Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS)

Department of Research, Evaluation and Assessment (REA)

Request for Data, Consultation or Project Evaluation

Internal staff and outside researchers who want to use secure data from the Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) must make their request in writing by submitting the official MPS Data Request Form (attached below). If the data request is connected to a research study (internal or external), the research study must receive an official approval from the District Research Committee. For information on the research approval process, go to

Charges may be incurred if approved projects/grant applications/personal requests require REA personnel time to manipulate the database in order to provide the data (e.g., merging test score files, extracting student demographics, data analyses, etc.). Additional charges may include, but not be limited to, tasks such as consultation and evaluation. The hourly fees for REA personnel time (including tasks such as consultation and evaluation) are summarized in Appendix A. Applicants must arrange payment before data will be released. All data requests must be clearly stated including specific variables and data analyses needed. Data requests may require an electronic database or spreadsheet file such as Excel, Access or SPSS. A signed pledge of confidentiality may be required for those who will be working with confidential District data. All requests will be completed based upon the type of data request and the availability of the REA staff assigned to the data request (see Appendix B for the approximate time frame for completing various types of data requests). Once the REA Department receives the MPS Data Request Form, REA staff will contact the person/team who requested the data to determine a timeline. For questions or additional information, contact Dr. David Heistad at 612-668-0571. Requests may be sent to Dr. David Heistad at the following address: REA Department, MinneapolisPublic Schools, 807 NE Broadway, Minneapolis, MN 55413-2398.


Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) Data Request Form

Department of Research, Evaluation and Assessment (REA)


Name Telephone




E-mail Address Fax

Is this request to satisfy information needed for any type of research or evaluation? Yes No

If yes, have you obtained approval from MPS to conduct your research or evaluation?

Yes NoProject Name

If yes, MPS Research ID#

If no, please visit the “Conducting Research” section under

Is this study part of your work for a degree? Yes No

If yes, check the following that apply:

Ph.D. Ed.D. M.A./M.S. Undergraduate

Name of University or College

Advisor’s Name

Advisor’s Telephone Number

Why are you making this request?

How will this information be used?

What data / variables are needed (please specify)?

If this is aninternal request (MPS personnel), please provide account code to be billed:




Functional Area:

Internal Order #:

If this is anexternal request (non-MinneapolisPublic School personnel), please provide Purchase Order number/Check number (information can be provided after the data request fees are estimated):


Applicant’s SignatureDate


Advisor’s/Sponsor’s Signature (if applicable)Date

DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE – For REA Administrative use only

Type of Data Request (check one):




Other (specify) ______

Type of Analyses (check all applicable):

Data gathering without any manipulations

Data gathering with some manipulations

Cross-sectional data analyses

Longitudinal data analyses

Matched sample analyses (< 200)

Matched sample analyses (> 200)

Number of cases to be matched: ______

REA Staff assigned: ______

Number of hours to bill: ______

Estimated timeframe (date) to complete the data request (please use the Data Request Timeline Matrix in Appendix B as a reference): ______

______External Request

______Internal Request

Appendix A: Data Request Fees (does not include MPS research application fees)

Category / Fees
Student / $55 per hour
Internal Staff with Grant funding / $55 per hour (for data requests that require more than data gathering)
Professional Research
/Outside Evaluators / $85 per hour

Appendix B. Data Request Timeline Matrix

Type of Data Request / Internal Grant/Staff / External Researcher/Student
Peak Time / Non-Peak Time / Peak Time / Non-Peak Time
Data gathering without any data manipulations or analyses / Within 3-4 days / Within 1-2 days / At least a week / Within 2-3 days
Data gathering with some data manipulations (merging/selection of variables) / Within 2 weeks / Within a week / At least 2 weeks / At least a week
Cross-sectional data:
Descriptive data analyses
(e.g., frequency, % ) / At least 4 weeks / At least 2 weeks / At least 4 weeks / At least 2 weeks
Cross-sectional data:
Inferential data analyses
(e.g., ANOVA, regression ) / At least 4 weeks / At least 2 weeks / At least 4 weeks / At least 2 weeks
Cross-sectional data:
Matched sample (< 200) w/ descriptive data analyses / At least 4-6 weeks / At least 3 weeks / At least 4-6 weeks / At least 3 weeks
Cross-sectional data:
Matched sample (< 200) w/ inferential data analyses / At least 4-6 weeks / At least 3 weeks / At least 4-6 weeks / At least 3 weeks
Cross-sectional data:
Matched sample (> 200) w/ descriptive data analyses / At least 6-8 weeks / At least 4 weeks / At least 6-8 weeks / At least 4 weeks
Cross-sectional data:
Matched sample (> 200) w/ inferential data analyses / At least 6-8 weeks / At least 4 weeks / At least 6-8 weeks / At least 4 weeks
Longitudinal data:
Descriptive data analyses
(e.g., frequency, % ) / At least 6 weeks / At least 4 weeks / At least 6 weeks / At least 4 weeks
Longitudinal data:
Inferential data analyses
(e.g., ANOVA, regression ) / At least 6 weeks / At least 4 weeks / At least 6 weeks / At least 4 weeks
Longitudinal data:
Matched sample (< 200) w descriptive data analyses / At least 8 weeks / At least 6 weeks / At least 8 weeks / At least 6 weeks
Longitudinal data:
Matched sample (< 200) w/ inferential data analyses / At least 8 weeks / At least 6 weeks / At least 8 weeks / At least 6 weeks
Longitudinal data:
Matched sample (> 200) w/ descriptive data analyses / At least 10-12 weeks / At least 8 weeks / At least 10-12 weeks / At least 8 weeks
Longitudinal data:
Matched sample (> 200) w/ inferential data analyses / At least 10-12 weeks / At least 8 weeks / At least 10-12 weeks / At least 8 weeks

Note: The actual timeline may vary from the time estimates provided in this table due to the complexity of the data request/research project and the availability of the REA staff assigned to the data request.


Revised 08-01-2007