Draft portfolio submission

Draft folio (10 marks)

The draft portfolio is essentially a “shell”. Your folio does not need to contain all assets. It may contain some ‘dummy assets’. You may choose to present it as storyboard ‘stills’ or you may begin implementing it using technologies such as flash, html etc.

Navigation should be fully functional.

It should clearly show the intended

  • Navigation structure and functionality
  • Menu items names/icons
  • Colour choices
  • Screen layout

The draft portfolio should show that you have carefully considered your skillset and, having identified your strengths, are designing a portfolio that targets your strengths and chosen career. In other words, when viewing the draft portfolio it should be immediately obvious that you are an______{artist/programmer/game developer/….etc}

How to submit::Zip your portfolio and label with your name.Please load to a learning at Griffith content area. URL for the upload will become available a week before final submission date. Please upload your portfolio before you present.

Presentation 10 marks

There are two objectives for the presentation:

-To demonstrate your ability to present well (i.e. presentation skills)
Presentation skills include:

  • use of voice (good volume, clear, well paced, expression etc)
  • appropriate gestures
  • eye contact is maintained with audience
  • design/appropriateness of supporting media such as powerpoint slides
  • content is well sequenced with a clear introduction, logical development of ideas and clear conclusion or summary

-To justify your proposed approach to your portfolio.
produce PowerPoint slides to help communicate this.
This will determine the content of your presentation.

  • You need to justify your approach to your portfolio.
  • To do this you need to clearly articulate the skills you wish to demonstrate, the type of work you are applying for and how these factors impacted on your design decisions.
  • Put simply, answer these questions:
    Why did you structure your portfolio as you did?
    Why did you choose the look and feel you did?

Peer review 10 marks

Each student is required to conduct a peer review of the portfolio and presentation of three of their classmates – a template for the peer review is provided( a copy is at the end of this document). The reviews will be done during presentations but students will have one week to tidy them up. Peer reviews will make no impact on the mark allocated by your lecturer to the person being reviewed. The objective of doing the peer review is not only to provide constructive feedback, but to demonstrate your ability to critically review a work.

How to submit: Please submit in hard copy either on the day of the presentations or in class the following week.

(The form used by students is at the end of this document)

Excellent / Average / Poor / Comments (if required/appropriate)
Easy to understand
Message conveyed appropriately – appropriate content and delivery
Ability to defend choices
Use of voice and gestures (speaks clearly, correct volume of voice, appropriate gestures, “speaks to” not at the audience”, conveys enthusiasm and confidence)
Clear sequencing of information – good introduction, cohesive body and summarising or concluding statements
Objectives of portfolio are well specified (i.e. It was made explicit which skills and attributes the student wishes to demonstrate in the portfolio
Student makes good linkage between the skills and attributes she/he to demonstrate in the portfolio and the way the portfolio has been designed (structure, look and feel, content) i.e. student is able to justify design, structure and content decisions in terms of objectives.
Powerpoint slides are well structured.
Slides are well laid out and do not contain too much text.
Slides are easy for the audience to ‘digest’.
Logical sequence to the slides.


Criteria / Comment
Interface & navigation A sense of the intended navigation and interface can be gained. There is evidence to indicate the intended navigation and interface will have characteristics such as:
-Clear (simple)
-Obvious links
-When navigating, obvious where user is, how user can go back, where user can now go and what user can do there.}
Look & Feel; and content
A look and feel is developing that is
-Aesthetically pleasing
-Appropriate to chosen career
-Reflects personality of the applicant}
The portfolio is clearly targeted towards a particular skillset/career.
Any other comments: {particular strengths, weakness of portfolio..}
Overall impression of portfolio:
Portfolio evaluation: (circle choice)Poor satisfactory very goodoutstanding


3601ICT Semester 1, PEER REVIEW FORM FOR –PORTFOLIO & PRESENTATION (For both draft and final portfolios and presentations.)


PORTFOLIO & PRESENTATION- Some of the criteria you might wish to focus on are listed in the table below. You do not have to address all of the items for each criteria.

You should aim for a total word count of around 500-800 words in total for all comments, including the presentation comments.

Be succinct in your comments – bullet points are fine but they must be readable and make sense.

In your comments point out both areas that are well done and areas for improvement. If you suggest improvement, make notes about what how the improvement might be implemented. (e.g. don’t just say, the interface could be better; say something like, the home button is not in an obvious location try moving it to the top left hand side)

Above all, be professional in your comments. “Treat others and you would be treated yourself” , be respectful and provide constructive feedback.

Criteria / Comment
Interface & navigation {in commenting on interface and navigation you may consider some or all of the following
-Clear (simple)
-Obvious links
-When navigating, obvious where user is, how user can go back, where user can now go and what user can do there.}
Look & Feel
{in commenting on look and feel you may consider some or all of the following
-Aesthetically pleasing
-Appropriate to chosen career
-Reflects personality of the applicant}
{in commenting on look and feel you may consider some or all of the following
-Assets that will be/are included meet objectives of the applicant
-It’s obvious what skills the applicant is trying to “sell” themselves on
-Content is divided into obvious, logical sections with logical menu heading
Any other comments: {particular strengths, weakness of portfolio..}
Overall impression of portfolio:
Portfolio evaluation: (circle choice)Poor satisfactory very goodoutstanding


What are the strengths of this person’s presentation abilities?
In answering this consider: eye contact, voice level, expression, appropriate gestures, logical order of presentation, a clear introduction and a clear conclusion to the presentation.

How could this person improve the presentation?
In answering this consider: eye contact, voice level, expression, appropriate gestures, logical order of presentation, a clear introduction and a clear conclusion to the presentation.

Overall Presentation evaluation: (circle choice)
Poor satisfactory very goodoutstanding