DRAFT MINUTES of theMEETINGof SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday4 July2016 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.

Chair:Cllr Meryl Liddell

Councillors: Bill Barkworth, Richard Bell, Andrew Browell, Steve Fletcher, Derek Liddell, Debra Smithand Ron Stier.

In attendance: 9 residents, Ward Cllr Barnard, Barnsley Chronicle reporter & the Clerk


A member of Old Silkstone band addressed the Parish Council and advised that the band room has now been demolished by the land owner. Currently the band is practicing at the golf club. He advised that the band would like to fundraise for a new band room if suitable land could be found in the Parish. The Parish Clerk and Members will give some thought to suitable locations and pass on to the band.

It was also noted that the band have taken part in a BBC 2 TV programme called Yorkshire pride which will air in early autumn.

A resident congratulated the Parish Council on the sponsored hanging baskets and on the opening of Jays Wood.

A member of Silkstone in Bloom expressed the group’s disappointment with the grass cutting by Barnsley MBC in the villages. Their volunteers spent 4 hours clearing up the mess of grass left on Hillside by Barnsley MBC operatives. They also had problems with grass and weeds on the planting area at Manor Park.

A resident reminded everyone that there is a bus consultation on going for the area. Details of the consultation meetings will be on the Parish Council’s Facebook page.

A councillor advised that Hall Royd Walk and Moorend Lane will be top dressed this week; this is also the case for Silkstone High Street.

8 residents left the meeting.


RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr Richard Leech.

RESOLVED to note Cllr Richard Bell’s declaration of interest in agenda item 7 (minute number 16-059) as he works for one of the insurers invited to quote for the Parish Council insurance (declared at the point in the meeting when the item was discussed).

16-055 MINUTES

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Silkstone Parish Council meeting held on Monday 6 June 16 as a true and accurate record, the Chair signed the minutes.

Updates: The Clerk and Cllr Richard Leech will be meeting a representative of the Yorkshire Ambulance Service to discuss defibrillators on 13 July.
Cllr Liddell advised that he has registered the Huskar Community Rooms as a village hall on the National Village Halls forum of ACRE.

Cllr Debra Smith will replace Cllr Bill Barkworth as the Council representative at the Silkstone Common Good Companions meeting on 7 July.

RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Community Hub working party meeting held on Monday 13 June 16.


RESOLVED to return ‘no comment’ on the following planning application:

2016/0570 / Erection of single storey extension to dwelling and erection of a detached garage (Listed building consent) / Moorend Farm
Moorend lane
Silkstone Common


RESOLVED that a meeting of the planning committee will be held on Friday 29 July 16 at 10am.


RESOLVED that a meeting of the Media Working Party will be held on Wednesday 13 July 16 at 6pm.


RESOLVED that the Clerk will seek Parish Council insurance quotations from all 5 Parish Council insurers (2 independently and 3 through the Parish Council’s current insurance broker).


RESOLVED that Silkstone Parish Council meet the criteria to use the General Power of Competence as their power of first resort.


RESOLVED that Silkstone Parish Council will adopt the NALC Disciplinary and Grievance Policy. The Clerk will create a Silkstone PC document from the model document and present to Council at their meeting in September for signing.


RESOLVED that Silkstone Parish Council will adopt the NALC Open Media Policy. The Clerk will create a Silkstone PC document from the model document and present to Council at their meeting in September for signing. It was noted that all references to Deputy Clerk should be removed from the model document.


RESOLVED to note that the GPPI has been updated and is under the freedom of information section on the Parish Council’s website.


RESOLVED to pre-approve a grant to Silkstone Common WI for £65.


a. Rock in the Rec

RESOLVED to note the event was not very well attended this year due to the weather. There were no problems with youths. Police attended on two separate occasions during the evening. Cllr Richard Leech checked on the sound levels at the top of Cone lane at 7.45pm and levels were acceptable. Cllr Ron Stier advised that he could hear the music at 10pm in Silkstone Common as the wind was in the direction of Silkstone Common from Silkstone. Councillors living in Silkstone advised that they did not hear anything. No complaints about the event have been received by the Parish Council or the organisers at the time of this meeting.

b. Proposal for new car park at Silkstone Recreation Ground

This item will be discussed at the September Parish Council meeting.

c. Health & Safety

RESOLVED to note that no issues have been raised by the monthly legionella monitoring, the alarm has been serviced and needed a new battery. The display panel will also need replacing; a quote for this is awaited and will be agreed with Chair/Vice Chair between meetings. It was noted that the dry stone wall outside the Pavilion has been damaged by vandals; the handyman has now re-built the wall. Andy Horsfield has advised that broken glass has been found around cricket nets – cricketers are aware and handyman will check and clear any remaining glass.


RESOLVED that the handyman will remove last year’s poppy wreaths as agreed with Jim Travis at the church.
RESOLVED to note that the Clerk has not yet managed to obtain 3 quotations for a structural survey of the war memorial. This will be progressed as soon as possible and the quotations submitted to the War Memorials Trust along with a grant application for the consultant fees.


RESOLVED to approve the invoices for payment schedule dated 4 July 16 summarised below:

Payee / Description / Total / Cheque no
SPIN Print Solutions / Newsletter printing / 526.00 / 301081
Staffing / Salaries (incl Tax, NI and Pension) / 1,612.91 / SO, 301082,
301083 & 301084
Minder Security / Pavilion alarm service / 60.00 / 301085
Minder Security / New battery for alarm / 24.00 / 301086
Bothams Prestige / Pitches maintenance / 976.50 / 301087
EON / Gas & Electric Pavilion / 142.52 / DD
Bothams Prestige / Renovation football field / 3,084.00 / 301088
Yorkshire LCA / Councillor training / 45.00 / 301089
Yorkshire LCA / Parish Council’s employer guide / 5.90 / 301090
TOTAL £ / 6,476.83

SO = Standing order DD = Direct Debit
Yorkshire LCA = Yorkshire Local Councils Association


Cllr Richard Bell & Cllr Andrew Browell / Somme remembrance at War Memorial attended by children of Silkstone and Silkstone Common primary schools. Excellent turn out and fantastic presentation by the children. A DVD has been made which Cllr Andrew Browell will circulate.
Cllr Richard Bell also attended a meeting with the Parish Council’s insurance broker with the Clerk.
Cllr Steve Fletcher / Community Hub meeting on 13 June 16
Cllr Meryl Liddell / Yorkshire LCA Branch meeting
Community Hub meeting on 13 June 16
Cllr Derek Liddell / Yorkshire LCA Branch meeting
NALC Exec meeting and Council meeting.
Cllr Ron Stier / Silkstone Common Good Companions
Transport meeting – bus consultation on 92,92a and 93 (old Tates buses) may be removed from schedule. Network rail trying to encourage ‘adopt a station’. CARE already have a licence to work on the Silkstone Common station platform area. Paper timetables for buses are still available but need to be asked for at the bus station.
Yorkshire LCA Branch meeting


RESOLVED to note the following correspondence to note:

The Chair has received an anonymous letter from a resident relating to the Chestnuts. Unfortunately, since this is anonymous it cannot be replied to. The newsletter editor will write an article for the newsletter requesting that anonymous letters are not sent to the Parish Council.
Clerk & Councils Direct – passed to Cllr Derek Liddell
BDO Stoy Hayward (External Auditor) – queries relating to the annual return in relation to the public works loan and Huskar Community Rooms building project. The Clerk will forward all the required information as soon as possible.
YLCA – Queries relating to the Local Council Award Scheme re-accreditation application. Clerk has answered the queries in discussion with the Chair/Vice Chair.
Penistone Line Partnership magazine – a copy givento each Councillor.
YLCA annual review
SYPTE – bus pass information for 11-16 and 16-18
Barnsley MBC Local Plan Consultation – agreed that BMBC officer should be invited to attend the Neighbourhood Plan Feasability working party meeting on 18 July.
YLCA – notice of joint annual meeting on 16 July 16.
Angela Smith MP – Change of address information
Country Air – passed to Cllr Derek Liddell
Historic England advising that the application to list the War Memorial has been forwarded to the secretary of state for consideration.
Steve Croft – Barnsley MBC highways relating to costings for work to the A628 crossing. It was agreed that a meeting with Steve Croft and Ward Councillors should be arranged as soon as possible to agree a way forward.
Graham Wells – CARE – advising that he will be stepping down as Chairman of CARE from September. Parish Clerk to write to Graham Wells thanking him for his service to CARE and the Parish Council over many years.
Barnsley Police District Crime Statistics – noted
Noise survey quote for MUGA planning application – further quotations to be sought before a decision is taken on whether or not to progress the MUGA extension proposal to planning.
ALCC – Letter from the newly formed Association of Local Council Clerks which is the new trade union arm of the SLCC. The Parish Clerk is now a member of the ALCC.


RESOLVED to note that the next meeting of Silkstone Parish Council will be held on Monday5 September2016 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.

Chairman’s Signature / Date

The Chair closed the meeting at 8.15 pm

Silkstone Parish Council4 July 16