Dragon Will 3
Penna M. Fischer / 1

Dragon Will 3

Dragon Defiance

Penna M. Fischer

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

Chapter 45

Chapter 46

Chapter 47

Chapter 48

Chapter 49

Chapter 50

Chapter 51

Chapter 52

Chapter 53

Chapter 1

[Lydia is kidnapped when invited to a party. Cassings gets taken with her. Is forced to meld with death dragon. Cassings used against her. Later they make an escape attempt and traverse through the western country side trying to get to the border.]

“Hey, babe.”

A shiver went up her body at the sound of that voice. She looked over towards the door, her eyes searching out the familiar form of her handsome boyfriend. All five foot eight inches of him. As usual his blonde hair was unbrushed and windswept, pointing up at any direction. His deep blue eyes twinkled with ever present mischievous charm. He wasn’t broad by any means. He was actually rather lean looking. There were hard muscles showing in his arms, but they were slight hills, disguising the raw power in them.

Gods he was handsome. And he belonged to her.

She was everything he wasn’t. She was four feet and one inch. Her eyes were dull green while her hair was a deep brown. Nor was she very pretty. Not when compared to some of the other girls that threw themselves at him so frequently.

He was open, honest, and made friends easily. She liked her secrets, and while she wouldn’t go out of her way to lie, she definitely was not the most forthcoming person nor did she make friends very easily at all.

She was a spoiled rich snob, while he was a poor orphan. And he had a long healthy life to live, while she had a short, dying life.

Gods, why did he love her?

Hugh stepped into the room, looked around, and closed the door. “All finished?” he asked.

Lydia nodded. “Yeah. The nurse just left. Give me a moment and let me go get back in my uniform,” she said. She was dressed in a hospital gown that she had donned for her examination. She hated the things. Especially when in an attempt to get the thing to fit her, they chose one for child – which meant that instead of being incredibly long and baggy, it was short and tight.

She jumped off the table and headed towards the screen. She had barely made it three steps when she felt Hugh’s arms seize her from behind. Her heart raced as she felt Hugh’s head bury itself in the nape of her neck, planting a number of soft kisses and licking, sending tiny shivers up her body.

“What’s the rush?” he moaned softly in her ear. “No lie, but this isn’t a bad look,” he said with a laugh in his voice.

At the same time he said that, she felt a hand reach down and start at her mid-thigh and slowly work its way up. He played with the hem of the gown for a moment, before he finally slipped his hand beneath it. She gasped at the feel of his hand on the bare flesh of her upper thigh. Hugh reacted by pulling her in even tighter to his chest. “Gods I love you, Lyz,”

She swallowed, finding it suddenly very difficult to even breathe. “H-Hugh,” she gasped.

“Yeah, babe?” he asked, his voice thick and hot.

“I-I need to get dressed… this isn’t really the p-proper place for this.”

“The nurse left. There’s no rush. I can’t remember the last time I’ve had you alone like this.”

“Four months ago in Tsaul’s stall?” she supplied.

“Gods, has it really been that long? No wonder I want this so badly.”

Lydia gave up. She didn’t feel like fighting him anyways. It really had been far too long, and even then it had been after the horrible incident in which she had been force melded with a psychotic dragon. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Hugh’s hand on her body. No lie, it really was embarrassing and nerve wracking, but Hugh was pretty decent about not going too far…

Except for his streak of mischievousness.

Hugh chuckled. He buried his head on her neck, nipping at her skin with his teeth. There was something about that laugh… She knew him too well. He was up to no good. What was he going to do?

A moment later he pulled his hand away from her leg. She waited, but it did not seem to return to any part of her body. She frowned. What was he doing?

His hand returned finally to her neck, pushing her hair away and off to the side. His fingertips tickled her. Every place that he touched felt like it was on fire. If he were going to do something at this point maybe she just wouldn’t care. She could feel her thoughts slipping away. Felt her decisions getting mixed up and confused. How did he do this to her? She wondered if she could do this to him – just make him lose his thoughts? It’s not like she was doing anything except standing here. She really wished he would let her turn around and at least hug him or something. How much enjoyment could he be getting from this?

Gently she tried to turn in his arms, but he applied a gentle pressure to her that kept her from being able to do so. “Not yet,” he breathed.

She felt him at the top tie of the gown, the one that went around her neck. He undid it, pulling it away to get better access at her neck and shoulders. He kissed and licked her right shoulder, pulling the gown away as far he could, before doing the same thing on the other side.

“Take your arms out?” he begged.

She blinked. “Of the gown? Hugh, I don’t think I can do that without the gown falling away from my chest.”

“And that’s a bad thing?” he asked with a chuckle.

“Huuuuugh,” she growled her warning.

“Come on. I’ll hold it up,” he promised. He reached around with his right arm and grabbed the front collar. “Please?”

She sighed but complied, working her arms out of the gown. “I can’t believe I’m indulging you like this,” she muttered. “Call this your Welcome Back present.”

“I think I can live with that,” he said with a light laugh.

Rolling her eyes, she managed to get her arms out finally. “I don’t even know why you want me to do this.”

“I want to kiss your arm and shoulder without having that stupid gown in my way,” he explained.

“I think you’re a hopeless pervert,” she said harshly.

“You’ve no idea, babe,” he said with a light laugh. His normal ridiculous response to her challenge.

Bending down he returned to kissing her neck and then slowly trailed his kisses from her neck down her shoulder. From her shoulder he moved down to her shoulder blade. His arm tightened around her middle, though the hand holding the top of the gown up faltered. She reached up to take it from him but he wouldn’t give it to her. “I got it,” he muttered, his breath hot on her skin.

She sighed and just gave up. She would just stand here, then. …No. No, she couldn’t. She wanted to kiss him, too. To return the pleasure he was giving her. “It would be nice if I could participate, too,” she snapped at him. “Can I at least hug you?”

Hugh chuckled. “That does sound entertaining.” She heard him swallow, gave her a few more last minute seductive kisses on her back in between her shoulder blades, before he stepped away a little. “Alright,” he announced.“Turn around then.”

Grinning, she spun around as he released his arm from her middle. She stopped and blinked, facing him. Something… didn’t feel right. Looking up at him she knew instantly something was very wrong. His smile was much too big and his eyes were twinkling with that mischievous light – and he was not meeting her eyes but staring downwards at her body.

She looked down and gasped. Her gown was missing! And she had nothing on underneath it! She gasped and pressed herself up against him to try to hide her body from his eyes. She looked around in confusion, and found that his right arm was still held up. She followed it around with her eyes and found the gown – held up in the air by the spot where he had been holding before she had turned.

She groaned, realizing instantly what he had been doing a moment ago when she had thought he was up to no good. He had been untying her gown!

“Now this is a Welcome Back present. Lyz naked pressed up against me.”

She stared up at him in shock even as he bent down and pressed his lips to hers. It was a light kiss, a quick one, before he pulled back, unable to control his smile.

Her anger flared. “Hugh, you unimaginable, perverted asshole!” she screamed at him.

She went to back up, but he held her fast to his chest. “Whoops. Not a good idea, Lyz, unless you really want to give me the full picture again.”

“I’m going to kill you!” she screamed at him. She could feel tears of embarrassment rising in her eyes.

Hugh laughed, holding her close. “That doesn’t sound too unpleasant. Yeah, I could die happy right now.”

“Oh my gods, Hugh! I can’t even believe that you did this.”

“In all honesty, neither can I. I just kinda saw my chance and went with it. The first tie I honestly thought you would feel what I was doing and yell at me, but then you didn’t, and suddenly I realized you couldn’t feel it. Not a single one. And then after I had them all done all that was left was the top one. I can’t even believe that I got you to pull your arms out,my prude little Lyz.”

“I was trying to be nice to you! Now you’ve gone and ruined it. I’m never talking to you again after this. Oh gods… Give me back my gown, Hugh.”

She heard the sound of soft fabric falling to the floor. She gasped and peered around at the lump of cloth on the floor.

“Get it yourself,” he said with an evil chuckle.

“Asshole!” she screamed at him at the top of her lungs. “Oh my gods, Hugh! What if someone walks in right now?”

“They’ll probably think ‘gods, what a lucky guy.’”

“This isn’t funny!” she screamed.

He grinned even wider. “No. You’re right. It’s not. It’s damn sexy.” He bent down and kissed a spot on her chest that he normally could not reach because of her clothing. “Damn. I should have unzipped my uniform first. Then I could have felt your body on mine.”

“Hugh!” she shouted, angrily. Oh gods… she wanted to die of embarrassment right here and now.

“One more look, Lyz,” he begged.

“Go to hell!” she shouted at him.

“Fair enough. I deserve that.”

“Hugh Oliver! If you don’t fix this, I swear I’m not kissing you again for the next six months!”

“How do you want me to fix it, Lyz? Your gown is on the floor behind you. The changing screen is over in the corner. And you’re right here, naked, pressed up against me,” he said the last part with a chuckle.

“I’m going to wail on you when this is over with.”

“Well, I can give you a suggestion on how to fix it. Pull away, give me my brief half second look and grab your gown and I swear I won’t watch anymore.”

“I’m going to stab those eyes out,” she growled.

He bent down and kissed her forehead. “As long as I get my look. That would make for a fantastic last sight.”

“Pervert!” she shouted.

“I think that’s been established at this point. Hey, think of it this way – you’ve got your panties on. So there’s still a little left to my imagination.” He grinned and reached down, playing with the hem of her underwear. “Maybe we can do something to make this more exciting. I’m going to start pulling these off. I wonder how long it will take before you pull away and – “

She gasped, pushed him back quickly, and threw her arms up to try to shield her body even as she whirled around. She made a mad dash for the gown and ran to the screen. Hugh’s laughter following her all the way.


Hugh walked down the hall behind her, still grinning wide. She turned around and glared at him. “Unbelievable asshole,” she growled, before she turned back around and continued her angry walk.

“Sorry, Lyz. You can try to make me feel as bad about it as you like, but the fact of the matter remains that that was the single greatest moment of my life so far.”

“You seriously need to rethink your priorities,” she growled.

“Well if you weren’t such a prude with that hot body of yours.”

She looked down at herself. Hot? Her? She was a short four feet and she had seen twelve year olds in her life who were more well-endowed than her. She swallowed. “D-do I really look good?” she asked after a moment.

“What sort of a question is that?” he asked incredulously.

“W-well… I never really feel pretty. I mean… I look at some of the girls who throw themselves at you. They’re so much prettier than me. I just… I have no idea why you would want me.” She sighed. “I look like a three year old,” she pouted.

“Dear Gods, Lyz. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”

She felt herself blush. How could he say those words with that much conviction? “Liar,” she accused.

He reached out and caught her arm, jerking her to a sudden stop. She turned around at him in surprise, but before she could say anything he said, “If I’m such a liar than why is that guy across the hall checking you out right now,” he said, nodding in the direction he was talking about.

She blinked and turned to look where he was. There was a boy standing some ways down the hall yet from where they were that looked roughly their age. He had dark hair and was on the average height size. He was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans – not a Rider, apparently. Andhe was watching them. She felt herself blush instantly when the boy gave her a wide smile the moment their eyes met. She turned around quickly. Hugh laughed lightly. “See?”

“Well… maybe right now, but I’m sure if I were standing next to some other girl he wouldn’t be staring,” she muttered.

“I have a feeling you would be wrong. Personally, if he doesn’t lift his eyes in about two seconds I’m going to give him something to stare at – my fist in his face,” he muttered, glaring across at the person. “Come on. Let’s get out of here. He’s starting to make me mad.”

Feeling painfully embarrassed and more than a little awkward, she allowed Hugh to take her hand and lead them forward. As she passed the boy, though, she heard him call out, “Hey there, sweet heart.”

Hugh jerked to a stop. The hand that held hers tightened. He whirled around. “You’re pretty ballsy, asshole,” he growled.

She blinked in surprise up at Hugh. He was furious. “Hugh? Come on – let’s just leave.”

“I want to know what kind of guy actually calls out to a girl that’s obviously taken,” he growled, staring the boy down.

The boy grinned. “In my experience, ‘taken’ is a relative term and always up for negotiation.” He stepped away from the wall and approached her. “You could do so much better than that asshole, sweetheart. Maybe me and you can find some other place to discuss this in private.” Saying this he reached up and stroked her cheek with the back of his index finger.

She gasped as Hugh wrenched her away. Two seconds later the boy was on the floor with a bloody nose. Hugh stepped back, shaking his fist. “Lay a hand on her again and I swear I’ll give you even worse than that,” he snarled.

He spun around and took her hand and pulled her away from the scene and the boy.

“On second thought,” Hugh growled as they finally exited, “maybe it’s a good thing you don’t notice things like that. If he hadn’t seen you looking at him he probably wouldn’t have even bothered you.”

“Did you have to punch him?” she asked incredulously. She could hardly believe what had just happened. Hugh had punched someone… over her. And not because of an offense but out of simple jealousy.