Prison Service Order
/ Health and Safety
Date of Initial Issue
/ 09/07/2007Issue No. / 277
PSI Amendments should be read in conjunction with this PSO
Date of Further Amendments
01/07/09 / Addendum – PSI 13/2009: Introduction of Cell Snatch Rescue Equipment
28/03/08 / AnnexBadded (Preparing evidence and information for Standard Audit Unit 18 - Fire Safety)
PSO 3803Page 1
STATEMENT OF PURPOSEThe purpose of this PSO is to ensure that Area Managers, Heads of Groups and Governing Governors have in place a system for effectively managing the risks from fire to which staff and others who may be affected by their undertakings are exposed, including a comprehensive Fire Safety Policy which complies with the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and any subsequent legislation or guidance.
- Effective management of the fire risks in the prisons and other Prison Service Buildings;
- A reduction in the number of fires across the Service;
- Improved health and safety of staff and others because of more effective management of fire risks;
- A reduction in damage to cells and other property.
- Prepare a local fire safety policy which includes a policy statement, and sets out the organisation and arrangements for implementing the policy, and bring this to the attention of all their staff;
- Appoint a member of the SMT as the health, safety and fire safety sponsor;
- Ensure access to competent fire safety advice and the appointment of staff designated for specific fire safety duties;
- Carry out fire risk assessments and ensure that measures are implemented to eliminate or control all the significant risks;
- Implement arrangements to ensure the safety of staff, prisoners and others in the event of a fire or other emergency;
- Where SDBA is deployed ensure that staff are trained in its use and are subject to regular health checks;
- Provide sufficient fire detection and warning systems, fire fighting equipment, escape routes and emergency lighting and ensure that adequate fire safety signs are posted;
- Have systems in place for checking and maintenance of fire detection and warning systems and fire fighting equipment;
- Implement arrangements to ensure the safety of disabled staff, prisoners and others in the event of a fire;
- Ensure that staff, prisoners and others are given information and training on the identified fire risks, control measures and evacuation procedures;
- Ensure that arrangements are in place for consultation with staff on fire safety issues;
- Implement a system for reporting and investigating all fires.
- Where a premises is shared ensure co-operation and co-ordination with the other employer;
- Where substances that may cause a fire or explosion are stored or used ensure that precautions are in place to reduce any risks from such substances so far as is reasonably practical;
- Ensure that a memorandum of understanding between the premises and the local fire brigade is agreed;
- Have in place arrangements to regularly audit, monitor and review fire safety performance.
Area Managers, Heads of Groups and Governing Governors should already have systems in place for effectively managing the fire safety risks in their areas of control. The implementation of this PSO should not result in additional cost for fire fighting equipment. Where additional fire fighting equipment is required this should not result in significant additional costs.
Many prisons will have already appointed a fire safety advisor who may have received some fire safety training. However, it is recognised that, to ensure competence under the new Regulations, there is a need for fire safety advisors to be trained to a higher standard than is currently the case. A fire safety advisors’ course which will ensure that advisors are trained to the required standard is currently being developed. The cost of the course has yet to be determined. Interim arrangements for the training of fire safety advisors is given at para 2.2. .
This PSO underpins the Fire Safety Standard. It will become auditable by SAU six months following the implementation date.
Phil Wheatley
Director General / Area/Operational Manager
Further advice or information on this PSO can be sought from:
Steve Brinkworth, telephone number: 020 7217 5196
1.Fire Safety Policy
1.1 Legislation
1.2 Responsibilities
1.3 Fire Safety Policy
1.4 Headquarters and Other Office Accommodation
1.5Co-operation and Co-ordination
2.1 The Health and Safety Model
2.2Access to Competent Advice
2.3Time for Competent Persons to Carry out the Role
2.4Consultation with employees
- Planning and Implementing
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Risk Assessment
3.3 Review of Fire Risk Assessments
Contingency Planning
3.4.2Cell Fires
3.4.3Staff and Others with Disabilities
3.4.4Memorandum of Understanding
Fire Fighting Equipment
Fire Detection and Warning Systems
Checking and Maintenance of Equipment
Emergency Routes and Exits
Fire Signs and Notices
Fire Investigation and Reporting
Provision of Information to Staff
Provision of Information to Prisoners
Monitoring Performance
Dangerous substances
Annex A Procedures to take in the event of a fire
Annex B Preparing evidence and information for Standard Audit Unit 18 - Fire Safety
Addendum – PSI 13/2009: Introduction of Cell Snatch Rescue Equipment (CSRE)
1.1.1The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order (RRO) 2005, which came into force in October 2006, places a duty on the ‘responsible person’ to implement general fire safety precautions that will ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the safety of employees and others who may be affected by his/her undertakings and to take reasonable precautions to ensure that the premises are safe. The RRO also requires the responsible person to:
- Carry out an assessment of the risks from fire;
- Prepare a policy on fire safety which sets out the arrangements for the effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of the preventative and protective measures that are implemented to manage the identified fire risks;
- Appoint a competent person;
- Provide information and training for employees.
1.1.2The RRO refers to the individual with responsibility for ensuring that the requirements of the Regulations are met as the ‘responsible person’. For the purpose of this PSO the responsible person for individual prisons will be the Governing Governor. Area Managers and Head of Group will have responsibility for ensuring that the requirements of the RRO are met in their areas of control.
1.1.3This PSO sets out the core policy requirements to ensure compliance with the RRO.
1.2.1The Prison Service Management Board, as the employing authority is responsible, so far as is reasonably practicable, for:
- the health, safety and welfare of its staff;
- conducting the business of the Service so as not to endanger the health and safety of others who may be affected by its undertakings;
- ensuring that systems are in place to effectively manage fire safety and health and safety;
- ensuring that the Service’s fire safety and health and safety performance is reviewed annually.
1.2.2At a strategic level the Director General is responsible for ensuring the fire safety and health and safety of all staff and others who may be affected by the Service’s undertakings. This responsibility is delegated through the management line to Heads of Groups, Area Managers, Governing Governors, managers and those in charge of other Prison Service buildings.
1.2.3This PSO sets out the actions Area Managers, Heads of Groups and Governing Governors must take to ensure that systems are in place to effectively manage the risk from fire to which staff, prisoners and others are exposed and to ensure compliance with current legislation.
1.3 Fire Safety Policy
1.3.1The RRO 2005 requires the responsible person to effectively plan, organise, control, monitor and review the preventative and protective measures that are implemented to manage the identified risks from fire.
1.3.2The Director General’s and the Board’s commitment to ensuring the safety from fire of staff and others who may be affected by their undertakings, together with the organisational structure for fire safety and health and safety, is set out in the Prison Service Health and Safety Policy Statement and Organisational Chart. A copy of the Prison Service Health and Safety Policy Statement and Organisational Chart can be found in PSO 3801, Health and Safety.
1.3.3The Director General is responsible for developing the Prison Service Fire Safety Policy and this is done through the issue of this PSO and guidance documents. However, the complex nature of the organisation, coupled with the widespread location of establishments and other workplaces, make it impossible for one single policy document to be uniformly applicable. Local Policies, based on the advice given in centrally issued policies and guidance notes and taking into account existing circumstances and risks must be developed and implemented locally.
1.3.4Area Managers, Heads of Groups, Governing Governors and those in charge of other premises must have in place a local statement detailing the Fire Safety Policy of that establishment or Prison Service building. This Policy Statement must:
- include a general fire safety policy statement, which sets out the ownership and clear commitment of senior management to the policy;
- detail how fire safety is to be planned, implemented, measured and audited, including the allocation of individual responsibilities;
- state the arrangements for monitoring performance;
- state the arrangements for carrying out the policy i.e. the systems and procedures.
1.3.5Area Managers Heads of Groups and Governing Governors must ensure that the Fire Safety Policy is brought to the attention of all staff. All local policy statements must be reviewed when any significant changes take place, but at least annually. Any changes must be brought to the attention of all staff.
Line managers at all levels are responsible for ensuring that fire prevention measures particular to their area of control are implemented.
1.4Headquarters and other Office Accommodation
1.4.1In Cleland House fire risk assessment are carried out annually by consultants on behalf of Amey, the facilities provider for Cleland and Abell House.
1.4.2The Headquarters Health and Safety Committee will decide who will be responsible for co-ordinating fire safety arrangements in Cleland and Abel House and take responsibility for ensuring that any remedial action as a result of fire risk assessments are completed.
1.4.3In other office accommodation Area Managers or Heads of Group must ensure that fire risk assessments are carried out by a competent person and nominate a member of staff to co-ordinate fire safety arrangements.
1.4.4Where office premises are shared with another employer the responsibility for ensuring that fire risk assessments are carried out will rest with the ‘responsible person’ who will usually be the owner of the building. The Head of Group will be responsible for ensuring that they co-operate with the responsible person and co-ordinate their activities to ensure the safety of staff and others from the risks of fire.
1.5Co-operation and Co-ordination
1.5.1Where premises are shared with another employer (this includes people who are self employed) each employer is required to co-ordinate their activities for managing the risks from fire. Co-ordination and co-operation will include both employers:
- identifying the nature of any risks from fire and how they might affect others in or around the premises;
- taking all reasonable steps to inform each other of the risks to other employees’ health and safety arising out of their own employees work.
- co-operate with each other so as to comply with relevant legislation;
- co-ordinating the various measures that have been taken to reduce the risks from fire including contingency planning;
1.5.2Where premises are shared with other employers, for example, where health care or education providers work on site, Governing Governors and Heads of Group must co-operate and co-ordinate with the employer to ensure that the fire precautions and protective measures are effective throughout the building.
2.1Health and Safety Model
2.1.1Under PSO 3801, Health and Safety Policy Statement, Governing Governors are already required to appoint a member of the Senior Management Team as the health and safety sponsor, to assist the Governor in the co-ordination of all health and safety activities within the establishment and to ensure effective implementation of the local health and safety policy. The Health and Safety Sponsor should be trained to IOSH Managing Safely standard and will normally have line management responsibility for the health and safety advisor. This is the model used for health and safety across all establishments.
2.1.2Because of the close relationship between fire safety and health and safety fire safety will be integrated into the existing Prison Service health and safety model at establishment level. This will be done by adding fire safety to the Health and Safety Sponsor’s role. Line management of the fire safety advisor is a local decision. However, assigning this role to the health and safety advisor will further integrate health and safety and fire safety and should result in a more cohesive approach to managing some of the major risks to which prisons are exposed.
2.1.3If they have not already done soGoverning Governors must appoint a member of the Senior Management Team as the health and safety and fire sponsor, to assist the Governor in the co-ordination of all health and safety and fire activities within the establishment and to ensure effective implementation of the local health, safety and fire policies.
2.1.4Health and Safety and Fire Sponsors must be at least functional head level and will be a member of the Senior Management Team. Health Safety and Fire Sponsors must be trained and qualified to IOSH Managing Safely level.
2.1.5 It is recognised that in order to carry out the role effectively sponsors will require basic fire safety training and a one day course that meets these needs is now being developed. Governing Governors will be advised when the course is available and will be expected to ensure that all fire safety sponsors are trained to this standard.
2.2Access to Competent Advice
2.2.1Fire Safety Officer Governors must ensure they have access to competent advice on fire safety matters through the appointment of a suitably qualified fire safety advisor. current training standard for fire safety advisors is the successful completion of the West Midlands Fire Officers’ Training Course. It is recognised that because of the requirements of the RRO additional training, particularly on conducting risk assessments is needed. A new training course to address this shortfall in fire safety advisors training is now being developed. Governing Governors will be advised when then course in available and will be required to ensure that fire safety advisors are trained to this standard. the new training course is available Governing Governors must ensure that fire safety advisors are trained to the West Midlands Fire Officers’ Training Course Standard. a fire safety advisor who has not attained West Midlands Fire Officers’ Training Course Standard is appointed they must be trained to this standard within six months of their appointment
2.2.2Contingency Planning Managers, Heads of Groups and Governing Governors must ensure that a sufficient number of staff to help implement contingency plans are appointed and suitably trained.
2.3Time for Competent Persons to Carry out the Role
2.3.1Governing Governors must carry out an assessment of the needs of their particular establishment to determine the time needed by the competent person to carry out the role of fire safety officer. Where the role being fulfilled by a competent person is deemed to be a part-time post, arrangements must be made to ensure that there is sufficient time allocated to the role.
2.5Consultation with Employees
2.4.1Area Managers, Heads of Groups and Governing Governors must have arrangements in place for consultation on fire safety issues with staff through their appointed safety representatives and non trade union members of staff.
3.1.1Planning is essential for the effective implementation of fire safety policies. It is concerned with the prevention of fires, through the identification, elimination and control of hazards and risks. Planning and implementing will include the following:
- assessment of all the significant fire risks to which staff and others are exposed whilst in the particular establishment;
- operational plans to implement measures to eliminate or control the identified risks.
3.2Risk Assessment
3.2.1Area Managers, Governing Governors and Heads of Groups must ensure that a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks from fire to which staff and others may be exposed is carried out.
3.2.2Fire risk assessments must be carried out by a competent person.
3.2.3.The risk assessment must include people who are especially at risk, young people, parents with babies, the elderly or infirm, prisoners and people with disabilities.
3.2.4The assessment must include risks from any dangerous substances which could cause a fire or explosion.
3.2.5The risk assessment must include the risks from identified arsonists.
3.2.6The risk assessment must identify the general fire precautions that need to be implemented to comply with the requirements of the legislation.
3.2.7Risks assessments may sometimes indicate that the elimination or control of the risk requires a built solution. Where this is the case, NOMS as the Service’s landlord, will be responsible for carrying out the building work. However, Governing Governors must ensure that, until the required building work is completed, arrangements to reduce the risk to an acceptable level areimplemented.