Rubric: Mime Performance (Generic) Name: ______

Strands / INS / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4 *Includes level 3, plus: / Overall
Source: Story
(A1) /  brainstorms and/or adapts story, and marries it to mime form and techniques (simplifies, uses action scenes, etc.) /  creates/adapts story and skilfully marries it to mime form with multiple techniques
(C1) /  completes the analysis worksheet /  creatively and thoroughly completes the analysis worksheet
(A3) /  successfully demonstrates appropriate gestures, facial expression and blocking
o includes techniques: exaggeration, action scenes, simplified
 commits to role; never breaks character / o no movement is by default
o all mime techniques used skilfully
o captivatingly transforms into character
(A3) /  captions were used
 a combination of costumes, props, lighting and/or sound were used, allowing students to help shape the scene /  captions enhanced the story
 has a solid command of technical elements that creatively enhance the scene’s themes / characters
Partner Critique
(B1) /  observes and provides constructive feedback to partner/group members / o encourages and motivates partner/group members
(A2) /  rehearses a number of times & makes improvements
 Stays on task /  creatively enhances scene with thorough revising and cleaning
(C3) /  demonstrates proper audience etiquette (respectful, attentive, non-verbal) /  actively demonstrates encouraging non-verbal and verbal cues where appropriate

Overall Expectations included: (in bold)

Creating and Presenting / Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing / Foundations
A1 Creative Process (inspirational sources/forms) / B1 Critical Analysis Process (self, peer and outside works) / C1 Concepts and Terminology
A2 Elements and Conventions (development workshops) / B2 Drama and Society (purpose, personal and group growth) / C2 Contexts and Influences (history)
A3 Presentation Techniques and Technical Theatre / B3 Connections Beyond the Classroom (link to other fields) / C3 Responsible Practices (safety, collaboration, audience etiquette)