Faculty Senate Council Meeting

September 24, 2013 at 11:30 a.m.


Present: Richard Melka, Warren Fass, Kimberly Bailey,Steve Hardin, Marietta Frank, Ernie Kallenbach, Kira Leck, David Merwine, Jessica Routzahn, John Slimick and Don Ulin

Items of Business:

Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve minutes from the September 10, 2013 Faculty Senate Council meeting was made by Don Ulin. John Slimickseconded the motion. The minutes passed unanimously.

Next Faculty Senate Council Meeting: October 22, 2013in the Academic Dean’s Conference Roomat 11:30 a.m.

Next Full Faculty Senate Meeting:October 29, 2013 in Fisher Hall 107 (Rice Auditorium)

New Levels of Academic Excellence: One of Pitt-Bradford’s goals is to establish new levels of academic excellence. Melka petitioned the table to come up with some standards on how to establish academic excellence so that it was coming from Faculty and not from administration down to Faculty. For example measures of excellence of what goes on inside and outside the classroom. Council agreed that this was not really an item of business because all faculty strive for academic excellence and work together to assess and improve programs. The agenda item is considered closed.

Student Enrollment and Academic Success:This item was tabled until James Baldwin can come and discuss this issue further.

Academic Affairs Update:

Schedule Change: Under the direction of Assistant Provost William Shields, the regional campuses will be sharing ITV courses in the spring semester. There will be 6 classes shared via ITV (2 from Greensburg, 2 from Johnstown, and 2 from Bradford). This will change the start time of Pitt-Bradford classes to 8:00 a.m. Monday through Friday. Bradford was not previously abiding by the University of Pittsburgh policy of an 8:00 a.m. class start time; the Greensburg campus is also not abiding by this policy. Hardinannounced that he is implementing the 8:00 a.m. class start policy at Pitt-Bradford to comply and get into sync with the main university’s policy. Administration will be held accountable to implement these changes for the spring semester.

Concerns were brought forth that policy changesaffecting Pitt-Bradford faculty were decided without consulting the Bradford Faculty Senate. Faculty members have a Constitution in place that holds administration accountable to consult Faculty Senate for all policy changes directly affecting Pitt-Bradford faculty. There was a motion made by John Slimick to inform chairs and administration of Article II, Section II, “The Senate Council shall be consulted before policy decisions are made or action taken on matters of student and faculty concern.” Don Ulin seconded the motion. The motion carried. Many concerns about this policy change were brought forth including faculty with kids in school, severe winter weather, and concerns that students may not be as engaged in an 8:00 a.m. class.

Searches: Search requests for 6 positions were sent to Oakland, but there has not been any response yet. One position was for the previous Business Management position which ended up being a failed search last year. Interdisciplinary Arts is a replacement position. Energy Technology and Exercise Science are new positions. Michael Stuckart will be retiring and will need replaced in the Behavioral Sciences Division, and a new position will be needed for the Math Center Director.

Recommendations to Procedure for Reconsideration of Salary Decisions: The Executive Cabinet at Pitt-Bradford incorporated most of the Council’s recommended language changes to the Salary Reconsideration Procedure (see minutes from March 26, 2013) before approving and distributing the policy. The recommended change in language to the last sentence (The President’s decision cannot be appealed on this campus.)was deniedby Executive Cabinet with commentary that the salary appeal process stops on this campus, as the Provost is not interested in individual salary decisions, only salary trends.

Tenure Document: Time did not allow discussion of this agenda item. Item tabled for next meeting.

Matter Arising:

A motion to adjourn was made by John Slimick;Kim Bailey seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m.

Faculty Senate Council Meeting 2013-09-24Page 1of 2Submitted by: Kimberly Bailey