Draft Terms of Reference for Southwark Voice

Southwark Voice (Voice) is an independent group of voluntary organisations, community groups and active citizens working in Southwark. The Terms of Reference (TOR) has been drawn up to provide Representatives (Reps) with a framework of guiding principles of how the Group functions and the expected behaviours of individuals.


The TOR is effective from 6th December 2017 and continues until terminated or amended by agreement between the parties.


To provide a strong, coherent voice for the voluntary and community sector (VCS) in Southwark.

Voice will provide a strategic platform from which the value and impact of the VCS as strategic partner with the council and other statutory agencies can be articulated. It will also shape and influence public policy to best reflect and meet local needs.


In providing a platform to explore and discuss issues of relevance to the VCS and communities in Southwark, the Group will:

  1. Identify and facilitate discussion and consultation on specific issues related to the needs of Southwark based communities
  2. Be solution focused in order to tackle specific and cross sector issues and risks that reduce the reach and impact of the VCS
  3. To act as both a critical friend and a constructive partner to the council and NHS in both policymaking and delivery of services. As well as identifying risks it will look for opportunities and will not be anti-change
  4. To input key concerns and solutions to the Council/VCS Liaison group and other strategic partnerships via a panel of Reps with delegated authority to sit on groups
  5. Promote effective communication and engagement between all providers and with service users and their carers in the planning, development, commissioning and evaluation of services and with national and regional agendas
  6. Promote the development of quality and equality standards in service delivery
  7. Establish small ‘task and finish’ working groups to action specific issues, as and when required or to delegate to a relevant Provider Led Group (PLG)


  1. Voice should have a maximum of 21 members. The limit on the maximum number of Reps will allow all attendees to have a strong voice
  2. Reps will be drawn from voluntary organisations and community groups and networks who provide services and support to residents in Southwark.
  3. Members will be asked to join the Group for a period of 2 years, to ensure continuity of membership and discussion
  4. Where the maximum number of members is not reached, additional members may be invited or can apply to join Voice through an ad hoc selection process.

Chairing and Meetings

  1. At the outset the Voice Chair will operate on a rotation system with Reps putting themselves forward at the end of each previous meeting. Any subsequent election process will be agreed by Voice Reps.
  2. The Group will meet at least twice yearly – attendees will correspond electronically in-between meetings. Additional meetings will be arranged if necessary.
  3. Papers will be circulated at least five working days before each meeting – Community Southwark will provide the administrative support
  4. A meeting quorum will be a third (33.3% - 7 Reps) of the members of the Group
  5. Decisions will be made by consensus – i.e. members support the decision even though it may not be their first choice. If not possible, the Voice chair will make the final decision
  6. Reps may choose to invite guests to Voice meetings – such as council officers – to hear or provide feedback on particular issues, or update on policy change etc.

Accountability and Reporting Arrangements

  1. Voice Reps are independent and not accountable to the Southwark Council or Southwark CCG.
  2. Reps work for the benefit of the VCS in Southwark as a whole and, ultimately, users of its services. It is not a forum to promote or protect individual organisations.
  3. Decisions, follow-up activities and outcomes will be published on the Community Southwark website. Voice should be open and transparent in its work. Contact details of Reps will also be published unless otherwise instructed.

Expectations of Members

  1. All members are expected to agree to common and shared principles of being a Rep. In summary these include:
  2. being respectful of each other and of each other’s views
  3. observing Chatham House rules where necessary
  4. acting in good faith and in the best interests of Voice at all times
  5. attending all scheduled meetings and, if necessary, nominate a proxy
  6. playing an active and constructive role
  7. promoting the aims of Voice
  8. giving one month’s notice in writing of an intention to leave Voice
  9. informing the Group of any conflicts of interest that exist or might arise during their tenure

Amendment, Modification or Variation

  1. This Terms of Reference may be amended, varied or modified in writing after consultation and agreement by Voice Reps.

Role of Community Southwark

  1. Community Southwark will provide support to the Chair and Reps for any Voice related activity during and outside of meetings. This support includes forming agendas, overseeing appointments, note taking, inviting guests, following up actions and facilitating communications within and outside of the group, as well as booking meeting space and any other arrangements that are necessary to ensure the smooth running of Voice.