Board Minutes / 1
September 17, 2011 / 8:30 AM – 2:00 PM
Holiday Day Inn Resort – Wrightsville Beach
Welcome and Introductions by Beth Hardy, Board Chair. Also present were PAIMI Advisory Council members Kenya Howard, Sheila Wall-Hill and Marcia Roth. Quorum established. (See attendance table.)
Beth read the Conflict and Competing Interest Statement and asked Board members to announce if they have a conflict with any of the agenda items. None were disclosed.
- Consent Agenda
- Approval of 6-17-11 Minutes(Action Item)
- Committee/Program Reports
Brett Loftis made a motion to approve the June 17, 2011 Minutes. Kathy Boyd seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Disability Rights NC’s Financial Health
- Kathy Boyd reviewed the Statement of Revenue and Expenditures of 10/1/2010 – 8/31/2011 and reported that the Audit/Finance Committee met prior to this meeting and approved and recommended the financial documents. She reported that the Statement reflects a normal ebb and flow. Charlie Barnesstated that we should have the audit at the next Board meeting. Kathy reviewed the Balance Sheet and highlighted the assets of the Deborah Greenblatt Fund. The Summary of Grant Financial Information was reviewed which provided explanations of the grant variances. Vicki provided additional information saying that the grants allow two years to spend down and one year to liquidate (five of seven grants – PABSS requires prior approval to carryover funding and PAVA allows five years to spend). She reported that until Congress passes the budget, we will not know how much money will be awarded and,therefore, need to put safeguards in place during the coming fiscal year. For example, there is a need to develop strategies to spend down PABSS during the fiscal year which are restricted to removing barriers to gainful employment. Vicki also explained the rep payee program. This year we will have completed 15 and we received 22 more to do by March 15, 2012. She stated that spending more money in certain funds will have implications for our targets.
- Proposed Budget for 2012 – Kathy reported that one of the things the Finance/Audit Committee looks at in a budget is to ensure that the budget keeps the organization fiscally safe and sound. She reported that Management brought a proposed budget to the Finance/AuditCommittee which indicates that we will still be okay even if we donot get additional money.
- Kathy brought to the Board’s attention two items to be addressed which affect staff: (1) carryover of accrued leave and (2) payout of accrued leave. The Finance/Audit Committee is recommending that the maximum leave payable when someone leaves the organization be reduced from 240 hours to 160 hours. The Board discussed this issue at length and in-depth.
The Finance/AuditCommittee made the motion to reduce the carryover of accrued hours from 240 hours to 160 hours and to reduce the maximum carryover of accrued hours to 264 hours. Brett Loftis seconded the Motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Brett asks that a message go back to staff that the Board wants staff to use their accrued leave hours so that they are taking care of themselves.
Kathy reviewed the Proposed 2012 Budget and the ending 2011 budget. She highlighted the revenue cuts and expenses. Vicki provided additional information regarding the proposed 9% reduction in funding and that management is forecasting 2 years out. The different funding sources and expenditures were discussed. This budget contains no salary increase for staff.
The Finance/Audit Committee made the motion to recommendto the Board the proposed Budget for 2012. Jeff McLoud seconded the motion. The motion to approve the 2012 Budget passed unanimously.
- PAIMI Advisory CouncilReport
David Cornwell reported on the Advisory Council’s planning Retreat held on Thursday, September 15th. Amanda Mays from NDRN was the facilitator and David stated she did an amazing job. The Advisory Council came away from the Retreat with a recruitment policy and tools. David reported that he wants to rebuild and tighten up the procedures of the Advisory Council to make it a better organization and that some changes to the general operating procedures will be proposed. He stated proposals include languageto allow flexibility and changes to eligibility for the chair’s position, bringing it in line with federal requirements.
The PAIMI AC is recommendingto the Board that the 2012 Targets as it relates to PAIMI and the Special Project, be changed as follows:
Proposed by PAIMI AC:
NC DHHS will meet its responsibility to assure a continuum of quality services for individuals with serious mental illness ages birth to 21 wherever they live. (PAIMI)
Kids Team 2012 Proposed Target:
DHHS will meet its responsibility to assure quality services to North Carolina children with serious mental illness wherever they live. (PAIMI)
Proposed by PAIMI AC:
Monitor the negotiations between USDOJ & NCDHHS and intervene as necessary to ensure that an array of services and housing options are developed for people with mental illness so that treatment and living options are matched to the specific needs and preferences of those individuals. (PAIMI)
Special Project 2012 Proposed Target:
Monitor the negotiations between DOJ & DHHS to ensure that an array of services and housing options are developed for people with mental illness so that treatment and living options are matched to the specific needs and preferences of the individuals. (PAIMI)
These proposed changes are recommendations from the PAIMI Advisory Councilto the Board.
- What Keeps the Executive Director Up at Night?
Vicki stated that recently developing the budget cuts has interfered with her sleep. Other things that keep her up:
- She worries constantly about staff morale which is important because 80% of our budget is dedicated to personnel. We want staff to be committed to doing their work and working hard. Sometimes there is a difficult balance between keeping staff happy but maintaining the quality assurance mechanism necessary to serve clients and comply with federal regulations. The all-staff meeting is on Wednesday, September 21st, and will be one of the more challenging ones because of the news Vicki will share with staff. She worries about how to talk about these things and still promote our values.
- Sadly, sometimes we do not have the capacity or no legal entitlement in order to help some clients. We also need more resources to influence policymakers when we can not use federal dollars.
- We will be bringing in a trainer who will talk to staff about Courageous Leadership. We have drawn attention to the adult care homes and standards of living.
- Vicki discussed what will be coming up in the next few months and asked the Board to help focus on the dialogue to spread the message about what we are doing – she referred to the Talking Points. She stated we have an obligation in NC to make up for the last two decades. We are doing a good job getting the word out but we can do a better job.
- We are looking at the counties we have not heard from and the under-served populations(by Disability Rights NC) to target for outreach.
- Marcia suggested using the website to get more information out. Brett suggested Elaine contact NPower and Kenya Howard will give Elaine a contact as well.
- Committee Reports
- Governance – Cheryl Mulloy-Villemagne reported that the committee has worked on several items:
- Strengthened the interview questions this past year.
- Drafted and changed the Bylaws to change the Board terms to one year - three year - one year. The new terms will impact Jeff as the incoming Board Chair. Jeff will serve a one -year term and then transition asPast Chair to the Executive Committee.
- The Governance Committee, together with the Nominating Committee, will work on a slate of officers for the December meeting.
- David asked the Governance Committee to consult with the PAIMI Advisory Council to help strength their infrastructure.
- Development – Vera Luck reported for the committee:
- At the Board Messaging Workshop on Friday everyone was asked to make a grid of people to contact to get the organization’s message out– the grid should be given to Elaine or Vera.
- This is the last meeting of the fiscal year and everyone was reminded to make a gift if they had not done so. Brett explained that any reimbursements Board members receive can be donated back to the organization as unrestricted funds.The names of donors are listed on our website.
- Vera reported that if someone has been nominated to the Board but is no longer able to be on the Board, they could be a candidate for the Friends Council. A nomination form for the Friends Council was sent out to everyone after the last meeting.
- Elaine reported that we have received nominations for the Champions of Justice Awards. Three awards will be given; 1 posthumously and 2 others. Tickets for the Awards Reception are only $10 andif you give $75, you will get reserved seating. The location and food has been donated. Elaine will announce the winners in advance of the event.
- The Las Vegas raffle will be drawn by a non-purchaser on September 30th. Board and staff are eligible to win the raffle. Raffle tickets to Vegas are available for $5 each or 6 for $25; currently sold approximately 125 tickets.
- Belk Sale tickets are currently available forpurchase. Elaine has calculated that if we do not do any work on the event, we would get $415 in profit.
- The Fall issue of the newsletter has gone out. If you have names to be added to our mailing list, please send them to Elaine.
- Program/Public Policy – Kim Taylor stated that she worked with John on a case and “he is one of the best lawyers I’ve ever seen.” She also thanked Adrienne for her good work on advocacy. Kim reported that we had great responses to our Target survey. People responding to the survey thought all of the targets were important, but we donot have the money to work on all the targets.
- Adrienne stated that the 2012 Targets are to be voted on today and she explained the process that was used to develop the targets. She stated the targets were first reviewed by the Program/Public Policy Committee and further vetted with the PAIMI Advisory Council which has recommended changes to the targets (See #3 PAIMI Advisory Council Report). Vicki explained the teams and organizational structureand how the targets were developed and how the organization plans to address the targets. The Board reviewed the recommended 2012 Targets, recommendations from the PAIMI Advisory Council, and discussed input from the teams.
The Program/Public Policy Committee made a motion to approve the 2012 targets, as recommended and revised. Cheryl Mulloy-Villemagne seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Kim reported out on a first responders training where she presented. The training is scheduled again for October 6th.
- John Rittelmeyer provided an overview of the organization’slitigation activity.
- Old Business
- Vicki provided background on the planning process for the 2012-2016 Strategic Plan. The Board and Staff committee last met in August 2011. At this meeting, Vicki was asked to provide some guidelines for implementing the Strategic Plan. This plan deviates somewhat from the original plan because it does not have timelines in which to implement the plan. The Board is asked to look at the Plan as a whole and the staff will report out on the Plan at each Board meeting. The success of the plan will be dependent on fundraising.
Willis Williams made a motion to approve the 2012-2016 Strategic Plan and that the staff report out at each meeting. Adonis Brown seconded the motion. The Motion passed unanimously.
- Next Board Meeting – Friday, December 16, 2011 in Raleigh. There will not be an orientation this year in December as there are no new board members. Beth asked committees to think about having a quarterly meeting the evening of Thursday, December 16, 2011. Vicki and/or Janice should be notified if committees want to meet that evening.
- New Business
Beth asked that Board members be the ambassadors in their committees and to report quarterly on ways they are sharing their stories. Elaine has a copy of everyone’s personal outreach plan if a copy is needed.
- Public Comment
- Mary Jean Skov spoke on behalf of NAMI NCabout the huge disconnect between the military and the community. She also talked about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in the military. Ms. Skov asked to partner with Disability Rights NC and stated she was available to meet with Board members after the meeting to answer any questions.
- Christian Barber spoke as a private citizen and asked Board Chair, Beth Hardy, to read his Public Comment Card: “Thank for you what you do for us.”
Brett Loftis made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Willis Williams seconded the motion. The Motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.
Submitted by:______Date:______
Brett Loftis, Secretary
Board Meeting Attendance Report – 2011
This chart illustrates board attendance for the current calendar yearP = Member attended meeting in Person
T = Member participated
by Teleconference
O = Member was absent
* = Established quorum
Board Members / Jan / Feb / Mar / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec
Sadie Barbour / *P / *P / *P
Kathy Boyd / O / *P / *P
Rusty Bradstock / O / *P / O
Adonis Brown / *P / *P / *P
Suzanne Burley / *P / *P / *P
Pete Clary / O / O / O
David Cornwell / *P / T / *P
Jennifer Diliberto / *P / *P / O
Bart Floyd / *P / *P / O
Beth Hardy / *P / *P / *P
Brett Loftis / *P / *P / *P
Vera Luck / *P / T / *P
Jeff McLoud / *P / *P / *P
Cheryl Mulloy-Villemagne / *P / *P / *P
Herb Smith / O / *P / *P
Kim Taylor / O / O / *P
Willis Williams / *P / *P / *P
Ex-Officio Members:
Jim Bodfish (CCSDL) / O / O / O
Holly Riddle (NCCDD) / O / O / O
Board Attendance
% Participation / In Person / 71%/71% / 88%/76% / 76%/76%
Adrienne Allison / P / P
Charlie Barnes / P / P / P
Corye Dunn / P
John Rittelmeyer / P
Vicki Smith / P / P / P
Elaine Whitford / P / P / P
Janice Willmott / P / P / P
(To be attached to meeting minutes)1996, 2000 William J. Bennington All Rights Reserved