Notes on the Heroic Epic

An epic or heroic poem is:

·  A long narrative poem

·  On a serious subject;

·  Often based in part on historical fact, blending legend with truth

·  Written in a grand or elevated style;

·  Centered on a larger-than-life hero who demonstrates the goals and values of his society

Epics also tend to have the following characteristics:

·  An opening in medias res

·  An invocation to the Muse

·  A concern with the fate of a nation or a people

·  A large-scale setting – covering a wide geographical area, ranging around the world, or, in modern days, even into another world or universe

·  Intervention of supernatural figures, who are interested in the outcome of the action

·  Extended comparisons, generally called epic similes

·  Long catalogues, or directories, of ships, characters, or places

·  Extensive and vivid battle scenes

·  A few stock episodes, such as a visit to the underworld