CITEPA – 31-01-05

First page


Expert Group on Techno-Economic Issues

EGTEI is a UNECE CLRTAP* Expert Group which aims at improving knowledge on emission reduction costs through a database that has been established particularly for the purpose of producing cost curves as a modelling input.

By offering techno-economic data, EGTEI contributes to the revision of the 1999 Gothenburg Protocol to abate acidification, eutrophication and ground-level ozone and of the 1998 Aarhus Protocol on heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants. Besides, it also contributes to the Clean Air for Europe (CAFE) programme to protect against significant negative effects of air pollution on human health and the environment.

The Expert Group is led by France, with technical support provided by the Interprofessional Technical Centre for Studies on Atmospheric Pollution (CITEPA) and the French-German Institute for Environmental Research (IFARE), in cooperation with the Agency for Environment and Energy Management (ADEME) http://ademe.frand the Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development (MEDD)

Chairman : ; phone 00 33 1 43 69 44 61

CITEPA : ; phone 00 33 1 44 83 68 83

IFARE : ; phone 00 49721608 45 82

ADEME : ; phone 00 33 2 41 91 40 21

Second page

(Les caractères soulignés renvoient aux pages correspondantes donnant les informations plus précises ou donnent la possibilité de télécharger des documents)

General presentation

EGTEI work

Linkages with BREF documents

Linkages with the CAFE programme

State of progress of background documents



Background documents



General presentation

At its 19e session in 2001, the Executive Body (doc. ECE/EB.AIR/75 of 16/01/02) the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) approved the setting up of an Expert Group on Technico-Economic Issues (EGTEI) relating to the reduction of air pollutant emissions, as a follow up of a proposal from the French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development (MEDD) (doc. EB.AIR/WG.5/2001/8 of 12/07/01)

This group is reporting to the Working Group on Strategies and Review (WGSR), (33re session of the WGSR on 24-27/09/01/doc. EB.AIR/WG.5/70 of 04/10/01),

France is responsible for steering the EGTEI Expert Group.

Data generated by EGTEI are used by the Centre for Integrated Assessment Modelling (CIAM) within IIASA as an economic modelling input within the framework of UNECE CLRTAP and when available, in the Clean Air for Europe (CAFE) programme.

The Interprofessional Technical Centre for Studies on Atmospheric Pollution (CITEPA) and the French-German Institute for Environmental Research (IFARE) are in charge of administrative duties and technical work within the Expert Group in association with the French Agency for Environment and Energy Management (ADEME)

EGTEI is up to now 100% funded by ADEME.

§  The kick-off meeting took place on April 30, 2002.

The Chairman of EGTEI is Jean-Guy Bartaire, CITEPA Vice President, who replaced Rémy Bouscaren in September 2004.

Twenty one CLRTAP Parties nominated an expert in EGTEI : Armenia, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Serbia, Rumania, Spain, United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey (list of national experts).

Nominations are collected by Brinda Wachs, Environmental Affairs Officer in the secretariat of the Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution (e-mail address).

EGTEI work

EGTEI aims at assessing costs of emission reduction techniques and providing input data to determine total costs for a given sector of activity, depending on various emission reduction scenarios based on technology different rates of penetration.

EGTEI approach offers several possibilities :

1°/ to improve the representation of de-pollution technology costs for a given sector,

2°/ to reduce uncertainties by working together with the relevant industry stakeholders,

3°/to check traceability of data used,

4°/ to insure compatibility with the Regional Air Pollution Information and Simulation (RAINS) model.

Finally, the approach improves understanding of aggregated data used in RAINS.

With EGTEI, an emission reduction costs database has been designed.

In this database, each activity sector is represented by one or more reference plants, characterized by different parameters: capacity, annual operating hours, production process, combustion technology used, fuel consumption, production data, flow rates of emissions, plants lifetime, etc.

In order to facilitate the national experts' work, it has been necessary to find an equilibrium between the most accurate description of a given sector and the need to minimise statistical data to be collected for costs assessment.

EGTEI provides operating costs by default calculated from costs of average European parameters, but it gives to national experts the possibility to introduce specific costs for a given country. To ensure transparency, the method used to assess the costs and the various parameters can be found in the background documents. (create a link)

A computer software tool, ECODAT, has been designed to collect specific data. National experts can fill-in the database with country-specific parameters (labour and energy costs, etc.), information on activity levels from 2000 to 2020 in five-year stages and technology different rates of penetration.

In order to check the technical feasibility of this work, a study aimed at collecting specific data for all sectors for a country was conducted. France was selected for testing it. A national expert from the French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development (MEDD) in charge of providing specific data was nominated. This test demonstrated that collecting and entering the data into the database using ECODAT was feasible, but it highlighted the importance of the work needed to be done at a national level.

21 CLRTAP Parties nominated an EGTEI expert to participate in EGTEI work on a voluntary basis. Experts are invited to support EGTEI in defining costs but mainly to define their own national specific costs and to complete the ECODAT database.

Linkages with BREF documents

The work undertaken by EGTEI is complementary to that carried out to draft the BAT Reference (BREF) documents by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), located in Seville, in the framework of the implementation of the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive.

The BREFs contains the Best Available Techniques (BATs) on different environmental issues covered by the IPPC Directive(air, water, waste and energy). BATs are described in details and accurately assessed in technical terms by IPTS in association with Member States and industry.

The chapter dedicated to costs in the BREFs is, in certain cases, quite short. If BREFs are technically well documented on BAT, they generally lack of information on costs. EGTEI work provides complementary information which is missing in those BREFs documents. Moreover, EGTEI costs information is structured to be used in the Integrated Assessment Modelling.

Linkages with the CAFE programme

The European Union is currently developing a Strategy to improve air quality under the Clean Air for Europe (CAFE) Programme. Provided the costs information is available on time, EGTEI will be in a position to contribute to the upcoming revision of the National Emissions Ceilings Directive (2001/81/EC). Both European CAFE programme and UNECE work are mainly based on the outcome of Integrated Assessment Modelling.

Indeed, data provided by EGTEI were used by IIASA to modify certain RAINS modules, particularly for sectors emitting VOCs (solvent use, vehicle construction and repair, etc.), off-road and on-road sectors but also for the cement and glass industries.

In addition, country-specific data provided by national experts submitted by EGTEI were taken into account for modelling runs in early 2004 to set up CAFE baseline scenario.

State of progress of background documents

About 55 activity sectors have been selected in the CIAM priority list regarding SO2, NOx, NMVOC and PM emitters. The CIAM priority sectors are :

·  NMVOC emission sources covered by the solvent Directive,

·  Industrial combustion,

·  Industrial processes focussing on PM emitters,

·  Wood combustion in domestic appliances,

·  Off-road sources.

Costs of emission reduction technologies for on-road sources were also recognized to require further updating in the RAINS model.

A series of activities were validated in the second Steering Group meeting on April 4, 2003 (cf. following table).

Last update 30/01/05 (ce tableau pourra être mis à jour régulièrement)

Activities / Codes SNAP concerned / Status
Combustion Installations in energy, transformation industries and industries
Combustion installation > 500 MW / Part of 010101, 010201, 010401, 010501, 020101 and 030101 / F
Combustion installation from 300 to 500 MW / Part of 010101, 010201, 010401, 010501, 020101 to 030101 / C
Combustion installation from 100 to 300 MW / Part of 010102, 010202, 010402, 010502, 020102, 020201 and 030102 / C
Combustion installation from 50 to 100 MW / Part of 010102, 010202, 010402, 010502, 020102, 020201 and 030102 / C
Non industrial combustion
Wood combustion in small domestic appliances with wood as fuel / Part of 020202 and 020205 / V
Combustion installation in residential plants
Solid fuel / Part of 020202 and 020205 / V
Production processes
Sinter and pelletizing plants (treated with «iron/ steel») / 030301 + 0402 / C
Primary lead production / 030304 / C
Primary copper production / 030306 / C
Cement production / 030311 / V
Lime production / 030312 / F
Glass production / 030314 to 15 / V
Combustion installations and processes in refineries
Emissions of SO2, NOx and PM
Emissions of NMVOC / 0103 + 0401 + 090206 + part of 091001
0401 / C
Sulphuric acid production / 040401 / C
Nitric acid production / 040402 / C
Ammonium nitrate production / 040405 / C
Organic chemistry – steam cracking / 040501 + 040502 / V
Organic chemistry – Production of PVC with the suspension process / Part of 040508 / V
Organic chemistry – Downstream units
Except PVC production and Speciality chemistry / all 0405 less 040501 + 040502 and part of 040508 / V
Extraction and distribution of fossil fuels
Fuel distribution / 050503 / V
Use of solvents
Coating of cars / 060101 / V
Vehicle refinishing / 060102 / V
Decorative paint / 060103 + 060104 / V
Coil coating / 060105 / V
Wood coating (except in domestic appliances) / 060107 / V
Coating of trucks / Part of 060108 / V
Coating of buses / Part of 060108 / V
Coating of truck cabins / Part of 060108 / V
Wire coating / Part of 060108 / V
Other use of paints in industry
General industry
Continuous processes
Plastic coating / Part of 060108 / V
Surface cleaning / 060201 / V
Dry cleaning / 060202 / V
Polystyrene processing / 060304 / V
Rubber processing
Tyre production / 060305 / V
Chemistry of speciality / 060306 / V
Paints, glues, inks manufacturing / 060307 to 060309 / V
Leather coating / Part of 060313 / V
Printing industry
Heat set web offset
Publication rotogravure
Other rotogravure, flexography (packaging, …) / 060403 / V
Vegetal oil extraction / 060404 / V
Adhesive application in industry / Part of 060405 / V
Adhesive application in building and domestic applications / Part of 060405 / V
Footwear production / Part of 060405 / V
Wood impregnation / 060406 / V
Domestic waste incineration / 090201 / C
Road transport
Road transport / 07 / V
Off-road sources
Land based diesel engines – 18 to 560 kW / Part of 0806, 0807, 0808, 0809 and 0810 / V
Large spark ignition diesel engines > 19 kW / Part of 0806, 0807, 0808 and 0809 / V
Handled spark ignition engines – 4 stroke - < 19 kW / Part of 0806, 0807, 0808 and 0809 / V
Handled spark ignition engines – 2 stroke - < 19 kW / Part of 0806, 0807, 0808 and 0809 / V
Non-handled spark ignition engines – 4 stroke - < 19 kW / Part of 0806, 0807, 0808 and 0809 / V
Inland waterways except recreational maritime engines / 080301 and 080304 / V
Recreational craft (2 –stroke, 4-stroke and compression and ignition engines / 080302 and 080303 / V
Maritime activities : ships / 0804 / V

C: In progress

F: Finalised in consultation

V : Finalised and approved by industry and ADEME.

(liens sera fait pour pouvoir télécharger les documents et les fichiers EXCEL associés si nécessaire)


A computer tool, ECODAT, has been developed according to the following constraints :

·  maximum compatibility (hardware/software) with specific conditions encountered at a national level,

·  structured to be able to represent the number of sectors and associated details,

·  friendly to use,

·  simple and open architecture, and above all modular in order to allow updates and improvements whenever necessary,

·  English language.


User guide

EGTEI Meetings

Inchangé par rapport à version précédente du site. La liste des meetings est incrémentée régulièrement. On y trouve les comptes-rendus, les slides présentées, la liste des présents.

Background documents

Inchangé par rapport à la version précédente sauf que les EXCEL sheets seront associés aux background documents pour qu’il n’y ait pas d’oubli.


(Lien avec la lettre d’information à faire).


plus d’actualité.