TIC9 - page 1


Comments received regarding Steventon Village Gateway Treatment

and Traffic Calming

Respondent / Comment / Officer Comment
1. / Steventon resident / No objection to the traffic calming, but would like cycle bypasses included on Steventon Hill. / Cycle bypasses have not been included on Steventon Hill as two way traffic flow is being maintained with 3.5m lane widths. However a further review of the detailed design will be undertaken to see if the design can be amended to include a cycle bypass without compromising safety.
2. / Abingdon resident / a)Believe traffic calming will create more problems than it will resolve and will increase driver stress levels and encourage aggressive driver behaviour.
b)Steventon could have improved pedestrian crossings. / a)Scheme has the support of Steventon Parish Council due to the high speeds of vehicles entering Steventon, average 85th%ile speeds at both locations being 45mph at the 30mph limit.
b)A pedestrian crossing is being assessed as part of our community safety programme.
3. / Thames Valley Police / No objection to the scheme, however both schemes are on an abnormal load route. / Consultation with the police has been undertaken and design changes made in order not to impede abnormal loads.
4. / Abingdon resident. / No objection to traffic calming, but would like cycle bypasses included on Steventon Hill. / As 1 above.
5. / Steventon resident / Concerned about the proximity of the first north bound buildout to their property and the affect this will have on the right turn into their property. / The comment is valid and design changes are to be made in order to address their concerns.
6. / Abingdon resident / Supports the scheme but would also like a pedestrian crossing outside the post office. / As 2b) above.
7. / OCC Public Transport / Concerns that the traffic calming on Steventon Hill may increase delays and be unpopular. / Two way flows are being maintained, the aim of the scheme is to reduce speeds only, and there should be no detrimental affect on the service.
8. / Steventon resident / Objects to the chaos that he believes will be caused at peak times and feels it will be ineffective outside peak time. Will also encourage abuse by users trying to see how fast they can travel.
Concerns that the buildouts are sited too soon after the bridge when travelling south on Steventon Hill. / The scheme has the support of Steventon Parish Council due to the high speeds of vehicles entering Steventon, average 85th%ile speeds at both locations being 45mph at the 30mph limit.
A full safety audit has to be undertaken and this issue will be considered then.
9. / Steventon resident / The problem of traffic speeding is small and the proposals will be expensive and ineffective in tackling the problem. The chicane gateway is not the right way forward. / The Steventon scheme has been designed in consultation with the Parish Council who agree that the proposal is the right way forward in addressing the high speeds of vehicles entering Steventon, average 85th%ile speeds at both locations being 45mph at the 30mph limit.
10. / Vale of White Horse District Council / Hanney Road – Principle supported but would prefer to see road narrowing.
Steventon Hill – Principle supported but concerned buildouts will throw speeding traffic into conflict. / The road is narrowed by the chicane and provides priority working for vehicles leaving the village.
A full safety audit has to be undertaken and this issue will be considered then.
11. / Didcot resident / Traffic calming will create new hazards for the cyclist. Cycle bypasses are needed. / The scheme detail will include cycle bypasses subject to creating a safe environment for all road users.
12. / CTC / Deflection at buildouts will endanger cyclists
Bypasses are recommended at narrowings by DfT.
Bypass needs to be designed safely. Minimum width 1.2m with clear access. / The scheme detail will include cycle by passes subject to creating a safe environment for all road users.
This is not a narrowing/pinch point. The design chicanes the road. Width being retained is 7m.
Request noted, however the review of the detail design will establish the available space for the locality.
13. / Abingdon resident / Barriers on the hill need to be modified to be compatible with cyclists, need a bypass through the barriers to incorporate a separation ie raised kerb. / The scheme detail will include cycle by passes subject to creating a safe environment for all road users.
