NLI/IALN Board Meeting Agenda

Meeting Information
·  minutes of December 2014,
·  2015 budget and 2014 end of year financial statement, financials,
·  strategic plan,
·  bylaws,
·  board job description,
·  board road map / Date / 1/16/2015 / Time / 9:00am-1:00pm / Location / Idaho Hospital Association Conference room , 615 N 7th, Boise (park in lot adjacent or on the street)
Meeting Objective / Board meeting
Meeting Facilitator / Tammy Pehrson-President / Scribes / Karin Iuliano
Please review documents on
Ø  Board Members- Board Only
“sUspef6u” / NLI Board Members
Executive/Governance Committee:
The Governance Committee of NLI is the Board of Directors of IALN. / President: Tammy Pehrson
President Elect: Clint Child
Past President: Deena Rauch
Secretary: Claudia Miewald
Treasure: Scott Snell
Executive Director: Margaret Henbest / Regional
Directors: / Region 1-Vacant
Region 2-Sheryl Washburn
Region 3-Jacki Weideman
Region 4-Christine Ludlum
Region 5-Amy Bearden
Region 6-Brenda Bergholm
Region 7-Stephanie Orr
Topic / Discussion / To do:
Welcome and Introductions- Tammy Pehrson
Attendance- Karin Iuliano
Board Member Orientation: Tammy, Deena, Margaret / Attendance: Tammy Pehrson, Jacki Weideman, Scott Snell, Sheryl Washburn, Deena Rauch, Margaret Henbest, Karin Iuliano, Claudia Miewald.
Call-in attendees: Brenda Bergholm, Amy Bearden, Stephanie Orr.
Call to order 9:01 am-
Tammy Pehrson-President welcomed all board and group introductions were conducted.
Margaret announced that we do have a board vacancy in region 1
·  Review the relationship of NLI and IALN (Margaret Henbest):
Margaret explained the Strategic Plan. Part one covers the history of IALN and NLI and function, part two covers goals. IALN formed in 2004 as a merging of IONE and ICNNE. Two executive directors served prior to Margaret; Simone Deglee and Susan Ault. In the early years of the organization, funding came primarily from UPL (Upper Payment Limit) funds from hospital Medicaid reimbursements. The hospitals allotted 2/3 of these funds for physician education, the remaining 1/3 for nursing education. Because of these funds, we were able to establish scholarship programs for facility education programs and nursing students. In 2009 UPL funds were no longer available so there was a need to develop a self-sustaining organization. Margaret gave a brief history of her time serving as Executive Director of IALN/NLI. UPL funds were no longer available when she was hired so her primary job was to create other sources of income. She took the lead role in developing NLI as a 501 c6 which is a professional non-profit status organization which allows us to function in other capacities. The Governance Committee (president, past president, president elect, secretary and treasurer) serves as board of IALN. NLI sponsors membership, conferences, leadership course, career center, Nurse Refresher program, AONE affiliation. IALN is a part of the Nursing Workforce Centers’ data collection efforts and we have joined forces with the Department of Labor, Idaho State Board of Nursing. Funding is available for data costs through licensing fees collected by the Idaho State Board of Nursing. NLI is a chapter of AONE which is a part of the American Hospital Association. Benefits of membership to AONE are primarily communication and networking. Margaret gave a review of Committees and their functions. Margaret has developed and presented a power point describing NLI/IALN. Amy Bearden asked for more information on staff and nurse leaders in the regions. She said that feedback from her staff that attended the leadership course, has been very positive. She suggested we make more of an introduction of NLI to attendees. We did give one-year memberships to attendees this year so they can experience the benefits to NLI membership.
·  Expectations of Board of Directors (Deena Rauch)
Deena gave overview of duties, job descriptions and expectations of board members.
Claudia asked if we should we consider a 2-year term for president? Margaret replied that although the learning curve is steep as president, there are 3 years in that leadership role as president-elect, president and past-president.
·  Expectations of Executive Director & staff (Margaret Henbest, see Matrix)
Margaret took the group through the staff road map. Susie and Margaret developed a map of specific staff duties at certain times per year. Today’s challenge is to carve out good day/time for the board to meet on a monthly basis. The spring Leadership course will be in Pocatello April, 2015 at the Hampton Inn. The annual conference/dinner will be held on June 4-5, 2015. The INAC summit will be held, June 3-4. The IHA conference will be in Sun Valley, October, 2015. The fall leadership course will be in Boise, November 2, 2015. We cannot sustain our current payroll as it currently is so modifications to staff/work balance must be addressed by the board. The budget for this year does not include Margaret’s salary and she is planning to phase out of her position. Margaret added that she knows of several organizations like ours that are run by one staff person and the board (no executive director).
·  Review Bylaws
Changes were made 18 months ago so there have been no recent changes.
**Toni Lawson from IHA made a brief update of legislative activities. She feels hopeful about Medicaid. The tone of the Governor’s State of the State address, was more positive. He asked legislators to become educated about Medicaid and will address possible further action. The bill must have vote of majority of Republicans to pass. IHA is currently working with the Closing the Gap coalition to launch a public campaign. According to public polled, if the elements of a program are clearly explained, people are more likely to be in favor of it. The word “Medicaid” is absent from the published materials supplied to the public. The majority of the public who participated in the polling, favored Medicaid, 75%. Education seemed to be a primary concern according to those polled, especially with Republican women. Social media advertisements will be created by IHA to gain further public feedback regarding other social and legislative issues. Idaho has second highest rate of uninsured veterans. It’s not too early to ask our members to contact their legislators and Republicans really need to weigh in. Nurses are very affective when they have a focus and Toni emphasized the need to focus on Republican house members. Let Toni know the types of feedback that is received. Ask nurses to think of people who would not usually weigh in on these issues that could be influential.
·  Review 2015 Draft NLI Strategic Plan Goals and Actions (please see handout)
Margaret gave an overview of our Strategic Plan. Conducting an internal audit would be a good idea; review invoices, statements, etc. Margaret maintains Quickbooks, writes checks, Pulliam and Associates checks NLI books all the time and has access to Margaret’s computers. This is part of our checks and balances system. The discussion on sustainability within the organization was started last year and the board decided to maintain own staff. Who is going to take over Margaret’s duties as executive director? Sheryl asked if Margaret would continue as executive director of IALN? If we get our grant, it will pay for 10 hours per week for her to stay active in this role. We should know around February 1, 2015 if our application has been accepted and funds granted.
The Partnership committee is our legislative committee which meets to review public policy and advise legislative action. Margaret led a review of what this committee accomplished in 2014. The board decided not to renew our Voter Voice account and, instead, decided to give members guidance in notifying legislators. We lost St. Luke’s as an organizational member. The Idaho Commission on Nursing (ICON) meets regularly. NLI has a desire to foster more of a connection with Idaho Board of Nursing, posting their minutes on website on our site, etc. Margaret further discussed plans for action in 2015. One example of an accomplishment was that Julie Hoerner at Kootenai served as an advocate for the bill against violence in the workplace. 2010 was the launch of the Campaign for Action. IALN and IHA (Steve Millard) partnered to become an Action Coalition in Idaho. The three focuses were access to care, leadership and nurse education. The SIP grant funds tool kit for best practices for nurses transitioning to leadership roles, nurse residency program, leadership course, access to care project (barriers to full practice in Idaho). Articles will be published on the results of this work. NLI wants to recognize nurses statewide for their roles. The IHA staff assisted with celebration dinner last year and we’ll need board involvement and IHA help again this year. Goal 3 involves the Education Committee; leadership course, conferences, updating NRP course materials (done primarily by Renae Dougal at SARMC). Is it time to raise our membership and conference fees? Cindy Clark is planning to put together a webinar with possible CEU’s available. Webinars do not allow for collegial opportunities but they are convenient. There was also discussion on a possible follow up webinar being developed for graduates. Tammy Pehrson has put together webinars before and we have initiated her help in this process. We are looking into using Vsee which is supposed to work well in a short band width which may be necessary for rural nurses to participate. The primary goal is to bring academia and practice together. / Margaret will develop “elevator speech” and send IALN/NLI power point to Amy Bearden.
Toni Lawson has public campaign materials available electronically for our use. Feel free to distribute.
NLI Committee Reports
·  Governance Committee: Tammy, Scott Snell
·  Education Committee: (chairman needed)
·  Partnership Committee: Claudia Miewald, Karin Iuliano
·  Academic and Practice Committee: Gina Prindle / ·  Governance: Minutes, financial statements, budget report, financial procedures
Margaret addressed the group that the December 16, 2014 minutes need to be reviewed. A motion was made to approve these minutes by Scott Snell. The motion was seconded by Jacki Weideman. The minutes were approved.
·  NLI Profit and Loss, Budget to Actual December 2014. Closeout of the year. Please look over NLI budget narrative and balance sheet. IALN has money market account balance, this has been drawn from annually (approximately $50,000 per year). NLI has never been able to meet its financial responsibilities. Margaret has notified the board that this must be addressed. We do receive royalties from Career Center (owned by ANA). Books, published by one of our speakers, were sold at the conference last year. NLI was in the red at the October conference, which is usually the case. We paid for speaker expenses and those costs over extended our budget. We had nine vendors at the June conference. NLI contracted the work to contact these vendors and we will plan to do this again in the future. Saint Alphonsus sponsored the event. The leadership course pilot was paid for by the grant (shown in IALN financials). $950 per person charged for that first course, 17 attendees. Organizations that wanted to give presentations about their programs were charged $250 each and these fees helped offset costs. Membership dues brought in about $16,000 in 2014. NRP brought in almost $19,000 in 2014 and expenses were low $6,500 so we are making money from this program. Large annual sponsorships from 2013 were not renewed.
The Celebrate Nursing dinner generated some revenue for NLI. AONE chapter dues include executive director dues. Liability insurance premiums are included and necessary to renew for affiliate requirements. $260 was spent towards membership outreach; an NLI sponsored reception at Qualis conference. Should we continue this? Board feedback is that we should. We now can use so we can process credit cards at events and we still use Paypal for payments on our site. Susie’s hours increased early in the year as she learned her new role. Travel expenses for the year were less than budgeted. NLI is $16,000 in the red for 2014. IHA expenses are netted by IHA so we are not able to itemize expenses for the October conference. NLI has owed IALN $84,000 since its inception. Margaret is dedicated to have NLI pay its own bills this year. IALN can donate funds to NLI to get this off our books (a letter must be presented to IRS). Margaret will plan to double check with Pulliam to make sure we can do this (in writing). Margaret had NLI pay IALN back in June after the conference revenues were calculated. Payments can be viewed in checks paid in Quickbooks. Not all expenses are included on financial statements.
Margaret facilitated a review of the NLI 2015 budget that was approved by the board last year. Membership dues budgeted at $20,000 may be unattainable ($17,000 more likely). Margaret is paid ½ from IALN and ½ NLI, salary basis and no money is allocated for Margaret’s wages. Karin’s staff budget increased for the year. Margaret proposed going to hourly basis starting February 1, and to shift more administrative duties to Karin and to contract work for conferences. Sheryl asked if we could contract with IHA? That has been previously discussed and may be revisited in the future especially regarding legislative and payroll needs
Deena made a motion for board to review Margaret’s monthly hourly wages in comparison to previous salaried wages.