School Nutrition Association
HANDOUT FORM (due June 16th)
Speaker Name:
E-mail Address:
Phone: Fax:
Please return this form to Monette Sitathammavong
Mail: SNA, 700 South Washington Street, Suite 300, Alexandria, VA 22314
Fax: 703-739-3915, Email:
School Nutrition Association
Can we post your presentation on our web site after the conference? q Yes q No
SNA attendees enjoy handouts of presentations to follow along with during your presentation. Therefore, handouts are recommended. There will be handouts available in your session room as well as in the back of SNA’s Emporium Store for those who could not attend your session. With your permission, the handouts will also be available online after the convention.
To assist our presenters in providing handouts to attendees, we will accept your paper copy and electronic presentation no later than Friday, June 16th. SNA will make the appropriate amount of copies, ship them, and distribute onsite provided that your submission has been received by the deadline.
Content: You should provide a copy of all materials used in your presentation (e.g. slides, overheads, PowerPoint presentation - 3 slides per page) or an outline of your presentation. Your handouts should include areas for note taking. Any additional supporting materials you want the audience to receive are permissible, as long as the maximum number of pages submitted is 10 single-sided (or 5 double-sided).
Layout: The header on each page should contain your session title. The footer on each page should contain your last name, first initial and page number.
What to Send: One paper copy and one electronic version. The final original should be on plain white paper. When sending an electronic version, please label it with your last name, document title, and software type.
Key Presenters: Please take the lead on communicating with your co-presenters and ensuring only one copy of this form is returned to SNA.
Questions: Please call Monette Sitathammavong at (703) 739-3900 ext.115.
We look forward to receiving your materials by June 16th!
Please return this form to Monette Sitathammavong
Mail: SNA, 700 South Washington Street, Suite 300, Alexandria, VA 22314
Fax: 703-739-3915, Email: