Draft resource – STRUCTURE OF NUMBER

One Is a Snail, Ten Is a Crab

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  • Type responses to the questions and prompts directly into this document. Additional comments can be inserted using the comment feature found in the ‘Review’ tab and/or typing directly into the document using different coloured text. Save and return the document via email.
  • Hand write your responses to the questions and prompts and any additional comments that you would like to make. Scan the document and return via email.
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This task uses the book ‘One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab’ focuses on building students counting skills and understanding of numbers beyond 10. Students use the animals from the story to represent a teen number of their choice in different ways. They look at different representations of the same numbers to appreciate that, although they look different, the representations still have the same value. Students also explore the concept of efficiency when comparing the various representations.

This resource is for trialling in Foundation

Any further information on the class (if applicable) –

Australian Curriculum: Mathematics - Foundation

Number & Algebra

ACMNA001Establish understanding of the counting by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and from 20, moving from any starting point.

ACMNA002Connect number names, numerals and quantities, including zero, initially up to 10 and then beyond.

Mathematical Purpose
The key mathematical understandings, knowledge and/or skills to be developed through this task.

Students will apply counting strategies to connect numbers and quantities for teen numbers.

Is the mathematical purpose for this resource clear?
The main task of the lesson, how it might be introduced and enabling prompts to allow access to all students. The task is designed to engage students in problem solving, promote mathematical reasoning and allow multiple entry points and varied solution strategies. A suggested introduction for the task and enabling prompts.

Start the lesson by reading the first part of the book One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab by Sayre and Sayre. Stop at the page that has ‘10 is a crab’.

Some questions to promote discussion and thinking during reading:

  • What do you notice about each page?
  • How are the numbers made up?
  • Predict what number would come next?
  • Why is five the dog and the snail?
  • Could you show me that number?
  • Why do you think the snail appears so often?

When you get to 10, pose the question: What do you predict will come next?

When 20 is revealed is revealed as the next number, don’t discuss the missing numbers with the students, but pose the challenge:

What numbers are missing?

Did you need to ask an enabling prompt to make the accessible for some students? What prompt did you use?
The mathematical purpose of the task is explored more deeply and its potential is highlighted through extending prompts. Possible student solution strategies, common misconceptions and questions to advance students reasoning, sense making & generalisations.

Ask students to identify one number that is missing. Have them record and represent the number using animals from the story.

Once students have represented one number, they can represent other numbers that are not included in the story.

How did you have students record their work? Include any relevant copies of work samples (without student names attached).

Questioning to direct the investigation and challenge students thinking and reasoning:

How do you know you have represented your number?

  • Most students will use one-to-one counting to show the total and this provides a good opportunity to monitor these skills.
  • Students who use counting on and addition strategies show more developed skills.

How many animals did you use to represent your number? Can you make it with more animals? Can you make it with fewer animals?

  • The most animals will be all snails.
  • Looking at the least possible number of animals required to represent a number, encourages students to use a crab.

What were some of the students’ answers to these questions?
Do you have any suggestions for other questions for students to promote deeper inquiry?

Extending prompt: Can you represent your number differently? What are all the possible ways to represent your number?

  • This prompt encourages students to work systematically. Starting with all snails, students can substitute two snails for a person, two people for a dog etc. There will be many ways to represent each number.

Did you use this prompt and did it extend students thinking? Include any relevant copies of work samples (without student names attached).
Connections between solution strategies and key mathematical ideas that help build a shared understanding of the mathematics explored.

Create a display of the ‘missing’ numbers and order them as a class.

Look at the different ways that the same number has been represented. Ask students: Is it still the same number even though it has been represented differently?

  • Students need to appreciate that the same number can be represented if different ways. This is an important aspect of early algebraic thinking.

Consider the representations that used the smallest number of animals. Look at the animals that have been used and that using a crab is an efficient strategy.

Did the class come to a shared understanding of one-to-one correspondence and representation of numbers?
Did you modify the presentation and/or development of this task in any way?
How did you promote discussion and sharing of ideas?
Do you have any ideas for consolidation activities?
Include any relevant copies of work samples (without student names attached).
Any further comments on the resource -
Does this lesson promote a spirit of inquiry? Give specific examples where appropriate.
Does this lesson exemplify the reSolve: Mathematics by Inquiry protocol? Give specific examples where appropriate.
reSolve mathematics is purposeful -
reSolve tasks are challenging yet accessible –
reSolve classrooms have a knowledge building culture -
We would really value your feedback on the resource. Feedback can be provided in the following ways:
  • Type responses to the questions and prompts directly into this document. Additional comments can be inserted using the comment feature found in the ‘Review’ tab and/or typing directly into the document using different coloured text. Save and return the document via email.
  • Hand write your responses to the questions and prompts and any additional comments that you would like to make. Scan the document and return via email.
  • Provide a voice recording of your feedback.
  • Provide feedback over the phone. Send us an email and we will organise an appropriate time to call you.
Please send all feedback to