Draft Queensland Ports Strategy

Have your say—written submission form

The Queensland Ports Strategy (QPS) is the Queensland Government's blueprint for managing and improving the efficiency and environmental management of the state's ports network over the next decade.

The Queensland Government is inviting public comment on the draft Queensland Ports Strategy, in particular the vision and proposed key actions on the future planning, regulation and management of ports in Queensland.

You can have your say about the draft Queensland Ports Strategy by completing the online survey or this written submission form. Before completing the survey please view the draft Queensland Ports Strategy at

Consultation will inform the government on the development of the final Queensland Ports Strategy and the implementation of the key actions, including timeframes and responsibilities. Specifically, the consultation will aim to gain feedback and insights for the:

  • implementation of the proposed key actions of the draft Queensland Ports Strategy
  • development of the regulatory framework for the Queensland ports network
  • opportunities for improving the management of Queensland’s port network.

Submit your completed form byemail , fax 07 3229 7315or post:

Queensland Ports Strategy Manager

Department of State Development Infrastructure and Planning

PO Box 15009

City East Qld 4002

The closing date for submissions is Friday 13 December 2013.

Enquiries can be made by emailing or by telephoning 13 QGOV (13 74 68).

Personal details

This part of the written submission form is optional. The Queensland Government is bound by the Information Privacy Act 2009. Please read the privacy notice at the end of this form for more information about your privacy and this consultation.

First name
Contact email
Would you like to be contacted in the future about this project and related projects?
Yes (If yes, please ensure you have provided your email address above.)
Contact phone number
What is your country of residence?
If Australia, what is your state or territory?
If Queensland, what region are you from?
Far North Queensland
Gulf Region
North Queensland
North West Queensland
Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday
Central Queensland
Central West Queensland
Wide Bay Burnett
Maranoa Balonne
South West Queensland
South East Queensland
Not sure – please specify your suburb below.
Is this an individual submission or are you submitting this response on behalf of an organisation?
Individual Organisation - Please specify the name of the organisation below.
Organisation name
What categories best describe your interests?
Agriculture, forestry and fishery
Community group
Financial services
Port / Professional, scientific and technical services
Transport and logistics
Wholesale trade
Other industries
Other – please specify your other interests below.
Other interests
The Queensland Government is bound by the Information Privacy Act 2009. Please read the privacy note at the end of this written submission form for more details.This consultation is a public process and any comments you provide may be published, including on the internet, and may be transmitted outside of Australia. In line with the Queensland Government’s privacy policy, we will not publish your name or contact details without your consent.
I agree for my name and contact details to be attributed to my comments when:
(You may select more than one option)
provided to other Queensland Government agencies
provided to third parties external to the Queensland Government
published, including on the internet
I do not consent to my name and contact details being attributed to my comments when published or communicated with any third parties unless required and authorised by law. I understand that my comments may still be published or made available to third parties without my name and contact details.

Survey questions

It is recommended that you review the strategy before completing this form. Please provide responses to those questions that are relevant to you or your organisation.

It is not necessary to answer every question in this survey.

Strategic use of ports
The development and use of each of Queensland’s ports has been determined by its unique set of geographic features and comparative advantages. The draft Queensland Ports Strategy advocates for the strategic use of ports based on these advantages.
1. What are the opportunities for particular ports to better capitalise on their strategic advantages?
Accelerated and consolidated development will be enabled and encouraged through the creation of five Priority Port Development Areas (PPDAs) at the long-established major ports of Brisbane, Gladstone, Hay Point/Mackay, Abbot Point and Townsville.Leading practice master planning occurs ‘beyond the port boundaries’, taking into consideration factors such as supply chain connections and surrounding land uses as well as strategic port land and facilities.
2. What factors should be considered in mapping PPDAs?
Environmental protection
The Queensland Government is committed to the protection of the environment, including the ongoing protection of the Great Barrier Reef. Concentrating port development in PPDAs maximises efficiencies and economic outcomes for the state, while minimising environmental impacts.
The Queensland Government will restrict development of new deep water port facilities outside PPDAs by prohibiting capital dredging for port development purposes outside PPDAs until 2024.
3. Do you have any comments on how this prohibition will ensure growth is concentrated in PPDAs?
Public understanding of the rigorous scientific approach to environmental management at ports will be improved by making relevant data publicly available.
4. What are the opportunities to improve the quality, availability and sharing of data?
Measuring port performance is critical to port optimisation.
5. What performance measurement standards should be used across the port network?
Supply chains
Ports are a critical node in the supply chains that drive Queensland’s economy. Port productivity depends on efficient connections at land and sea. Constraints or bottlenecks at any point of the supply chain will limit the ability of a port to operate at its most productive level.
6. What are the opportunities to increase the efficiency of particular supply chains?
Master planning
Queensland’s ports currently undertake varying levels of planning depending on factors such as the size and scope of port operations.
7. What planning support do ports currently receive?
A statutory port master planning guideline will be developed to support the vision of the Queensland Ports Strategy and will form an integral operational component of new Queensland ports legislation. Master planning in accordance with the guideline will be required for PPDAs and optional for all other ports.
8. How long has it taken to prepare a current port master plan?
6months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, Other (please specify)
PPDAs will be required to prepare master plans that include a comprehensive Environmental Management Framework (EMF). The EMF will address potential environmental impacts of proposed port development and port activities, including consideration of potential marine as well as cumulative impacts, and result in a framework which will ensure appropriate management of these matters.
9. How has port planning assisted ports to identify and manage environmental impacts?
Benefits of the application of master planning include:
  • providing clarity of port vision
  • creating additional economic value
  • supporting better decision-making
  • promoting greater understanding of port needs
  • facilitating efficient, strategic management and delivery of infrastructure
  • providing increased environmental protection by identifying critical environmental values early in the process
  • positioning ports for regulatory streamlining.
10. What are the opportunities to ensure the benefits of port master planning are maximised?
11. What specific issues should be considered in the preparation of port master plans? This may include issues beyond port boundaries (e.g. the relationship between ports, communities and local government; and supply chain management issues), performance indicators and data baselines.
An important factor in port master planning is the improved transparency and public availability of data surrounding port operations.
The guideline will require public transparency of port master planning. Issues with commercially sensitive data are recognised, however a version of the master plan (that may exclude commercially sensitive data) should be made publicly available.
12. What information should be included or excluded in publicly available versions of port master plans?
Active and appropriate community engagement and participation will be required through the master planning process.
13. What are the opportunities to improve engagement with communities in the port planning process? For example, is there a current process undertaken by a particular port that works well?
14. Do you have any other comments on the draft Queensland Ports Strategy?

Thank you for completing this form. The closing date for submissions is Friday 13 December 2013.

For more information visit or call 13 QGOV (13 74 68)

About your privacy

The Queensland Government is bound by the Information Privacy Act 2009.

The information you provide on this form will only be used for the purpose of informing the State Government's final position onport development and planning. We will not share your name or contact details with anyone without your consent.

This consultation is a public process and any comments you provide may be published and/or online and may be transmitted outside of Australia. You may wish to bear this in mind when providing your comments.

You are not obliged to provide comments and if you do so it is under the condition that you agree that your comments may be published including on the internet. We will not publish your name or contact details.

Your comments may be moderated according to our acceptable use policy.

Read our privacy statement for details.

Personal information collection notice
The Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning is collecting your personal information to manage your comments on the draft Queensland Ports Strategy. We may contact you to clarify aspects of your submission. The contact details you provide on this form will not be disclosed to third parties unless required and authorised by law, or if you have provided consent.

What if my contact details change?
You can change your contact details by emailing . You need to provide both your old and new contact details and the name of this consultation.


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