From the black & ethnic minorities voluntary sector and communities


As part of BEMIS’s programme for capacity building strategy for the black and ethnic minorities voluntary sector, this training programme is designed to fill a gap that has hindered the development of this sector and the diverse communities it represents. It is well acknowledged that that black and ethnic minorities voluntary sector (BEMVS) has been disadvantaged on various levels including access to appropriate resources. This is attributed to a number of factors including lack of access to training on fundraising as would be appropriate to the diverse communities across Scotland. Indeed, fundraising remains a major problem that hampers the development of the BEMVS and communities, and this problem has to be addressed from within the BEMVS and training bodies. All of this has been confirmed through the many of the consultations that BEMIS has carried out over the last year with direct engagement with the BEMVS and representatives from the diverse communities.

In response, BEMIS has adopted this initiative to develop a training programme (Certified Fundraising Officers) as part of the overall strategy for capacity building for this sector.


(as identified through consultation with the BEMVS and communities).

-To address the lack of awareness of how to fundraise effectively outwith the community

-To address the lack of information and understanding of the different forms of fundraising options and variety of funders available.

-To fill the gap in skills and proper training in all forms of fundraising

-Provide training to develop skills in delivering different types of fundraising, monitoring, publicising and planning ahead

-To provide skills in effective presentation (verbal and written) and in negotiating effectively

-To supporting more effective networking with funders and enhance the understanding of funders role and responsibility

-To encourage a culture of understanding on the value of effective monitoring / evaluation in strategic planning and fundraising and to provide the skills/training necessary

-To develop an action plan with measured outcomes to bridge the gap in skills, experience and understanding within local community projects

-To provide training and support to the black and ethnic minority voluntary sector organizations and grassroots project in delivering surgeries and seminars in partnership with funders and the Institute of Fundraising to provide information /advice on funding options, training opportunities, support mechanisms etc.

-To develop a national training package on fundraising for the black and ethnic minority communities taking into consideration their cultural and religious needs.

-Qualified Fundraisers from Scotland to form a fundraising network for the black and ethnic minority voluntary sector which will support grassroot projects in putting forward applications and BEMIS in facilitating information exchange on fundraising programmes available.

The Certified Fundraising Officers Training Programme, is run by BEMIS with funding from the Scottish Executive and is designed to enable members of the BEMVS and diverse communities to access recognised qualifications and expertise in fundraising. The training will be delivered by the Institute of Fundraising in two stages and on completion will provide the individual with a recognised qualification i.e. the Certificate in Fundraising Management (CiFM),

Outcome of the training

By supporting members of the black and ethnic minority voluntary sector in obtaining these essential skills and qualification, it will have several positive effects for the black and ethnic minority communities, wider voluntary sector and funder i.e.:

  1. Increase the number and quality of skills and understanding on fundraising throughout the black and ethnic minority voluntary sector. Through accredited and recognized training the standard of information, skills and expertise in the field of fundraising will not only be higher but also of good quality and equitable across Scotland.
  1. Qualified Fundraisers from the black and ethnic minorities voluntary sectgor and communities will have a more in-depth insight to the issues and needs of this sector and diverse communities. This knowledge and understanding will support the forums BEMIS will be establishing with funders through which will provide for more effect and direct dialogue in developing funding programmes and criteria that reflect and meet the real needs of the diverse black and ethnic minority communities and this sector. This information will be invaluable information to funders in evaluating their work, developing their ongoing strategies and informing to their overall understanding of these communities as well as statutory bodies in the development of initiatives on ensuring equality, promoting diversity and social justice in Scotland.

It is recognised that funders are making an effort to make the connection with the black and ethnic minority communities, however, as per the Community Fund Report on Ethnic Minority Funding the level of grant given to these communities is still extremely low. This is as much a reflection of the lack of skills in presenting an applications as it is in funders lack of understanding on and ability to network effectively with the black and ethnic minority voluntary sector.

  1. The programme with help to address the lack of understanding among funders on the diversity of the black and ethnic minority communities across and on their real needs and support funders in ensuring equality and inclusiveness in all their processes.
  1. BEMIS and trainees (representing the diverse black and ethnic minority communities) to work in partnership with all funders in developing policies, networking initiatives and strategies that ensure access of information and support for the under-represented black and ethnic minority groups.
  1. Will provide training and capacity building in this field which will allow funders to networking and work in partnership more effectively with the black and ethnic minority groups in informing to how funding is distributed in order to best serve the communities in need.
  1. The development of an Information Exchange Forum between funders and Qualified Fundraising Officers, to meet regularly to discuss new issues and potential funding programmes.
  1. Qualified Fundraisers, as part of their training agreement, will in turn provide a high standard of training on fundraising and resource management to the black and ethnic minorities voluntary sector and communities in their area, whist providing a service to meet the needs of this sector, especially at grass roots, both in practical and cultural terms. This is essential in order to ensure that these organisations /groups are effective in their fundraising for the future.

It is anticipated that this will result in a cascading effect of learning, development of skills and more effective applications for funding from community organisations/groups from across Scotland

In many ways, this is the basis of community development in providing essential skills and expertise directly to communities in a way that is both positive and productive. This process will be at the heart of capacity building for the black and ethic minority voluntary sector in Scotland, and will support the development of this sector through filling a gap in essential skills across Scotland.

  1. This training will be monitored and evaluated as well as having agreed outcomes in terms of fundraising achieved by participants over the next year or so.
  1. As more organisations/groups participate in the funding training or become Qualified Fundraisers through this programme it will enable these organisations/groups to make quality applications to appropriate funding bodies and in some cases to more funders. Successful applications will provide more resources into the black and ethnic minority voluntary sector, this increase in resources and higher standards of practice would also allow for the development of better skills in financial management, monitoring and evaluation, a better understanding of outcome criteria, exit strategies, all of which will have a positive impact on the delivery of services and their sustainability in a continually more competitive funding market.
  1. The Qualified Fundraisers will provide a direct service to black and ethnic minority voluntary sector organisation and group especially those under-represented to make application and fundraise. This is an essential element in ensuring capacity building for these projects as well as supporting new and small projects from under-represented communities. The lack of fundraising skills and resources among these organisations/groups has seriously hindered their development and capacity building within the organisation and communities. This direct support will consist of:

-Assisting the organisation/group to identify their fundraising needs

-Supporting them in developing a realistic fundraising plan

-Providing them with training/seminars/workshop events on fundraising

-Assisting in research on which funding bodies to approach

-Assisting in putting together viable applications

BEMIS provides for the delivery, management and organisational of this training programme, with funding from the Scottish Executive and trainers/material through the Institute of Fundraising.

Providing access to these qualifications forms part of BEMIS’s wider capacity building strategy for the black and ethnic minority voluntary sector across Scotland, and as such, BEMIS could incorporate this training fully into the wider national agenda.


This is a national programme designed to provide 16 certified Fundraising Officers in the first year, and with additional funding this programme will continue into year two and three, resulting in at least 48 Qualified Fundraisers by 2007.. Candidates will be selected, through an application process, from across Scotland and from diverse black and ethnic minority communities.

This programme is a capacity building initiative by BEMIS, supported through the Scottish Executive’s Voluntary Issues Unit, the Scottish Executive and the Institute of Fundraising.


Information on this programme will be distributed throughout Scotland through:

-BEMIS membership

-BEMIS database of the black and ethnic minority voluntary sector organisation across Scotland (currently at 540)

-Wider voluntary sector

-Local authorities

-CVS networks

-Local community connections



Application are welcome from the following:

a)Black and ethnic minority voluntary sector organisations that would like to nominate a member of their staff or management committee that has responsibility for funding or fundraising

b)Community groups or grassroots organisations, especially from communities that have been excluded or under-represented, that would like to nominate a member of their staff, network or management committee that has a responsibility for funding or fundraising.

c)An individual, from the black and ethnic minority communities, who has been involved with fundraising and would like to extend and accredit the skills and knowledge they have.

Applications from the wider voluntary sector maybe considered if they are for members of staff, from the black and ethnic minority communities, in posts that are to provide a service and support to these communities and black and ethnic minority voluntary sector in the areas of capacity building and development.


The selection process will be very similar to that of a recruitment campaign, with all the usually procedures for ensuring for equality for all candidates.

Applications will be available from:7th September 2004

(programme will be launched at the BEMIS 2004 Annual General Meeting)

Closing date for applications will be:1st October 2004

Shortlisting will take in the week:4th October 2004

Successful applicants will be called for Interview during the week of: 18th October 2004

The 16 candidates selected for the courses will be informed in the week of:

25th October 2004

The course will commence in the week of:7th March 2005


The course is broken down into the two parts:

Part One:Held on Monday 7th of March

This is a four day residential course, held in Glasgow, which will provide an understanding of the different forms of fundraising and basics skills training on all aspects of fundraising. This will be followed by an assessment process, which would include an assignment (with six months for completion) to show that skills learnt in the course are being applied in the community or with the voluntary sector organisation sponsoring the trainee and the impact of this training.

BEMIS will provide the full cost for this section for each candidate which is approximately valued at £1,096 each. This will include providing, free to all candidate the following:

All the course material (on site)

Residential costs for (all inclusive) for four days

Trainers costs

In addition:

Registration fee for each candidate

Fee for the assessment process (from 28th November 2004 to 27th May 2005)

Associate membership to CIFM (…………………..)

Candidate will be training on:

  1. How to establish and communicate an effective case for support
  1. Nature and type of research required to inform to the organisation/groups fundraising decisions
  1. Introduction to established fundraising techniques
  1. Developing long term donor commitment
  1. How to plan, organise and allocate resources to fundraising
  1. Evaluating the effectiveness of the organisations/groups fundraising
  1. Key legislation and the regulations of the fundraising process
  1. Introduction to the team principles and motivational theory
  1. Tools and techniques for personal effectiveness
  1. Setting personal and professional development goals.
  1. Different avenues for funding including:
  • Statutory funding
  • European Social Fund
  • Charitable Trusts
  • Corporate funding
  • Legacies
  • Payroll Giving
  • Gift Aid
  • Stakeholder revenue
  • Donor Management
  • Patronages
  • School fundraising

Organisations / groups that have nominated a staff member or individual will be asked to cover all travel and subsistence costs for their candidate. In cases where the candidate is from groups with no or little funding or an individual, BEMIS may consider cover these expenses, however, a request for such support has to be indicated in the application and agreed before the course starts

Part Two: 1st June 2005

Once the candidates have completed their assignment and passed the assessment process they will move onto the second part of the Certificate beginning in June 2005. This final part of the Certificate covers more strategic elements of fundraising, including fundraising management, organisations priorities, resource and personnel management all in terms of fundraising. This will part of the course will be on an open and distance learning basis with a requirement for both written and work-based assignments.

BEMIS will provide the full cost for this section for each candidate which is approximately valued at £1,267 each. This will include providing, free to all candidate the following:

All materials

All trainers’ costs

Course delivery costs

At the end of the second part of the Certificate each organisation / group nominating a candidate will be required to hold full membership with CIFM which is currently £70 per person. BEMIS will pay this amount up front for all candidates but will require to be reimbursed at the end of the course.

In cases where the candidate is from groups with no or little funding or an individual, BEMIS may consider cover these expenses, however, a request for such support has to be indicated in the application and agreed before the course starts


Organisations / groups, nominating an individual whether he/she is a staff member, from the network or management committee will require to sign a contract and make a commitment on the following:

b)To ensure that the candidate attends the training and meet all the requirements and to support the candidate in completing work base assignments

c)To provide evidence that they have made use of the training and delivered support and fundraising services in their area.

Candidate will also be required, and supported by BEMIS, in developing a portfolio to show that they have supported other BEMVS organisation or community groups in their area to

-develop a fundraising plan

-fundraise for new resources

-developing exit strategies

-developing monitoring and evaluation systems etc

d)To work with the BEMIS staff in developing training programmes on fundraising and deliver, seminars, surgeries, training events in their area.

e)To provide BEMIS with information on funding opportunities and programme on a local level.

f)To attend and be an active participant on the Qualified Fundraisers Forum that will be established by BEMIS to share learning, provide support and networking to fundraisers from the BEMVS.

g)Withdrawal from the course before completion will oblige the organisation to reimburse the full costs as incurred by BEMIS

There is a time commitment to some of these activities delivering a new service to organisation / groups in your area and also participating in forums which BEMIS will establish and the organisation nominating a candidate will have to be in agreement and commitment to that process.

In the case of nominations from community groups and individuals we would be looking for a similar commitment, especially in regard to delivering to other organisations and agencies in your area.

Throughout this course BEMIS will be conducting an evaluation and monitoring process to ensure that the course is running effectively and candidates are able to make full use of the learning. The purpose of this process will be to support the development of future courses and ensure that they meet the needs of the candidate and delivery to the development of their skills.

In addition, on completion of the course candidates will be supported through further training such as “Training for Trainers Programme” – to enhance and develop their training and presentation skills.

Application / Nomination Form


(please complete this for all applications / nominations)

Contact Name:

Organisations Name:

Address: (please indicate if this is home address)

Tel / fax

Email (general)