/ ASIA-PACIFIC TELECOMMUNITYThe 4thMeeting of the APT Preparatory Group
for WTSA-16 (WTSA16-4)
23 – 26 August, 2016, Da Nang, Viet Nam / Document No.:
13September 2016
Secretary General
DRAFT Summary Record of the 4TH Meeting of the APT Preparatory GROUP FOR WTSA-16 (WTSA16-4)
- Introduction
1.1The 4thMeeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-16 (WTSA16-4) was held from 23 to 26 August 2016 in Da Nang, Viet Nam. The meeting was hosted by the Ministry of Information and Communications, Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.
1.2The WTSA16-4was attended by 128 participants representing Members,Associate Member, Affiliate Members, International/Regional Organizations and others.
The List of participants is provided in document WTSA16-4/ADM-03.
- OPENING (09:30 – 10:30 hrs., 14 June 2016)
2.1Mr. Masanori Kondo, Deputy Secretary General of the APT delivered hiswelcome address.
The full text of address is provided in document WTSA16-4/INP-38.
2.2Mr. Yoichi Maeda, Chairman of the APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-16deliveredhis Address.
The full text of address is provided in document WTSA16-4/INP-39.
2.3Video message from Dr. Chaesub Lee, Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU was played at the Opening Session.
2.4H.E Dr. Nguyen Minh Hong, Vice Minister of Ministry of Information and Communications, Viet Nam delivered an Inaugural Address.
3.FIRST SESSION OF THE PLENARY(10:50 –12:30hrs, 23 August 2016)
Chairman welcomed all participants to the WTSA16-4 and expressed his sincere thanks for continuoussupport towardspreparatory activities for WTSA-16.
Chairman introduced the draft Agenda of the First Session of Plenary (WTSA16-4/ADM-05) and there was no comment on the proposed Agenda.
3.1Adoption of Agenda (WTSA16-4/ADM-01 (Rev.2))
Chairman introduced the Provisional Agenda of the WTSA16-4(WTSA16-4/ADM-01 (Rev.1)) and sought Plenaryapproval. The Plenary adopted the Agenda of WTSA16-4. The Chairman also drew attention to Tentative Programme (WTSA16-4/ADM-02 (Rev.1)).
Decision No. 01 (WTSA16-4)-The Plenary adopted the Agenda of WTSA16-4.
-The Plenary noted the Tentative Programme of WTSA16-4.
3.2Summary Record of the 3rdMeeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-16 (WTSA16-3/OUT-07)
APT Secretariat introduced the Summary Record of the 3rdMeeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-16. There was no comment and the Plenary noted the Summary Record of WTSA16-3.
Decision No. 02 (WTSA16-4)-The Plenary noted the Summary Record of the 3rdMeeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-16.
3.3List of Documents and Document Allocation (WTSA16-4/ADM-04 (Rev.2))
Chairman introduced the List of Documents and Document Allocation. The meetingagreed to consider oneinformation document (delayed contribution from Singapore) as an input document based on the recommendation of the Steering Committee and request from the Chairman of Working Group (WG) 3.
Decision No. 03 (WTSA16-4)-The Plenary noted the List of Documents and Document Allocation.
-ThePlenary agreed that WTSA16-4/INF-03would be considered as Input Document.
3.4Office Bearers of APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-16 during WTSA16-4 (WTSA16-4/INF-01)
Chairman introduced the document. Chairman reported that there was no proposal on change of office bearers at WTSA16-4.Chairman further reported on absent of two Vice Chairmen of WG1 and one Vice Chairman of WG3.
Viet Nam proposed Mr. Nguyen Van Khoa to be an acting Vice Chairman of WG1 during WTSA16-4.
Decision No. 04 (WTSA16-4)-The Plenary approved Mr. Nguyen Van Khoa (Viet Nam) to be an acting Vice Chairman of WG1 during WTSA16-4
3.5Consideration of Issue Papers of Working Groups
3.5.1Mr. Kaoru Kenyoshi, Chairman of WG1 presented the Issue Paper of WG1 (WTSA16-4/INP-01). The WG1Issue Paper identified the topics to be reviewed at WTSA16-4 which include input contributions to WTSA16-4, meeting outcomes of ITU-T SGs, TSAG and Revcom, and finalization of Preliminary APT Common Proposal (PACPs).
3.5.2Dr. Seung-yun Lee, Chairman of WG2 presented the Issue Paper of WG2(WTSA16-4/INP-02 (Rev.1)).The WG2 Issue Paper identified the topics to be reviewed at WTSA16-4 which include input contributions to WTSA16-4,current ITU-T SG structure, new study topics in ITU-T, ITU-T Focus Groups, ITU-T JCAs and GSIs, and principle of SG restructuring, outcome of TSAG meeting and finalization of PACPs.
3.5.3Ms. Fang Li, Chairman of WG3 presented the Issue Paper of WG3 (WTSA16-4/INP-03 (Rev.1)). The WG2 Issue Paper identified the topics to be reviewed at WTSA16-4 which includeBridging the Standardization Gap (BSG), ICT and Climate change, Conformance and Interoperability (C&I) and finalization of PACPs.
3.6Consideration of documents allocated to the Plenary
3.6.1Liaison Statement from TSAG-ITU on Preparation for WTSA-16(WTSA16-4/INP-04)
ITU introduced the document. The document provided the outcomes of ITU TSAG meeting and summary table of ITU-T SG restructuring proposals discussed at TSAG meeting. The document also provided Guidelines for drafting WTSA resolutions for information purpose.
Chairman suggested all WGs to review the Liaison Statement and sought clarification from TSB representative, if required.
3.7WTSA-16 Preparation
3.7.1Preparation of other Regional/ International Organization for WTSA-16 of CITEL gave presentation “Inter-American Proposals to be presented at WTSA-16” (WTSA16-4/INF-07(Rev.1)). The presentation provided overview of 33 Inter-American proposals which include ITU-T SG structure and revision of WTSA Resolutions. of RCC gave presentation “RCC Preparation for WTSA-16” (WTSA16-4/INF-08). The presentation provided RCC proposed revision of WTSA Resolutions, possible new Resolutions and nomination of candidates from RCC member states for WTSA-16 and ITU-T SGs. of CEPT gave presentation “European Preparations for WTSA-16” (WTSA16-4/INF-09).The presentation provided CEPT’s view on ITU-T SG restructuring, proposed ITU-T SG principle, strategic and structural of ITU-T and proposed revision of WTSA Resolutions.
3.7.2ITU Preparation
Dr. Chaesub Lee, Director of TSB, ITU gave presentation “ITU Preparation for WTSA-16”. The presentation provided overview and structure of WTSA-16, status of WTSA-12 Resolutions, summary of TSAG discussion on ITU-T SG structure, and issue related to leadership of ITU-T SGs.
3.8Any other matters
3.8.1List of WTSA-12 Resolutions, WTSA16-3 Outcomes and WTSA16-4 Inputs(WTSA16-4/TMP-02)
APT Secretariat presented the document. The document provided a list of WTSA-12 Resolutions (and Opinion), responsible WGs of APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-16, outcomes of WTSA16-3 and input contributions from Members which submitted to WTSA16-4 on respective Resolution. He further reported that the document would be revised with outcomes WGs meetings and status of PACPs for review at final session of Plenary.
3.8.2Timeline for APT Common Proposal (ACPs) towards WTSA-16
APT Secretariat presented the document. The timeline indicated that all approved PACPs would be circulated to APT Members on 2 September 2016 for their endorsement with duration of four weeks. He further anticipated that APT Secretariat would submit all qualified ACPs to WTSA-16 within the first week of October 2016. He further indicated that the ITU definite deadline for submitting proposals to WTSA-16 is 10 October 2016.
(14:30-17:00hrs.,26 August 2016)
4.1Adoption of Agenda (WTSA16-4/ADM-09)
Chairman introduced the draft Agenda of the Final Session of Plenary. There was no comment and the proposed Agenda was approved.
4.2Approval of Output Documents
4.2.1Working Groups Reports Kaoru Kenyoshi, Chairman of WG1 presented the report (WTSA16-4/OUT-01). WG1 reviewed and discussed 7 input documents and 1 temporary document. WG1 developed eight draft of PACPs which would be submitted to WTSA16-4 Plenary for approval.
Decision No. 05 (WTSA16-4)-The Plenary approved the Report of Working Group 1. Seung-yun Lee, Chairman of WG2 presented the report (WTSA16-4/OUT-02). WG2 reviewed and discussed 17 input documents and 1 information document. WG2 developed eight draft of PACPs which would be submitted to WTSA16-4 Plenary for approval.
Decision No. 06 (WTSA16-4)-The Plenary approved the Report of Working Group 2. Fang Li, Chairman of WG3 presented the report (WTSA16-4/OUT-03). WG3 reviewed and discussed 18 input documents, 1 information document and 1 temporary document. WG3 developedfive draft of PACPs which would be submitted to WTSA16-4 Plenary for approval.
Decision No. 07 (WTSA16-4)-The Plenary approved the Report of Working Group 3.
4.2.2Preliminary APT Common Proposals Kaoru Kenyoshi, Chairman of WG1 presented 8 draft PACPs developed by the WG1 and the Plenary adopted the PACPs, subject to editorial amendments.
Decision No. 08 (WTSA16-4)The Plenary adopted the following PACPs, subject to editorial amendments.
- Proposal for Recommendation A.1 WTSA16-4/OUT-04
- Proposal of Revision to Resolution 1 WTSA16-4/OUT-05
- Proposal of Revision to Resolution 22 WTSA16-4/OUT-06
- Proposal of Revision to Resolution 35 WTSA16-4/OUT-07
- Proposal of Revision to Resolution 45 WTSA16-4/OUT-08
- Proposal of Revision to Resolution 55 WTSA16-4/OUT-09
- Proposal of Revision to Resolution 70 WTSA16-4/OUT-10
- Proposal for Suppression of Resolution 82 WTSA16-4/OUT-11 Seung-yun Lee, Chairman of WG2 presented 8 draft PACPs developed by the WG2 and the Plenary adopted the PACPs, subject to editorial amendments.
Decision No. 09 (WTSA16-4)The Plenary adopted the following PACPs, subject to editorial amendments.
- Proposal for ITU-T SG Structure and Revision WTSA16-4/OUT-12
to Resolution 2 - Proposal of New Resolution on IMT-2020 WTSA16-4/OUT-13
- Proposal for Suppression of Resolution 38WTSA16-4/OUT-14
- Proposal of New Resolution on IoT & SCC WTSA16-4/OUT-15
- Proposal of Revision to Resolution 50WTSA16-4/OUT-16
- Proposal of Revision to Resolution 52 WTSA16-4/OUT-17
- Proposal of Revision to Resolution 77 WTSA16-4/OUT-18
- Proposal of New Resolution on Cloud-based WTSA16-4/OUT-19 Fang Li, Chairman of WG3 presented 5 draft PACPs developed by the WG3 and the Plenary adopted the PACPs, subject to editorial amendments.
Decision No. 10 (WTSA16-4)The Plenary adopted the following PACPs, subject to editorial amendments.
- Proposal of Revision to Resolution 44 WTSA16-4/OUT-20
- Proposal of Revision to Resolution 64 WTSA16-4/OUT-21
- Proposal of Revision to Resolution 72 WTSA16-4/OUT-22
- Proposal of Revision to Resolution 73 WTSA16-4/OUT-23
- Proposal of Revision to Resolution 76 WTSA16-4/OUT-24
4.3APT Positions on other regional proposals
Chairman reported that all APT Members’ concerns have been incorporated in adopted PACPs and currently there was no specific APT Position on other regional proposals. However, this issue may be discussed at APT Coordination meetings during the WTSA-16, if required.
APT Secretariat presented the document “List of WTSA-12 Resolutions, WTSA16-3 and WTSA16-4 Outcomes”(WTSA16-4/TMP-02 (Rev.2)).The document provided a list of WTSA-12 Resolutions (and Opinion), responsible WGs of APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-16, input contributions from Members at WTSA16-4 and other regionals views on respective Resolutions.
4.4Coordination Arrangement for WTSA-16
4.4.1Nomination of Lead/ Supporting Countries for APT proposals (WTSA16-4/OUT-25 (Rev.1))
Chairman reported that the table of lead/ supporting countries for 21 adopted PACPs were provided in the document and requested Members to notify the APT Secretariat if they wish to support any adopted PACP.
Deputy Secretary General requested all leading/ supporting countries to provide the names of the persons who would present or support ACPs during WTSA-16 by the first APT Coordination meeting prior to WTSA-16 in Tunisia.
4.4.2Candidates for Office Bearers of WTSA-16
Deputy Secretary General informed the Plenary that ITU TSB has requested APT to send nominations for the post of Vice Chairman of (WTSA-16) Plenary and two Vice Chairmen for Committee 3 and 4.He reported that as normal practice, the Chairman of the APT Preparatory Group would be the Vice Chairman of the Plenary. He also reported the result of informal consultation and proposed that Viet Nam would nominate for Vice Chairman of Committee 3 (Working methods of ITU-T) andRepublic of Korea would nominate for Vice Chairman of Committee 4(ITU-T work programme and organization). In additionChina (P.R) is recognized to be nominated for Vice Chairman of Committee 5 (Editorial Committee).
Decision No. 11 (WTSA16-4)The Plenary approved the proposal of the following candidates for the office bearers of the WTSA-16:
- Vice Chairman of WTSA-16 Plenary: Chairman of APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-16
- Vice Chairman of Committee 3: Viet Nam
- Vice Chairman of Committee 4: Korea (Rep. of)
- Vice Chairman of Committee 5: China (P.R)
4.4.3APT Coordination Meetings during WTSA-16 (WTSA16-4/TMP-39)
Deputy Secretary General informed that APT Secretariat provisionally plan toarrange five APT Coordination Meetings during WTSA-16 and provided a tentative schedule. He further reported that APT Secretariat may propose to use the smart phone application for efficient communication among APT Members and the APT Secretariat during the WTSA-16.
He further reminded on the timeline for ACPs towards WTSA-16and urged Member Administration to endorse the PACPs promptly.
4.5Any other matters
There was no other matter raised at the meeting.
4.6.1Mrs. Tran Thanh Ha, Deputy Director General of Ministry of Information and Communications, Viet Nam expressed her appreciation to all members and participants for their contributions and active participation at the meeting and fruitful outcomes. In conclusion, she presented souvenir to Chairman, Vice Chairmen of the APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-16 and the Deputy Secretary General of the APT.
4.6.2Mr. Yoichi Maeda, Chairman of the APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-16 expressed his appreciation to H.E Dr. Nguyen Minh Hong, Vice Minister of Ministry of Information and Communications, Viet Nam and his staff members for hosting the meeting and excellent arrangement. He also thanked all APT members and participants for their active contributions and supports toward WTSA-16 activities. He also thanks all office bearers of the APT Preparatory Group for their dedicated work for finalizing 21 PACPs for WTSA-16 and successful outcomes of the meeting.
4.6.3The Chairman declared the WTSA16-4closed.
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