Draft Minutes of Meldrum Bourtie & Daviot Community Council Meeting

Tuesday 28TH April 2015


Conference Room (Library) MeldrumAcademy

CC Members Present;-Andrew McCartney, James Milton, John Pirie, Patrick Sleigh, Irene Dunbar, Kaye Cowie, Willie Sinclair, Jeff Goodhall

Aberdeenshire Council; - Piers Blaxter, Debra Campbell (CPO), Alistair Bledowski,

Member of Public:- Lesley Tierney (Willie Lippe), Jonathon Cordiner (Kayleigh’s Wee Stars), Keith Patterson (Kayleigh’s Wee Stars) Vanessa Brown (Redhouse Farms), David Stephen (Redhouse Farms), Sarah Stephen (Redhouse Farms). Ian Milton (Meldrum Paths Group), Gary Oliver (Meldrum Paths Group)

Councillors: Cllr Johnston

Police: None in attendance

Apologies: Cllr Gifford, Cllr Hendry, Norman Masson and Stuart Baird

Minutes of March Meeting 24/03/2015

Proposed: Irene Dunbar

Seconded: Willie Sinclair

Police Report

None in attendance

Matters Arising

Minutes to be amended for April 2015 minutes to say that Patrick Sleigh said “the majority of people were opposed to the Path Way from Meldrum to Inverurie”.

John reported drains that were blocked and was pleased to say that the drains were cleared the next day.

James reported that he had received an update for the Common Good Fund for Oldmeldrum and that the balance is £0.00.

Kaye reported that she had put a comment into Planning regarding The Lilacs with regard to the opening that has been applied for comes out onto the Speed Hump and that visibility is poor towards the square.

Treasurers Report

Willie reported a balance of £4435.31.

Future Vision for Oldmeldrum

Andrew - How do we progress our plans for the future vision of the town beyond 2017 & beyond. “The Planning for Real” exercise carried out some years ago identified some issues which resulted in some positive outcomes, however responses from members of the public on that occasion was rather disappointing & a more in depth survey should be carried out.

The CC held a meeting with Rod Gunson and Debra Campbell who advised on the different methods that could be used & a further meeting to progress the way forward was planned.

Piers advised that we should have a statement for Developer Obligations – a wish list of what we want for Meldrum Bourtie and Daviot.

Developer Obligations –power etc

Major development – roads etc

Piers advised by 2018/2019 that the Council would be looking for new ground for development.

Andrew – asked that to get the completion of the relief road would we have to allow major housing to pay for it

Andrew asked Piers about the Southern Bypass as Cllr Johnstone was pushing for a Northern Bypass – Cllr Johnston stated that this was untrue. Piers stated that as the Council were pushing Thainstone as a hub for development that it may be possible for the “missing link in the relief road to be paid for by the government as many towns will have to use Oldmeldrum to get to Thainstone.

Piers agreed to inquire on our behalf.ACTION PIERS

Piers stated as there was the new proposed LDP on the table there had been a frenzy of plans coming forth to get onboard, but stated that all plans should come via the CC.

Andrew asked if the local Primary, Academy and the waste works could cope with more housing. Piers advised that the water/ waste would require improvement. Where Scottish Water is involved then the developer can be asked to pay towards this.

The Primary school is very close to capacity and as is the Academy. It should be noted that Daviot Primary is over load at the minute with approx 42 new houses applied for and this is a feeder school for MeldrumAcademy.

Jeff asked if it was true that it would take another 15 years to put in the new relief road. Piers stated that the next LDP should include the new road.

Jeff asked if it is possible to get DO money from surrounding towns that are building i.e. Ellon /Tarves as they all come via Meldrum.

Piers will ask and get back to CC on this ACTION PIERS

Piers stated that he see’s a larger demand for housing in our area in the future as we are a well schooled and beautiful area. People are coming to our area as we have room to grow (3000 per annum).

Piers recommended that we do a Community Plan.

Piers stated that “white land” can have development but not often allowed. North of the Academy has been designated as protected ground for Academy Expansion

Andrew stated that the Co-op had spoken to the CC regarding building opposite the Academy but Piers said that the Co-op should be encouraged to use the Meldrum Motors site in the Square and that land contamination was not a good enough excuse not to go there.

Jeff – stated that he was worried that people would go to new site because of the roads issue in the town i.e. no direction/ roads markings

Kaye – asked Piers if Meldrum motors was still listed? Piers replied yes.

Piers stated that Meldrum Motors should be used for parking but that the price was too high.

Strategic Transport Fund

Developers are asked to pay into this pot as well and TRANSNET decide how to spend it.

Infrastructure Levy (England)

This is a land tax paid by every house (this would require Scottish Governmentto put in place and oversee).

Andrew thanked Piers and Alistairfor attending our meeting.

BarraCastle Plans

David Stephen stated that he had decided to move all cattle onto Redhouse farm for better management and that the family had decided to progress with plans for BarraCastle.

Barra Castle is grade A listed building and the Walls are grade B. Presently David has plans to change the x 2 derelict cottages into holiday lets (plans are passed).

Vanessa Brown (Colin Thomson Architects) stated that BarraCastle had plans that they wanted to share with the CC.

Change buildings to create a farm shop/café, a wedding/event venue to cater for 350 people, car park, and toilet facilities etc. All areas would be landscaped. Plans for the venue will be applied for in the next 2 weeks.

Planners have said that NO land road will be required.

A footpath may be a possibility from Hoodles to Barra.

Ian stated that this would be a great opportunity for the immediate area.

Planning Report

John gave a detailed report – noting that the Mill of Lumphart time deadlines have been extended. At the Formartine Area Committee Meeting the Pitblane planning was 6/4 in favour. Paul stated that over the past few months there had been 42 houses applied for and that the Councillors don’t know what is going to happen with Daviot Primary.

Newbarns Development

Lesley Tierney (Willie Lippe Architects) stated that Kirkwood Homes is the preferred developer for Newbarns. Lesley stated that there would be a Public Consultation in the LowerTown Hall on the 19thMay 2pm – 8pm.

The report stated that the Council did not want any more building on the East of the A947. Paul stated that developers need to speak to one another so that all the services did not end up on one side of the A947.

Andrew stated that there was an urgent requirement for Bungalows for people to retire to/downsize to.

Willie stated that planners should force Bungalows into developer’s plans.

Patrick stated that if you build large houses then eventually you will get smaller ones.

Paul asked Lesley to put the Bungalow idea to the developer – Lesley agreed to do this.

Ian asked about 1 and 2 bedroom starter homes as there is a shortage of these.

Kaye noted that there are only 5 x 1 bed homes on the plans.

Andrew asked if there was still an issue with contaminated land – Lesley stated that this was not an issue.

Paul stated that he did not think that the park was the best option for access and should be kept as an access for existing housing and the PleasurePark only.

Lesley stated that the Newbarns development was work in progress and might not happen until 2018.

Park update

Denise advised that amongst ideas for the park the following had been requested

1)tarred bike areas

2)wild life areas


Kaleigh’s Wee Stars

Jonathon Cordiner came to the CC to ask for backing for a Meldrum 10K starting in 2016.

Kaleigh’s Wee Stars is a charity which was founded following the death of Jonathon’s daughter Kaleigh. When a child is diagnosed the charity steps in to help the family with a £2000 - £3000 donation and currently have 10 – 15K going out monthly

MeldrumAcademy would be the starting point taking the route via BarraCastle – up over Bourtie – up Mill Road –back to the Academy.

Andrew asked for vote –all CC voted to support 10K.

Jonathon stated that he would be writing to all houses on the route for support.

Keith who runs at events with Jonathon will speak to Philip Leiper of roads department.

Jonathon will contact the Police regarding the closing of the road. If there is a problem with this David Stephen said he would try and help by opening up fences etc.

Andrew/ Willie advised Jonathon that he would speak to the Rotary


Defibrillator Update

Kaye has applied to British Heart Foundation for funding for x 3 Defibrillators for Meldrum and x 1 for Daviot – this involves finding x 3 premises willing to allow the units to be mounted onto a wall with electricity supply - Irene/Kaye are working on this presently.

Elected Member Reports

Daviot has more planning being submitted currently.

Standing Committee Reports

John reported (Heritage) reported that the picnic area was well under way.

John also stated that no reply had been received from Elaine Brown regarding the Z path the information was submitted 3 months ago and this was noted as not acceptable. Paul stated that it was mentioned at the Area Committee meeting today 28/04/2015.

Business Group

Jeff stated that the group may be prepared to put funding towards the planned defibrillators. The group are also looking to help the Legion Car Park funding problem. Jeff put forward an idea of the buses to be moved from the square to the South Road. Jeff has been around the businesses with the idea of a one way system for Urquhart Road – there are several businesses against this idea. Jeff insisted that both these ideas are to ease the congestion in the Town Square.

John stated that the car parking spaces on the South Road are little used.

Amenities Group

Andrew stated that with the Poly Tunnel becoming homeless that the Golf Club had offered space for it but Planning Permission will be required. Andrew asked for backing to put this through the CC – All members voted in favour.


Meldrum Online

Paul advised that “site” money was due to Richard – Willie advised that an invoice should be sent to the CC

Community Organisations Reports

Paths Group

Ian stated that Meldrum Meg Way was asked for by the CC in October 2003 – then in 2006 x 1 land manager offered help – 2012 the group was formed.

Andrew said that Patrick had pointed out that there were several landowners not happy. Ian stated that in 2012-2014 letters went to land managers. Ian also stated that there is 21.5 million available fro the government for our area but only 3.5 million had come here.

Patrick stated that as far as he could find there are only 10-12 land managers but the group are saying there are 19 and that there had been surveyors on site without permission. Ian stated that the land managers had been approached and if not in agreement to let them know. Patrick asked Ian if they were prepared to meet all land managers – Ian replied yes but did note that some may not be prepared to speak in front of others.

Ian stated that it was his objective to get a balance between the land managers and the public. Patrick stated that he does not believe they have support.

Andrew advised that the CC is not the place to discuss this any further and that the land managers and the Paths Group should discuss out with.

Ian advised that the Mill Road Steps Projectis awaiting answer from Ian Daniels.


Developer Obligations monies were again questioned as to why the park had received so much money as many people in the village are unhappy.

Irene stated that DO money had certain criteria and this was not being followed. It was asked by public why one pavilion of the park work had gone to tender and other not?

Kaye stated that we had asked dates and a balance sheet from start to present day but as yet never received. There are a lot of very unhappy citizens in Oldmeldrum with regard to the DO money.

Andrew updated on the Green Dog Walking Scheme and that Kelly McWilliam has made a considerable difference to the community.

Andrew highlighted the “Keep Scotland Beautiful Scheme” – the 5p bag scheme imposed by retail outlets, all monies go towards KSBS who in turn provide grants to assist communities to keep their streets and surrounding green areas free from litter etc. This funding provides kits through the Aberdeenshire Litter Initiative (ALI) The Community Council wish to encourage citizens to adopt a street or area and complete kits can be obtained from the Community Council Chairman Tel 873473

Date of next meeting

26th May 2015 @ 7.30pm in MeldrumAcademy