

Board Members in Attendance are highlighted:

 Jan Bernier, Director (E)

 Scott Hadrava, Assistant Director (O)

 Michelle Kent, Secretary (E)

 Karen Johnson, Uniform Coordinator (O)

 Deb Robinson, Scheduling (E)

 Micki Husnik, Treasurer (O)

 Mandi Bombard, Volunteer (O)

 Gina Dufeck, Volunteer/Fundraising (O)

 Pam Gladitsch, Website Coordinator (E)

 Shannon Schmeling, Merchandise Coordinator (O)

 Rick Weispfennig, Community Sports Director (E)

 Mike Selbitschka, Volleyball Advisor

Lori was in attendance

Director – Jan Bernier

Community Ed –

Deb – will be the adult supervisor

Mike – 80% of varsity players have signed up to be coaches for the community ed program

Suggestions for next year – have a booth at the open house elementary and placed in Friday folders


  • Recap
  • Line at our booth – spin the big wheel was a huge hit – Way to go, Karen!!
  • Wheel was so much better
  • A couple of kids names added to distribution
  • Only a couple of kids received the discount

Options for strength training and agility

  • Still working on receiving a request a quote from Wholesome Health
  • Will be requesting a quote from the High School trainer
  • Gina received a quote from Kettle Bell (180 Gym)
  • $10/kid/session
  • One thought is to run a training camp and open gym at the same time

Week of November 20 – would like to have volleyball practices/open gym

Jan has reached out to last year’s coaches to see who would be willing to coach again:

Kim and Bob Olson – not coaching again

Taylor – not sure based on work load

Jess Aho and Cassie


Bob and Jan

Drea and Kaia

Brenda and Lisa

Rick is in

Chris Duffeck



Abby Moon


Jon Siesman – no – approached by neighboring club


Eric Linder


Mike – is up in the air (coaching Sundays and Wednesdays)

Signup Meeting:

  • Fundraising
  • Information will be provided at Signup
  • DQ cards
  • Candy Cards
  • Midwest

Motion: Micki motioned to have no fundraising for the club and Gina second. Approved.

  • Forms
  • Will need to be placed in age group files and Michelle will data entry into excel for data loads into Team Genius and also used for importing into NCR
  • Uniforms
  • Sizing – try on
  • Pay online – November 13 – November 22
  • Payments
  • $250 – hold until Monday, November 13, 2017

Close of tournaments by April 1, 2018. Only extraordinary circumstances, coach needs to come to board for approval to play after April 1, 2018.

Jan met with Joan (Community Ed) to finalize gym times for the JO Season.


  • Team Genius
  • Paid
  • Judges – Jo and Amy ($200 for both days)
  • Last year’s scale 1 – 5 – change to a scale of 1-10 – Team Genius will make the updates to the software for the changes
  • 14 and under less factors
  • Need iPads (Karen, Mike has two) – needs to be 2nd generation or newer
  • Subway platter
  • Karen will order

Karen suggested that we ask Jo to officiate the 17’s championship game at the Vikings Classic. Need to find out what she should be paid. Rick stated that this is typically $88 for high school.

Board Election

  • Lori Tiegen has agreed to fill the Coaching Sports Director open position – Deb motioned, Mandi second – passed

Treasurer – Micki Husnik

Cost of Tournaments: based off last year’s 2016-17 season

12s (3 teams) - $550 (5 tournaments plus home tournament)

13s (2 teams) - $715 (President’s day and 5 tournaments)

14s (2 teams) - $825 (President’s day and 5 tournaments)

15s (2 teams) - $925 (President’s day and 5 tournaments)

16s (1 team) - $925 (President’s day and 5 tournaments)

17s (2 teams) - $1,025 (President’s day and 5 tournaments)

Total cost for tournaments: $9,555

Assistant Director – Scott Hadrava

Not in attendance

Coaching Sports Director – Lori Tiegen

Volunteer Coordinator – Mandi Bombard/Gina Dufeck

  • Hay Days - $550

Fundraising Coordinator – Gina Dufeck/Mandi Bombard

See Volunteer Coordinator information.

  • Please see information above regarding fundraising topic under Sign-up meeting.

Community Sports Director – Rick Weispfennig

Scheduling- Deb Robinson

Need to have a coaches meeting to emphasize gym time, etc.

Secretary – Michelle Kent

Uniform Coordinator – Shannon Schmeling

Recommend for the following for new uniforms:

  • $132 – jersey, pants, 1/4 zip (personalized with last name)
  • $8 - t-shirts – Mike will work with his guy

Libero jerseys are provided by the club – we have tried several times to collect. Will continue to work with coaches on receiving jerseys.

Coaches will receive a long sleeve shirt and a t-shirt for the 2017-18 season approximate cost to club is $50/each coach.

Fanware –

  • Hoodie (option to have personalized)
  • Beanie
  • Socks
  • T-shirt
  • ¼ zip
  • Backpacks
  • Hats (fitted)

Merchandise Coordinator – Karen Johnson

See Uniform Coordinator information.

Volleyball Advisor – Mike Selbitschka

Website Coordinator – Pam Gladitsch

No news


Next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 15, 2017 @ 6:30 pm @ Legion –

Meeting adjourned.