Redefining You Retirement

Specially Tailored to You, a Baby Boomer

America’s baby boomer generation born between 1946 and 1964 – more than 78 million strong – is fast approaching retirement. According to a study by AARP 2 years ago, some 80% of boomers plan to work in some capacity after retiring and 55% of them want an entirely new job in an entirely new industry. Are you thinking of an early retirement? What will you be doing in your retirement for 20 to 30 years as life expectancies increasing? Is your current job fulfilling your lifelong dream and financial goal? Have you been contemplating to venture into a brand new career? In this seminar, our discussions will revolve around these topics as well as pre-retirement planning & maximizing accumulations of your retirement savings.


Charles Lee: Financial Professional, Prudential Financial

Charles Lee began his 2nd career in financial services industry after sitting in one of the career information sessions sponsored by NATEA several years ago. As a financial professional, he is committed and highly motivated to help his clients protect and grow their wealth. He is also very active among Taiwanese community in the Bay Area, and is the incumbent President of Taiwanese Alliance for Interculture and a board member of Taiwanese American Federation of Northern California. Charles received his Master of Science degree in Computer Science from California State University, Northridge. He is fluent in Taiwanese, English, Mandarin and Japanese.