DRAFT MINUTES of theMEETINGof SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday2 October2017 at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.
Chair:Cllr Meryl Liddell
Councillors:Richard Bell, Richard Leech, Derek Liddell, Debra Smith, Ron Stier, Susan Wareham and Chrissie Yates
In attendance: Ward Cllr Robert Barnard, Barnsley Chronicle reporter, 9 residents and the Clerk.
A resident stated that the hedge on Cone Lane has still not been cut back. Cllr Barnard agreed to chase this up with Highways again.
Cllr Leech asked when the A628 gullies would be cleared – Cllr Barnard will check with Highways and advise the Clerk.
Cllr Leech advised that the time table display at Silkstone Common train station is not working. There are also issues with the tannoy being too quiet. The Clerk will advise the station manager.
A resident of Fall View advised that the moss on the pavements means that residents have to walk on the road, as the pavement is too slippy.
RESOLVED to accept apologies from CllrsAndrew Browell.
RESOLVED to bring forward agenda item 4 Planning Applications.
RESOLVED to suspend standing orders to allow residents present to address the Parish Council.
The 9 residents present had attended the meeting to object to planning application 2017/1164 (land adjacent to Glebe Farm, Barnsley Road, Silkstone). Residents stated that they believed the land to be green belt. The residents were advised to submit their own individual objections to the planning authority. Following discussion, Silkstone Parish Council agreed the following response to the application:
RESOLVED that Silkstone Parish Council object to planning application 2017/1164 – outline application for the construction of up to 3No dwellings on land adjacent to Glebe Farm, Barnsley Road, Silkstone. The reasons for this objection are given below:
- Road safety – the addition of a further junction onto Barnsley Road in this location was considered to be unsafe due to poor sight lines and the close proximity of the junctions at Vicarage Farm Court and Pot House Hamlet as well as the proximity of a bus stop.
- The application is outside the curtilage of the existing properties garden and is an open space in the Parish. Building on open spaces in the Parish contravenes the Village Design Statement which states that “GS2. All open spaces within the villages should be retained as a priority irrespective of size. “
This open space is listed in the Village Design Statement:
5.2 Inside the Villages
The open spaces in the villages contribute towards the feeling of their rural nature as opposed to being a city suburb. Open spaces situated in Silkstone include: Silkstone Recreation Ground and adjoining Conroyd Wood; • The Chestnuts; • Open green space within and fronting Manor Park; • The woodland and grassed area between Manor Park and Towngate through which Footpath 29a passes; • ‘Hillside’ on High Street, opposite the Ring ‘o’ Bells; • The entrance to Silkstone Primary School and playing field; • ‘Ribbon’ open-space along Silkstone Waggonway from Silkstone Cross to the Parish boundary;
- Silkstone Parish Council own the stretch of wagonway alongside the proposed development and have concerns regarding damage to the wagonway with the installation of services to the proposed new homes.
- Inaccurate documents -the site boundary shown on the Architect’s plan is different to the boundary shown on the consulting engineers plan.
- It is understood that an ecological survey was submitted with this application – this was not copied to the Parish Council with the consultation documentation.
RESOLVED to reinstate Standing Orders
9 residents left the meeting.
RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Silkstone Parish Council’s meeting held on Monday 4 September 17 as a true and accurate record.
- Silkstone Playing Fields Committee – RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Silkstone Playing Fields Committee meeting held on Monday 25 September 17.
- Car Park & MUGA
RESOLVED to approve the purchase of a bin enclosure from Malcom Lane at a cost of £400 (the Huskar Community Rooms committee have agreed to pay half) and also for a weekly wheelie bin collection at a cost of £317.20 per financial year (pro-rate for remainder of this financial year).
RSOLVED that an order be placed with Road Marking Services for £345 to re-line the car park.
RESOLVED that due to budgetary restraints the Parish Council will not be progressing the removal of the islands in the centre of the car park or the netting to the end of the MUGA. A meeting is to be arranged between Chair/Vice Chair of the Parish Council and representatives of the Huskar Community Rooms committee to discuss a joint way forward regarding car parking issues and to update them on picnic orchard project.
RESOLVED that the Clerk will write to the Co-op estates department regarding the proposal to install security light to the co-op building.
RESOLVED that Cllr Leech will further research grasscrete type matting for the grass banking at the side of the Pavilion drive to enable more cars to park alongside the Pavilion drive. To be discussed at the next Playing Fields committee meeting on 27 November.
- Picnic Orchard
RESOLVED to note that CARE have secured a grant of £450 to provide hedging at the rear of the Trim trail area and to provide 4 fruit trees in the orchard. An application to Tesco for picnic benches is being progressed.
- Health & Safety
RESOLVED to note that a blocked drain has been cleared, light not working in referee’s room reported to electrician and legionella monitoring visit all fine.
RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Summer Fair Committee meeting held on 20 September and to approve the decisions of that committee that a fair be held every 2 years and that the location be alternated between the 2 villages. The next fair will be held on Saturday 31 August 2019 at Silkstone Recreation Ground.
RESOLVED to thank everyone involved in the organisation of the day both before the event and on the day. The Chair thanked the Barnsley Chronicle reporter for his coverage of the fair.
RESOLVED that the Parish Council will consider holding a Chair’s charity dinner in the year when a fair is not being held. Cllr Meryl Liddell will give include an article in the next newsletter asking residents to suggest ideas for what funds could be raised for then invite residents to vote in later issues of the newsletter.
RESOLVED to note the Clerks report on the total of fundraising achieved for the defibrillators. Members thanked the Chilli Lodge for holding a charity dinner which raised £500, Silkstone Primary School non-uniform day raised £200, Silkstone Common non- uniform day raised over £140 and donations from Silkstone sports teams raised over £400 with local groups (CARE, Silkstone in Bloom, Huskar Community Rooms, Silkstone Equestrian Centre, Silkstone Common WI and Silkstone Church) contributing £250 and the summer fair profit donating over £660 to the fund (£400 of which was from the sale of raffle tickets with prizes from many local businesses). The total of all fundraising is more than £2,200. A grant application to the Yorkshire Ambulance Service charity fund has now been submitted to fund the remainder of the £3,000 total cost of the units.
RESOLVED to approve the finance report to 30 June 17.
RESOLVED to thank Cllr Debra Smith for preparing reserves report and talking through the bottom line status of the Council’s accounts.
RESOLVED to approve the invoices for payment schedule dated
2 October17 summarised below:
Handy man / Maintenance August 17 / 360.00 / 301284
Elvin Athey / Dry stone wall repairs Conroyd Wood and Recreation Ground / 420.00 / 301285
Zurich Municipal / Insurance Renewal / 2,295.98 / 301286
SLCC / Membership renewal / 157.00 / 301287
HMRC / PAYE penalty / 100.00 / 301288
Yorkshire Water / Allotments water bill / 70.18 / 301289
EON / Pavilion gas July 17
Pavilion gas August17
Pavilion gas Sept 17
Pavilion electric July 17
Pavilion electric August 17
Pavilion electric Sept 17 / 55.48
64.33 / DD
Bothams Prestige / Silkstone Rec and villages maintenance Aug and Sept 17 / 2,461.00 / 301290
Parish Clerk / Salary September 17 / 1,100.00
65.46 / SO
HM Revenue & Customs / Tax & NI Sept 17 / 226.04 / 301292
SY Pensions Authority / Pensions Sept 17 / 270.50 / 301293
KDA Wholesale
Post Office
Post Office
KDA Wholesale
Co-op bank / Consumables for Pavilion
Manhole cover and Polyfilla
Summer fair consumables
charge card fee / 17.49
2.00 / Charge card
Penistone Round Table / Tents for Summer fair / 105.00 / 301294
M&M Installations / Repairs to Pavilion roof / 430.00 / 301295
Handyman / Maintenance Sept 17 / 430.00 / 301296
Totals include VAT where applicable.
Cllr Debra Smith / Summer Fair meetingFinance meeting with Clerk
Cllr Derek Liddell / Summer Fair meeting
NALC conference
YLCA Finance and General Purposes Committee
NALC communications group meeting
Cllr Ron Stier / Silkstone Common Good Companions trip to Harrogate
SPFC meeting
Silkstone Charities meeting
Penistone Crime & Safety Sub Group meeting
Cllr Richard Leech / SPFC meeting
Ward Alliance meeting
Meeting with Chair
Cllr Meryl Liddell / Meeting with Vice Chair
Summer Fair meeting
Silkstone Church meeting about Huskar Memorial commemoration events in July 2018 – this will be reported on in more details at the November Parish Council meeting.
Local Councils Update, Clerk & Councils Direct and The Clerk– handed to Cllr LiddellSilkstone Common Good Companions – Enclosing a donation to defibrillator fund.
YLCA Successful Event Management training day – decline
Zurich Municipal – Insurance renewal documents – noted
CARE press release relating to a £2,354 grant awarded to CARE for footpath improvement works in Conroyd Wood from the Postcode local lottery and a further grant from the Tree Council of £450 for hedging and fruit trees for the proposed picnic orchard next to the Trim Trail – noted with thanks.
Silkstone Luncheon Club – thank you letter for grant towards Dial a Ride costs.
The next meeting of Silkstone Parish Council will be held on 6 November 17 at Silkstone Sports Pavilion commencing at 6.45pm.
Cllr Richard Leech gave his apologies for the 6 November 17 meeting.
Chair’s Signature / DateThe Chair closed the meeting at 8.30pm
Silkstone Parish Council 2 October 2017