Occupational Curriculum Document /Curriculum Code / Curriculum Title
Strata Control Observer
Document StatusDRAFT
Development Quality Partner / Name / Physical Address / Phone / Logo
Mine Qualifications Authority / 4th Floor
74-78 Marshall Street
Johannesburg / 011 630 3500
Strata Control Observer
SECTION I: Curriculum Overview
1.National Occupational Pathway Information
1.1.Occupational Cluster
1.2.Occupational Field
2.Occupational Information
2.1.Related Occupations
2.2.Occupation or Specialisation addressed by this Curriculum
2.3.Alternative Titles used by Industry
3.Curriculum Information
3.1.Relation of this Curriculum to the Occupation and Occupational Progression
3.2.CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – Strata Control Observer
3.3.International Comparability
3.4.Entry Requirements
4.Assessment Quality Partner
5.Modules of Employable Skills
SECTION 2: Occupational Profile
Section 3: Learning Component Specification
3A. Knowledge Subjects
3B Practical Skills Modules
3C. Work Experience Modules
SECTION I: Curriculum Overview
1.National Occupational Pathway Information
1.1.Occupational Cluster
1.2.Occupational Field
2.Occupational Information
2.1.Related Occupations
2.2.Occupation or Specialisation addressed by this Curriculum
2.3.Alternative Titles used by Industry
3.Curriculum Information
3.1.Relation of this Curriculum to the Occupation and Occupational Progression
3.2.CURRICULUM STRUCTURE – Strata Control Observer
Number / Title / NQF Level / CreditsKNOWLEDGE SUBJECTS
311701004-KS-01 / Rock Engineering Practice (STRATA CONTROL) (1) / 3 / 20
311701004-KS-02 / Mining Engineering Practice (STRATA CONTROL (1) / 3 / 8
Organisational Behaviour and Communication (1) / 3 / 4
311701004-PM-1 / Conducting workplace inspections in order to generate a workplace strata control inspection report. / 3 / 40
311701004-PM-2 / Creating an awareness of rock strata conditions through ongoing coaching and communicating with production team members. / 3 / 4
311701004-WM-1 / Observe and report on ground conditions, mining practices, support measures and requirements. (Workplace strata control inspection report) / 3 / 40
311701004-WM-2 / Worker awareness of rock related hazards present in workplaces / 3 / 20
3.3.International Comparability
Countries where similar Qualifications are found / Title of Qualifications / Level / Duration3.4.Entry Requirements
Educational/Physical/Legislative4.Assessment Quality Partner
Name / Type of Organisation / Contact Details5.Modules of Employable Skills
Modules of Employable SkillsEmployable Skill Number / Title / Credits
Modules of Employable Skill Title:
Number of Module / Knowledge Subjects / Practical Skill Module Number / Work Experience Module Number / Credits
Modules of Employable Skill Title:
Number of Module / Knowledge Subjects / Practical Skill Module Number / Work Experience Module Number / Credits
SECTION 2: Occupational Profile
311701004 - Mine Strata Control Observer
Occupational Purpose:
To inspect working places, evaluate rock mass conditions, measure compliance to support standards and create awareness of sub standard conditions.
Occupational Tasks:
- Conducting workplace inspections in order to generate a workplace strata control inspection report.
- Creating an awareness of rock strata conditions through ongoing coaching and communicating with production team members.
TASK 1. Conducting workplace inspections in order to generate a workplace strata control inspection report. (NQF Level: 3)
Unique Product or Service
Observe and report on ground conditions, mining practices, support measures and requirements. (Workplace strata control inspection report)
Knowledge Focus
- Theory, terminology and basic calculations associated with rock engineering (Intermediate)
- Interaction between rock strength, stress and fracture (Basic)
- Principles, types, characteristics and applications of rock support and mine rock support standards (Basic)
- Types, behaviour and role of pillars as a rock support medium. (Basic)
- Concepts and principles of mine geology and its impact on rock mass stability. (Intermediate)
- Concepts and principles of drilling and blasting practices and how these influence rock mass stability. (Intermediate)
- Principles, types, characteristics and applications of rock mass monitoring and instrumentation (Basic)
- Risk management concepts, processes and practices (Basic)
- Purpose, structure and application of the Mine Health and Safety act and other applicable regulatory requirements. (Basic)
Occupational Responsibility
Measure and record dimensions of mining excavations.(dip, angle, shape) Observe, measure and record pillar dimension, condition and behaviour.; Observe, identify and record geological structures and/or rock fractures within the workplace; observe identify and record the actual rock wall conditions; Collect relevant data for rock mass classification; Observe, measure and record support installed in terms of type, compliance to specification, spacing and condition; observe and record comments relating to mining practice. Transfer data to a report template, written feedback report or electronic system. Participate in workplace start up assessments as part of a cross functional team.
Practical Skills
- Read and interpret information plotted on a mine plan and transfer recorded strata control information onto the mine plan
- Take and record measurements from installed rock mass measurement instruments.
- Take measurements to calculate a value for rock mass classification
- Conduct workplace inspections - Identify record and report issues that affect rock mass stability (drilling and blasting practices, geological structures and fractures, deviations from mine standards, quality of support installation)
Occupational Context
This task is executed on a systematic routine basis or ad hoc as required. Executed for a designated mining working place on surface and underground. Use is made of manual and electronic distance measuring and recording devices. Normally the work is executed individually with the help of employees encountered in the working area. The incumbent interfaces with departmental supervision and production mine management up to Mine Overseer. Some reporting/feedback is done to other technical services functions
Work Experience
Complete a minimum of forty inspections and audits in a range of mining situations relevant to the site. (Stoping, development, room and pillar etc)
Specific Workplace Knowledge
- Site specific codes of practice, standards, procedures and safe working methods.
TASK 2.Creating an awareness of rock strata conditions through ongoing coaching and communicating with production team members. (NQF Level:3)
Unique Product or Service
Worker awareness of rock related hazards present in workplaces
Knowledge Focus
Principles and concepts of effective one on one and small group communication and coaching (Intermediate)
Legislative requirements regarding inspecting and declaring mining work places safe for work. (Intermediate)
Occupational Responsibility
Consult with the Strata Control Officer regarding Rock Strata Hazards. Conduct coaching with individuals and teams regarding rock strata hazards. Communicate and coach on general issues and specific issues. Point out geological features on mine plans and in the workplace and communicate deficiencies in support installation to team members. Communicate changes in support standards, explain support standards where needed. Issue stop notices when required.
Practical Skills
- Conduct preliminary investigations into workplace health, safety and environmental incidents.
- Conduct a coaching session regarding rock strata control aspects
Occupational Context
This task is executed on an ongoing basis working with production teams in designated work areas. In executing the task the incumbent will interface with miners, team leaders and team members. Use is made of the normal rock mass measuring instruments and recording book (log Book)
Work Experience
- Interact with production teams and conduct at least ten coaching sessions.
Specific Workplace Knowledge
- Site specific support standards
- Site specific organisational structure and the roles and accountabilities of production teams.
Section 3: Learning Component Specification
3A. Knowledge Subjects
311701004-KS-1 / Rock Engineering Practice (I)311701004-KS-4 / Mining Engineering Practice (I)
311701004-KS-5 / Organisational Behaviour and Communication (I)
311701004-KS-1: Rock Engineering Practice (I)
The focus of the learning in this subject is on building understanding of the concepts and principles related to the practice of rock Engineering theory applicable to strata control that is relevant for the Strata Control Observer. the learning includes the key terms and application principles.
KS01:01. Theory, terminology and basic calculations associated with rock engineering (Intermediate) (Credits: 3)
Learning Activity Guidelines:
1. Explain what is meant by Rock Engineering and what the study field consists of: RANGE: a. Differentiate between rock engineering, strata control, seismicity, slope stability; b.
2. Explain the definitions of the basic Rock Engineering Terminology: RANGE: Mass. Gravity. Weight. Stress (virgin, induced, field, compression, tensile, shear). Strain. Deformation. Rock strength. UCS. Elasticity. Convergence. Closure. Fracture zone. Seismic event. Rock burst. Poisson's ratio. Displacement. K-ratio. Sign convention
3. Explain the basic rock engineering theory: RANGE: a. Units of measurement (SI). b.Force. c.Stress. d. Strain, Poisson's ratio. e. Young's Modulus
4. Calculate the area, volume, mass and weight of simple shaped bodies and relate them to mining activities and excavations. RANGE: a. The area and volumes of simple shape bodies are calculated in the context of mining operations (Must include: Circle, square, rectangle, oval, tri-angle. Cubes, cylinders, pyramids) b. The mass and weight of simple shape bodies are calculated in the context of mining operations (Must include: Cubes, cylinders, pyramids)
KS01:02. Interaction between rock strength, stress and fracture (Basic) (Credits: 4)
Learning Activity Guidelines:
1. Explain the concepts of stress relating to mining: RANGE: a. The effect of mining operations on stress levels are explained in terms of the relevant mining context. ASSESSMENT CRITERION RANGE Virgin stress. Induced stress. Field stress b.
2. Explain the concepts of rock mass strength; RANGE: a. The forming processes of different rock types (Sedimentary. Igneous. Metamorphic rock); b. Individual rock characteristics ( Texture. Grain size. Strength. Density); c. Methods of determining rock strength. ( Point load. Uni-axial compressive strength. Tri-axial strength)
3. Describe the effect of stress on rock mass and excavation stability: RANGE: a. The failure of a rock sample under test conditions is described in the context of mining operations; b. The relation between the rock sample testing and underground conditions is explained in the context of mining operations. c. Stress fractures are described in the relevant mining context. d. The effect of underground excavations on stress levels surrounding the excavation are explained in the context of mining operation; e. The effects of different variables on stress fractures are explained in the context of mining operations.
ASSESSMENT CRITERION RANGE Increased stress levels. Decreased rock strength; f. The results of excessive stress fracturing are identified and explained in the relevant mining context.
ASSESSMENT CRITERION RANGE Scaling from sidewalls. Closure into the excavation. Intersection with geological structures. Friable hanging wall conditions. Pillar failure. Falls of ground
KS01:03. Principles, types, characteristics and applications of rock support and mine rock support standards (Basic) (Credits: 4)
Learning Activity Guidelines:
- Demonstrateknowledge of support principles.
- An explanation of the concept of "Support Principle" is provided in the geotechnical context.
- Explanations of support principles are provided in terms of the geotechnical context. (Beam creation. Suspension. Containment. Confinement. Load distribution. )
- Additional concepts relevant to the support principles are explained in the geotechnical context. (Zone of influence. Areal coverage. Tributary area. Factor of safety. )
- Demonstrate understanding of the importance of support principles.
- The importance to understand rock and support behaviour is explained in the context of designing support.
- The practice of allowing support design processes to ignore support principles is explained in terms of consequences to production and safety.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the application of support principles.
- Support design methodologies are described in the context of mining operations. (Fall out thickness. Block size. Support resistance. Energy absorption. Pillar strength and stress.)
- The link between support principles and support design methodologies is explained in the context of mining operations.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the generic support types.
- An explanation of each of the generic support types is given in terms of the mining operations context. (Generic support types must include the following: Pack support. Elongated support. Backfill type. Tendon support. Shield support. Fabric support.)
- A description of support types is given in terms of those used on the specific mine. (Description must include the following: Support unit name. Sketch of the unit. Construction/Installation methods.)
- Support units used on the specific mine is categorized into the generic support types.
- Demonstrate understanding of the characteristics of support.
- Support characteristics are explained in the specific mining context. (Support characteristics must include the following: Active. Passive. Stiff. Soft. Yieldability. Areal coverage. Support resistance. Energy absorption).
- The support characteristics of various support types are explained in terms of the mine-specific context.
- Demonstrate understanding of the application of the support types.
- The support types commonly used are listed in the context of mining operations. (Mine excavations must include the following: Production excavations. Mine access excavations. Service excavations. Surface mining excavations.)
- The support characteristics required in excavations are explained in the context of the specific mine are provided. (Excavations must include the following: Tunnels. Stopes. Gullies. Shafts. High stoping width areas. Seismically active areas. Large service excavations. High walls. Slopes).
- The most appropriate local support types are selected to address the excavation support requirements in the specific mining context.
- The effects of selecting incorrect support types are explained in terms of the consequences to people, production, infrastructure, mine profitability etc
- Explain the concept of quality assurance with respect to support products and materials. RANGE a. The need for meeting product specifications; b. Acceptable tolerance levels; c. Consistency
- Demonstrate an understanding of installation requirements of generic support types.
- A description of the installation of generic support types will confirm knowledge. (Mechanically-activated elongates. Hydraulically-activated support unitseg hydraulic props, longwall shields and chocks. Elongates -timber and steel based. Packs - timber-based, grout-based, composites. Tendons - resin- or cement grouted, mechanically anchored, friction-based. Areal support systems - mesh, sprayed concrete, thin sprayed liners. Backfill - types and additives)
- A description of the installation of support pre-stressing units will confirm knowledge. (Modes of pre-stressing - pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical. Effect of pre-stressing on support unit behaviour.)
- Basic description of the installation of support load spreading devices will confirm knowledge. (Types of load spreading devices - headboards, straps, bearing plates. Effect of load spreading on support unit behaviour.)
- Demonstrate an understanding of support installation criteria.
- An explanation of support installation criteria are provided. (Direction of installation. Height-to-width ratio. Stable footwall contact. Construction quality. Pre-stressing. Stable hanging wall contact. Tendon length and diameter. Grout material quality. Annulus - relationship between tendon diameter and hole size. Manufacturers specifications.)
- Demonstrate understanding of the consequences of poorly installed support.
- An explanation of the need to install support in underground excavations is provided.
- An explanation of the effect of poor support quality on support unit behaviour.
- An explanation of the effect of poor support quality installation on excavation stability and worker safety confirms understanding.
- Demonstrate understanding of the need of recording and reporting of support installation quality.
- An explanation of the need to record observations made on support installation quality.
- Recording and reporting of support installation quality according to the mines specific procedures is provided.
- An explanation of the consequences of poor recording and reporting of sub-standard support installations is provided.
Learning Activity Guidelines:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the support function of pillars in mining.
- The need for support installation is explained in the context of mining operations.
- The specific role of solid reef pillars is explained in terms of ensuring excavation stability.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the role of various types of pillars used in mining.
- Various pillar types are explained in the context of mining operations. (Regional/barrier/stabilising. Crush. Yield. Non-yield. Bracket. Protection. Boundary. )
- The roles of each of the types of pillars are explained in the context of mining operations.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the consequences of not adhering to pillar design criteria.
- The importance of pillar dimensions on pillar strength is explained in the context of mining operations.
- The consequences of inadequate pillar dimensions are described in the context of mining operations. (Seismic activity. Damage to protected excavations. Regional collapses/back breaks. Working place hanging wall instability and possible collapse. Pillar bursts. Exposure of workers to higher-risk environment.)
Learning Activity Guidelines:
- Demonstrate understanding of the concepts used in risk assessment processes.
- Risk assessment concepts are explained in the context of mining operations. (Risk assessment concepts must include the following: Hazard. Probability. Consequence. Risk. Treat/Transfer/Tolerate/Terminate. Controls. Monitor. Exposure.)
- Risk assessment types are explained in the context of mining operations. (Basic risk assessment types must include the following: Baseline. Issue based. Continuous.)
- Demonstrate knowledge of the risk assessment process.
- The need to identify hazards is explained in the context of mining operations.
- The concept of estimating the probability of occurrence is explained in the context of mining operations. (Probability of occurrence must include the following: Almost certain. Possible. Unlikely).
- The concept of estimating the severity of consequence is explained in the context of mining operations. (Severity of consequence must include the following: Severe. Moderate. Low).
- The process of estimating the risk associated with each hazard is explained in the context of mining operations. (Associated risk must include the following: High. Moderate. Low.)
- The need to prioritise the calculated risks is explained in the context of mining operations.
- Describe controls to address risk.