Draft Minutes of the EGM of
Thursday 21st January 2015, 7:30p.m. The Hub, Eskdalemuir.
Attending: Nick Jennings (Chair), John Furlonger (Vice-Chair), May Reid, Bernard Provost, Beatrice Furlonger, John Johnston, Steve Scofield, Jennie Mills, Clare Carr-Saunders (replacement Secretary), Cllr Archie Drybrugh and Cllr Denis Male.
Apologies: Cllr Craig Peacock and Chrissie Coburn-Krzowskasent their apologies.
1.Minutes of last meeting approved – by May Reid, and Steve Scofield
Changes made to end of paragraph 4 in last meeting’s Minutes. Amended to: Nick Jennings informed the Community Council that the UEDG had until 29th April to complete the bid. Nick Jennings also stated that the UEDG was unable to secure match funding for the Community-led Care Programme Coordinator post and so the £2120 allocated funds will remain in the budget of the Community Council.
2.Bus ShelterUpdate: Craig Peacock has raised concerns regarding the location of bus shelters with Planning, but has not heard anything back yet.John Furlonger has met with Tom Warbeck who has said installation of the bus shelter at Craighaughis in hand, although the shelter will be slightly smaller than initially discussed; 6x5ft as opposed to 6x6 ft.
3.Castle O’er to Enzieholm Bridge Road Update -The Community Council has been made aware that Charles Clemie no longer works for the Roads Dept. Secretary Lorna Curtis to take request re the safety of the Castle O’er to Enzieholm Bridge Road to Keith Brown, Annandale and Eskdale Roads Officer.
4.Pedestrian Safety - Bernard Provost has spoken to George Briggs at Samye Ling and George has raised the issue ofpedestrian visibility with Samye Ling residents. Samye Ling shop now sells hi-vis jackets. Steve Scofield highlighted that there are visitors walking between Samye Ling and Purelands on courses,who are unlikely to bring hi-vis clothing with them. Steve to suggest this is added to information for visitors. Steve also stated that Samye Ling residents are not using the path next to the Samye Ling carpark due to flooding. Steve and Bernard to ask SamyeLingto look at maintainance of the path. May Reid suggested using windfarm money. Bernard suggested match-funding with Samye Ling to provide aggregate. Bernard to talk toSamye Ling re this.May Reid also highlighted that there are a number of cyclists, riding without lights or hi-vis clothing.Archie Dryburghstated that he hadspoken withGraeme Allerson (Signage Officer) to suggest putting road signs up to warn vehicles of pedestrians. He informed the Community Council that the Council has a policy of keeping signage to a minimum; to make changes they need to consult with police and authorities to confirm it’s needed- through reports of accidents etc.
5.Road safety with the loss of sight line at the corner West of the Smithy Bridge – Archie Dryburgh informed the Community Council that there are plans to cut the hedge at the house next to the Smithy Bridge.
6.Road Safety – John Johnstonvoiced concerns over the Council’s reluctance to make roads safer until there had been a number of accidents. He expressed concern over the safety of the turning at the corner near the Smithy Bridge, citing examples of accidents at this point which have resulted in cars being written-off. Lorna Curtis to write on behalf of the Community Council to the Chief Executive in Dumfries and Galloway Council to report concerns and ask for action to be taken to improve the safety of the road for both motorists and pedestrians.
7.Adoption of Constitution and Standing Orders - The new Constitution and Standing Orders were read and adopted by the Community Council. Every 5 years these need to be re-approved. Secretary to send in signed Constitution to Alison Fergusson and receive back a copy.
8.Defibrillator: Bernard Provost informed the Community Council that the invoice to install the defibrillator had arrived and was £450 instead of £425, as first expected. Members agreed for the £450 to be paid.
9.Flooding Update:Nick Jennings informed the Community Council thatJock Miller, Chairman of UEDG, has recruited people for a flood help squad and that the UEDG has offered to store sand bags. Nick has provided information toneighbours regarding financial assistance available for flood defenses. Nick has heard mixed reports of using them in Cumbria- e.g.despite flood-gates, water was able to get in to properties from terraced neighbours or through waste pipes. MayReid spoke about the impact of recent flooding in Eskdalemuir. She had been asked by a local resident to approach Kronerspan regarding the maintenance of a small stream, which often over-flows in periods of wet weather, causing damage to surrounding properties. May spoke with James from the Clerkhill Farm who felt that there was nothing he could do to stop the flooding. Nick Jennings spoke about the challenges of creating a resilience plan that covered the whole community, given that Eskdalemuir is the biggest parish in Dumfries and Galloway, with the smallest population. He said that he had spoken with Craig Peacock regarding this, who suggested inviting the Council Resilience Officer to a meeting, with James from Clerkhill Farm and residents of Ryehill Park. Nick to arrange a suitable date with Jock and a Resiliency Officer from the Council. Archie Dryburgh to pass over details of a contact to Nick who organises flood defenses. John Johnstone highlighted that rivers were not being dredged. Nick said this had been stopped to protectinvertebrates and also toprevent the risk of increased town flooding downstream.Dennis Male said there was a plan involving Alistair Speedy and SEPA regarding the dredging of rivers. Dennis suggested Eskdalemuir be included in this plan.
10.Display board: The Community council agreed to purchase a display board, A1-sized, costing £120. Bernard Provost to order this and then approach the Hub Committee to see if they would be happy to have it on the gable.
a.Training – May Reid informed the Community Council that members have been offered training to support their role as Community Councillors. ArchieDryburgh informed the Community Council that he is leading some of the training and will contact Allison Fergusson to ask if he could condense and deliver training direct to the Community Council.
a.John Furlongerhighlighted issues that may be of concern in the future, given the aging community of the population in Eskdalemuir.Denis Male raised the opportunity to represent Eskdalemuir at the Community Health and Social Care Interim Joint Board. Nick to update reports on local needs and send them to Gary Sheehan (Locality Manager for Annandale and Eskdale).
b.A local resident asked for more information to be added to the facebook page regarding actions being taken by the Community Council. Lorna Curtis to add highlights and a link to the Minutes on the Community Council website
c.John Johnstone asked if there had been any feedback regarding neighbor notifications for planned building work. Councillors were still seeking clarification on this issues.
Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 17th March 2016
Actions arising from meeting
Lorna Curtis to update previous Minutes.
Lorna Curtis to write to Keith Brown, Annandale and Eskdale Roads Officer regarding the safety of the Castle O’er to Enzieholm Bridge Road.
Steve Scofield to speak with George Briggs to ask visitors to Samye Ling to bring hi-vis clothing with them.
Bernard Provost to speak with George Briggs regarding the purchase of aggregate for the path leading from Samye Ling to Purelands.
Lorna Curtis to write to the Chief Executive regarding the safety of the turning on the road at the Smithy Bridge.
Dennis Male to ask for Eskdalemuir to be included in the plan (involving Alistair Speedy and SEPA) regarding the dredging of rivers.
Lorna Curtis to send signed Constitution to Alison Fergusson.
Bernard Provost to pay invoice of £450 for the installation of the defibrillator.
Nick Jennings to contact Jock Miller to agree on a suitable date for a meeting to form a Community Resilience Plan. Nick to invite Resilience Officer and local residents.
Bernard Provost to speak with the Hub Committee regarding a Display Board and place order.
Nick Jennings to update reports on local need and send them to Gary Sheehan.
Lorna Curtis to add highlights on actions being taken by the Community Council on our facebook page and add a link to the Minutes on the Community Council website.
Denis Male and Archie Dryburgh to seek clarification on notifying neighboursof planned building work (see previous Minutes)