter Show in January, the many comments I received on my return confirmed that the show had been a great success.
In February, Mark Bullen spent a great deal of his time compiling a Health and Safety policy and a Risk assessment form for the Club. This is an important issue and one the club must carry out at each show, during rehearsals and during set up. Out thank to Mark for all his and his hard work.
In May our production of Play on by Rick Abbott, directed by Matk Bullen, was very well received by audiences who responded to each show with lots of laughter. Although technically difficult to stage, the crew responded to the challenge and produced a very good workable set. Our thanks to all who helped with this and in particular Phil Neve, whose knowledge and expertise shone through.
Thank you to Julie Kingcott for organising our annual Club dinner in May, an evening enjoyed by all, even though I was ill with what I now know was a chest infection and pneumonia and I finished up in hospital the next morning.
Fred Cowgill offered to direct a pantomime, “Puss in Boots” for our Winter Show 2017. There was much discussion about the dates for this show – early or late in January. Julie Kingcott stated that parents preferred the end of January as around Christmas time and early January children were involved in too many other activities, which took up a lot of children’s and parents’ time. It will be up to the new Committee to make a decision on this, but it would be a shame if the Club’s tradition of putting on a pantomime for the village is forgotten, as in the past the village enjoyed our productions and supported us very well. It also gave those of us who were lacking in acting skills the chance to enjoy the great experience of performing on stage.
After eight years as your Chairman and about ten years on your Committee I have decided to resign. It is time for a new Chairman and Committee to take the Club forward into the future with new ideas to keep the Club prosperous and also popular with our audiences in the village. However, we must not lose sight of the traditions of the Club, as set out by our founders, Echo Irving, Fred Cowgill, Peter Langley and many others who have given a great deal of their time and effort to make the Club what it is today, a vibrant drama club whose productions have been enjoyed by the village over the years.
May I thank all of your committees who have given me their help and support over the years. I would like to thank particularly Peter Langley your Treasurer who is also resigning. He has given a great deal of his time over the years looking after our funds and providing sets of accounts for us. He will be greatly missed.. Peter and Valerie have given a great deal of their time looking after the Fire Station and Costumes. I thank them for their sterling work over the years. Thank you also Simon Medd, your Secretary, for your unstinting efforts over the years.
I wish your new Chairman and new Committee every success for the future and look forward to taking part in all their new ideas and productions.
Jim Swords, Chairman.
- Treasurer’s Report
Peter distributed copies of the accounts for the year ended 31 March 2016. These showed a current balance of £5,029.12, a considerable increase from our opening balance of £3,142.74.
Our examiner, David Walker, has approved the accounts.
The accounts show an interim loss on the Spring 2016 show, Play On. As usual, this is because the expenditure tends to fall in the year just ended, while the income falls in the current year. There should be a profit of about £370.
Over all we have done well financially.
Pauline Jefferies wanted to know if we carry any insurance. Yes, we are insured through the National and Operatic Dramatic Association (NODA). Last year we increased our cover for equipment to £50,000. Jim Swords commented that the Memorial Hall’s Committee carried public liability cover, which covers us as well.
The accounts were proposed for acceptance by Richard Kingcott, seconded by David Simpson and approved by those present.
- Election of Chairman
There was only one nomination for the post, Mark Bullen, who was nominated by Chris Parnham and seconded by Julie Kingcott. Accordingly, he was confirmed as Chairman by the members.
- Election Of Officers
Peter Langley had resigned as Treasurer. There were two nominations for this post; Rebecca Townsend, proposed by Michael Berkley and seconded by Heather Swords; and Richard Kingcott, nominated by Julie Kingcott and seconded by Steve Osman. At the Chairman’s invitation they both presented themselves to the meeting.
Rebecca Townsend said that she was a new mew member of the Club, with accountancy experience.
Richard Kingcott said that he had been a member of the Club for many years, from the first production of Wind in the Willows. He is the financial director of his own company and a director of other companies.
Following a ballot Rebecca Townsend was elected Treasurer.
Simon Medd had agreed to continue as secretary, nominated by Jim Swords and seconded by Chris Parnham. As the sole nominee, he was duly confirmed as Secretary. Simon added that as he too had been a member of the Committee and Secretary for several years he felt that it would be time for a change soon. He said he would do one more year and then the Club should find a new secretary.
- Election of Committee Members
There were ten nominations for the Committee, all proposed and seconded by current members of the Club. These were; Richard Kingcott, Tom Henry, Sarah Balicki, Liz Stalworthy, Rebecca Bryce, Adam Hall, Julie Kingcott, Dawn Harvey, Michael Berkley and Kate Davies.
As there are six posts to be filled a ballot was held and the following were elected; Adam Hall, Kate Davies, Liz Stallworthy, Tom Henry, Sarah Balicki and Michael Berkley.
- Election of Examiner
Peter Langley indicated that David Walker was willing to act as Examiner for a further year.
- Membership Fees, Year and Age Requirements
Heather Swords asked that if we were no longer going to have membership cards could we have receipts instead? Mark responded that he intended to reintroduce membership cards.
Do we have a nominated Membership Secretary? S/He is selected from the main Committee following the AGM. As Adam Hall has been re-elected and has done this job so well he might be expected to continue.
Jim Swords proposed that the fees and membership criteria should remain unchanged. This was seconded by Peter Langley and adopted by those present.
This was confirmed as:-
£10 per adult couple or family group
£6 per single adult
£3 per child under 18
The membership year continues to run from 1 September.
Pauline Jefferies asked whether there should be a minimum age limit for participating children. The suggestion was that this should be set at 8 years old. However the Youth Drama has a minimum of 7 years. Dawn Harvey pointed out that different children are more mature than others and didn’t want to bar talented youngsters. Liz Stalworthy suggested that it should be all right if younger children were under the umbrella of the Youth Drama. There was the issue of safeguarding. Liz is a licensed safeguarder and was willing to take on that role.
- Any Other Business
Julie Kingcott said that Dawn Harvey was told that she couldn’t stand as an officer as she had not been a member for long enough. This was thought to be a misunderstanding. There should be no such suggestion.
Pauline Jefferies was anxious that we shouldn’t not do a pantomime periodically as they involved more children. Julie Kingcott disagreed, just as many children were involved in Wind in the Willows. There followed a general discussion on the basis of what type of show we should do. This should primarily be on the merit of the scripts we considered. Steve Osman said we need directors to direct what they wanted to direct. Do we always have a choice to consider? Anyone can offer to take on a show and can be offered help. Mark preferred one act plays and one act play festivals. Jill Cowgill pointed out that sometimes it was difficult to get children to take part. Julie said this was dependant on their parents and the timing of the show. Tom Henry asked what constituted a good pantomime? It is a good tradition, but it needs to move with the times. We could take inspiration from professional shows that reflect modern times. Mark suggested that Tom should do some research and report back to the Committee.
Beth Burnett wondered if there was any policy to encourage younger members to join. Julie suggested that the Monday evening sessions in the Plough were aimed to try to encourage others to take an interest. We could perhaps try a different venue, such as the Memorial Hall. We need to attract younger adults. Does Becky (Townsend) have a view?
Pauline Jefferies wanted to thank Julie for all the work she has done encouraging younger performers. Dawn Harvey endorsed this. The Youth Drama has certainly got her daughter out of her shell.
Mark thanked Jim and Heather for all their hard work for the Club over the years. Heartily endorsed by everyone.
- Close of Meeting
The meeting closed at 21:05
First Committee meeting - Initially no set agenda, have a brain storming session. Valerie Langley wants to attend to talk about costumes.
Meet Monday 6 June at 7:30pm at the Plough for an informal discussion.