Draft WABERS+ Attendance Upload Protocol
The proposed WABERS+ Attendance Upload Protocol depends on a unique Class Item # so we would need to discuss setting classes at CBOs differently.
File format
Comma-Delimited Files (.CSV)
Important Format Notes: Fields may or may not be qualified by surrounding with double quotes. Each line ends with a Carriage Return <CR> and a Line Feed <LF>.
Sample Format
Sample Data
010, 12345678911, 1080, 3, 2017-18, 12.5, 0.5
010, 123456789, 1082, 4, 2017-18, 0, 116
Row Definitions
Data Field / Position / Character Length / Description/Use/Data Value RequirementsOrganization / 1 / 3 / A three-digit code used to identify each organization. College codes are numeric. Community Based Organization (CBO) codes are alpha.
EMPLID/SID / 2 / 11 / Identifier to reference specific student. A nine or eleven-character field used to uniquely identify a student in a Legacy system or PeopleSoft.
CLASS ITEM # / 3 / 4 / Item Number or Class Number for the class. ITEM NUMBER (Legacy) or CLASS NUMBER (ctcLink). “Program Hours” can be uploaded by using an appropriate Program Level Code in place of a Class Item #.
Valid Codes: EDI, ABE 1, ABE 2, ABE 3, ABE 4, ESL 1, ESL 2, ESL 3, ESL 4, ESL 5, ESL 6, HSC 1 (i.e. ABE 5), HSC 2 (i.e. ABE 6). Values must match exactly, including space between program and level #.
QUARTER / 4 / 1 / Numeric value of quarter where the class is attended (1-4) and in which attendance occurred.
Valid Codes: 1 = Summer; 2 = Fall; 3 = Winter; 4 = Spring
YEAR / 5 / 7 / 7-character representation of academic year of the class.
Sample 2017-18
F2F HOURS / 6 / 5 / Face-to-face attendance minutes cumulative quarter to date by class. Round to nearest half hour increment. Include leading zeroes.
Sample 100.5
DIST ED HOURS / 7 / 5 / Contact and attendance minutes from instruction delivered at a distance cumulative quarter to date by class. Round to nearest half hour increment. Include leading zeroes.
Sample 100.5
CR/LF / 8 / NA / Carriage Return + Line Feed line ending characters
File Upload Instructions & Processing
File Upload Instructions
The upload option, Attendance Upload, will be added to the WABERS+ Administration tab, File Uploads / Data Entry section (image below).
Click on the Browse button, and a Windows Explorer window will open. Find your (.csv) file and double click on it. It should now show in the box next to the Browse button. Once the pathway to the file is displayed in the box, click the “Upload” button. This could take a few minutes.
When the upload is complete, a message will appear to let you know that your upload was successful. Errors will be returned immediately if:
· The EMPLID or SID on the attendance record is not in WABERS+.
· The CLASS ITEM # was not found for the EMPLID/SID and quarter.
· A student record has been exited and locked.
File Processing
The WABERS+ application will process uploaded files by completing the following actions:
· Apply cumulative quarter to date attendance data by student and class.
· Update face-to-face attendance and distance education attendance records so that new cumulative by quarter by class total appears.
· If the cumulative quarter to date attendance data by student and class combination is not changed since a previous upload, no changes will be applied to the database.
Important: Upload new cumulative quarter to date attendance data by student and class. Do not upload partial attendance data that only represents new attendance since a previous upload during the same quarter.
Attendance Upload Reconciliation
Review a sample amount of student records to ensure the attendance upload file was processed and applied correctly. Report any anomalies to the WABERS+ Helpdesk, .
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